The Force Collector is a young adult novel that is ancillary to the "main" canon storyline, set sometime before The Force Awakens. It was published in 2019 and written by Kevin Shinick. It is a bit different in that sense from the other "Journey to the [insert movie title]" in that most of the others have been set between the last movie and the next one, so this would be better under the "Journey to The Force Awakens" than The Rise of Skywalker. The novel is centered around a force-sensitive teenager named Karr who can see history by touching items and runs away from home with his friend, the daughter of a First-Order officer, and his droid to find items linked to the Jedi, in hopes of finding a living Jedi to train him. It is, of course, set at a time when Luke Skywalker is in exile, and for some strange reason, the only memory of the Jedi seems to be of those who were around before the Clone Wars and much of what people do remember of the Jedi is through the lens of disinformation that the Empire used to tarnish their Jedi's collective reputation.
Even though the book is one of the young-adult novels, it is long enough (about 370 pages) and good enough that adults can find it enjoyable, too. Through his travels, the main character visits different locations from the prequels, the original trilogy, and the sequel trilogy. It contains events from the movies, sometimes shown from a different perspective from what was shown in the particular movie scene. The story flows well, and if you are a fast reader, it is pretty easy to get through in a few days or less. Chances are, if you collect all the hardcover novels as they come out, you will get this anyway. If you are one who only gets some, but not all, of the young-adult novels, I definitely think this one is worth the purchase.
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