The story is set in the world of Krynn, around a group of friends who make a pact to return to their home city of Solace in five years after deciding to split apart to travel the world on their own. When they reunite the world is on the verge of a war between gods of good and evil with humans (and other races like elves, goblins, and yes dragons) aligning themselves with each side, some, like magic-users and clerics with powers, and others who are just "regular" people caught in the middle.
While overall the story is not all that unique, it does have a great group of core characters, all of whom, whether good or bad, have a mix of flaws and strengths. And, unlike The Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, the number of main characters is kept relatively small (especially in the first book), making them easy to keep straight. That, in my opinion, makes it a much easier read than either of those series. It also uses the fantasy world to touch on real-world issues like racism, religion, politics, power, ambition, etc. This first book is really set up for the larger story which plays out over the second and third novels in the Chronicles trilogy and extends into the sequel, Legends trilogy. There is a lot of action in the book, but it is sandwiched between slower parts where details are revealed to the characters and of course the reader.
Given that the Dragonlance series of books are not anywhere near as popular as they were back in the 1980s and 1990s when if you went into any bookstore, the books would take up multiple bookcases in the sci-fi/fantasy section, chances are most reading the reviews by now are fans of the series. For those who are just checking it out and not extremely familiar with the books, I would describe it as something between The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. So, if you are a fan of either or both of those series, there is a good chance that you will like, or love, this book and at least some of the books that came after it. I first read this book in the late 1980s, and have read it multiple times since then. I think it holds up all these years later and is definitely worth the read.
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