Geometry is a subject that carries over into almost all of the higher-level math classes, including pre-calculus, trig, and calculus, as well as physics and engineering. The set covers lines, rays, and planes, angles, intersecting lines, triangles, the Pythagorean Theorem, Polygons, Quadrilaterals, area and perimeter of different shapes, volume, circles, cylinders, cones, and spheres, and then ends with a lesson on Geometric Proofs. Like Jason's other programs, he gives just enough theory to introduce the topic, but then spends the bulk of the lessons going through examples, step-by-step. It is just Jason in front of a whiteboard working on problems, and so that has to mesh with your learning style if you are going to find it helpful.
This is a set that will give you a foundation for material that you will need long after a geometry class. Even if you are in college and your school does not have a geometry class as a part of the curriculum, this set will be helpful even in algebra and especially in trig. And, if you are taking geometry, it will work well as a study aid. The lesson on proofs, in my opinion, is worth the cost of the set. Jason gives a great explanation for how to approach them and makes them a lot less difficult than they can be if you don't get a good explanation on how to do them. I definitely recommend this.