Day 13 was the Abs and Core workout for Pilates and a recovery day (meaning flexibility and foam rolling) for Lift-4. I decided to do all the workouts back-to-back since they are all very short. So, I started with Lift-4's flexibility workout, then did the foam roller workout, and then did Pilates Abs and Core. I think that actually helped me because I was able to loosen up before doing the Pilates workout. While I would still not classify myself as flexible, I had a bit more range of motion.
And, today I hit 210 lbs (95.2 kg), which I have not been in a long time. If you have read some of my older posts you know I tend to take scale weight with a bit of a grain of salt, as it can change a lot due to factors that have little or nothing to do with body fat percentage. But, since my body fat percentage is still high, I know I also have a lot of scale weight left to lose. So, hitting that milestone is a very good thing. I want to get myself back down to 190 lbs (58.5 kg) to see where my body fat and overall body composition are at that point.
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