Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the 2015 entries into the MCU. It brings back cast members Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, and Chris Hemsworth as Iron Man, Captain America, Bruce Banner/Hulk, Black Widow, Hawke, and Thor, respectively. The additions to the cast in this movie are Aaron Taylor Johson and Elizabeth Olson, playing Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and James Spader voicing Ultron. Paul Bettany is used in live-action as Vision as well as continuing to voice Jarvis, Tony Stark's AI assistant.
This movie continues the storylines that played out in the first Avengers Movie and Captain America Winter Soldier. It starts out with them mopping up the Hydra forces and trying to find Loki's scepter. In the process, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner start messing around with Artificial Intelligence in the hope of creating a force that can replace the team of Avengers, and end up creating Ultron, who is played brilliantly by James Spader. As noted above, the other main additions to the cast are Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, played by Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olson. They were in the teaser scene at the end of The Winter Soldier's credits, and while most probably already know the role they play in the movie, I will not spoil it for those who have not yet seen the film. But they both do a very good job playing what are ultimately conflicted characters.
As most know, everything in the Marvel Universe (aside from the X-Men and Fantastic 4 franchises and the previous Spider-Man movies) tells one long, continuous, intricate story leading up to the Avengers Infinity Wars movies. The movies tell the main story, and TV Shows like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, and Daredevil are either filling in some of the gaps or are just on the fringe of the larger story. One thing I really liked about this movie is it gave Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye a storyline and more to do. Instead of being the "other one" like he was for much of the first movie, he plays a large part in this one and has some great sarcastic one-liners. It also sets up a transition in the Avengers lineup with some characters taking a back seat by the end of the movie (seemingly anyway) and is definitely setting up the movies that are yet to come.
The Blu-Ray's A/V quality is again outstanding. The bonus material includes deleted scenes, a few behind-the-scenes features, a blooper reel, and a director's commentary track. Given what has come out about what a jackass Joss Whedon was, I did not bother listening to it, but it is there for anyone who wants to. There is also a code included for more web-based extras, should you want to look at those. There is not a ton, but it is good for what is there for those who like to go through the bonus material.
All in all, you pretty much know what you are getting with these movies. If you are into the story and do not have superhero fatigue, then you will likely enjoy this. If you are not all that into action/superhero movies then this one is not really going to do anything to change your mind. While all of the actors did a great job in their respective roles, Spader and Olson were the standouts in the movie to me, dominating most of the scenes they were in. So, if you have liked the MCU movies up to this point, this one is worth the time to watch. It advances the overall storyline very well and tells a good self-contained story.