The show mostly follows the case-of-the-week procedural format that the prior two seasons have, although there are a couple of episodes in which the story arcs and the "bad guy" tie together. The covid pandemic is referenced from time to time, but it is not a main theme of the show at all. The show does play on real-life events including the protests against the police that occurred throughout the country and dug deep into the archives to have an episode that played on the investigation and capture of the Unabomber. The series continues to be well-written and acted. There is a lot of violence but nothing too gory, and there is really no sexual content beyond some kissing. The show still does not delve a ton into the characters' personal lives, but it still does a good job with character development and making viewers get invested, either positively or negatively, in the characters.
If you want the DVD set you will have to pay for an import as the DVDs are not released in Region 1 (the US and Canada), which means that you also need either a region 2 or region-free DVD or Blu-Ray player to watch them on. The DVDs are basically a MOD set that has a few different language options (German, English, and French) and does have captions, but there are no extras like behind-the-scenes features, deleted scenes, or anything like that. So, if you only get DVDs when there are a lot of extras, you may just want to stream this one because you will not get anything more by purchasing the DVD set.