The series ended up being canceled after its initial run of 13 episodes expired. Unlike the movies that got progressively worse as they went on, the series actually got better. It took a few episodes to get its footing, and right as it was hitting its stride and developing what was going to be a very interesting story, it was canceled. So, if you do watch it and like it, it is going to leave you feeling unsatisfied because it ends on a pretty big unresolved cliffhanger.
For those who get the DVD set, the extras include commentary tracks on the pilot episode as well as an hour-long making of documentary. I good amount of material for a series that was canceled after one season. Overall, the series was good, but not great. As I said, it was just finding its footing when it was canceled, and having an unresolved cliffhanger always sucks. The writing was good and the acting was good to very good. Jones was definitely a green actor, but I think he did a decent job in the role and definitely could handle the physical aspects. Wagner was great as Krista in what was her first "main" role in a TV series, and Jackson was great as Marcus Van Sciver. The series was very violent and did have some sexual content. And, the DVD has unedited episodes so you get a lot more of both than what was broadcast. While I cannot say that either fans of the comics or the movies will automatically like this version, I do think that it is worth watching even though the story will never be completed.