Here you will find things about fitness and nutrition, mainly (but not exclusively) in relation to the Beachbody programs like P90x and Insanity. And, I will start adding reviews for Books, DVDs and Blu-Rays, and other products. All views and opinions on this blog are my own.
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.
I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.
I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree.
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Supplement Review: Dr. Martin's Saw Palmetto
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Banshee: Season 1
The Blu-Ray set is a four-disc set with episodes and a decent amount of extras. The show's A/V quality is very good, and it looks and sounds great in the HD format. It is probably not a must-see in HD because there is not much in the way of special effects or things of that nature, but I think the colors pop very nicely and some of the landscape shots look great in HD. For extras, there are commentary tracks on six of the ten episodes, a making-of documentary called Banshee Origins that is split into 15 segments, a featurette on the opening title sequences and all the easter eggs and clues that are in each opening credit sequence, deleted scenes, and a trailer for season two.
Overall, the show is great. It is well-written and very well-acted. Be warned, however, that there is a lot of violence, sexual content, and nudity (mostly by Milicevic and Simmons, but pro wrestling fans may also recognize C.J. Perry, who was Lana in WWE topless in a sex scene with Starr). So, it is definitely an adult show that is not family-friendly. So, if that would turn you off to a show, you are best to skip this. If, however, you are looking for a drama that is compelling and not like anything else out there, this is definitely something you should check out.
Product Review: Evelots Door Draft Stopper
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 62
Day 62 was the last strength workout of the week. I was able to hit the 10 rep max on many more exercises in the circuits this time, so those weights will all be increasing with the next workout on Tuesday. I am probably going to add light weights to the lunge and squat sequences just to bump up the intensity level a bit.
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 61
Day 61 was the third sweat 3-4 workout this week. This one went much better than Wednesday's workout since I had more energy and did not eat before working out. So, I was able to put more effort into it. I did still have to pause a couple of times during ab-ripper, but I did eventually hit 20 reps for each of the moves.
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 60
Day 60 was the second sculpt 3-4 workout this week. All of the weights I used for the various exercises are the same as I used on Tuesday. I was, however, able to hit the 10 rep max on a couple of the moves so the weight I use for those will go up on Saturday.
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 59
Day 59 was the sweat 3-4 workout again. I did not have a ton of energy during this workout (it did not help that I ate too soon before working out) so I did a lot more modified moves and took a couple of rest breaks. But, I did get through the entire workout and ab-ripper and got it done.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 58
Day 58 was the sculpt 3-4 workout from Power-90. This one is mostly the same workout as the 1-2 workout but adds a fourth circuit with different exercises (upright rows, forearm curls, max squats, max push-ups, calf raises, and supermans). As is the case in the 1-2 workout, one of the extras uses bands and the other uses weights and Tony uses weights. It is a good circuit workout that has a nice pace that flows well. It does switch things up quite a bit from the CE Push workouts, which is helpful to keep my body from adapting to the push workouts.
DVD/Movie Review: The Good Girl
The DVD includes a handful of extras. There is a director's commentary track on the movie, scene-specific commentary by Aniston, and a gag reel. Overall, the movie is very good. It has the feel of a smaller-budget independent movie, but that does not detract from its quality. Both Aniston and Gyllenhall do great work in their respective roles. Reilly is far outside the comedy realm he is known for and does a great job in his role. Of course, the movie has one of the few (if not the only) topless scenes Aniston has ever done, but it is definitely not gratuitous as the movie does not focus on sexual content. So, if you are looking for a good drama that is definitely not cookie-cutter, this is a good one to check out.
DVD/Movie Review: Just One of the Guys
For those looking to get the movie on disc, there is a Blu-Ray version out there that does have a commentary track with at least some of the cast members included. The DVD version just has the movie itself, no extras. It would be nice if there were a bit of behind-the-scenes material, but given that the movie was not anywhere near as big as some of the other 1980s teen comedies, it is not surprising that the release is pretty bare bones.
Overall, the movie is good. Probably better than it got credit for being at the time. It definitely does require some suspension of disbelief, just like movies like Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead require. The whole scheme is not something that a kid could pull off in real life. But, if you accept it for what it is and do not overanalyze it too much, the movie is enjoyable. The acting is very good, with Billy Jacoby, who plays Terri's little brother, Buddy stealing nearly every scene he is in, and Fenn doing sultry about as well as she did in Twin Peaks. While I would not call it a must-see, if you are into 80s comedies, especially the coming-of-age movies like Fast Times, this is a good one to check out.
DVD/Movie Review: The Outlaw
Book Review: Fall and Rise The Story of 9/11
The second portion of the book details what happened inside each of the buildings after the planes hit, including stories of people heroically helping each other inside the Pentagon, which is often given short shrift when compared to those of people in the Twin Towers. Again, the author tells the stories of people who made it out and those of people who did not, piecing together as much information as he could about where various people were and the actions they took.
The third section of the book is about the aftermath, basically how people tried to put their lives back together after everything was over. This section discussed how people healed, or did not, moved on with their lives, or did not, and the overall impact the events of that day had on them.
The book is long, about 460 pages of the main text, but it is very hard to put down and can be read pretty quickly. Then there are a couple of appendices, one that lists the names of all the people known to have died in the attacks as well as the location of their names on the reflecting pools at the memorial, and one that lists a timeline of the major events of the day. Then, there are about 50 pages of endnotes listing the various sources of information and adding additional detail. The book gives a lot of information, including some that I have not heard before, even after watching many of the documentaries and reading many of the books about 9/11. It really focuses on the human story and the toll that it took on the people who lived through that day and the family members of those who did not. It is very well-written and evokes a lot of emotion. It is definitely worth reading.
Product Review: WalterDrake Clear Magazine Storage Bags
DVD/TV Series Review: Nashville: Season 2
The second season of Nashville picks up after the car crash that ended season one, revealing that both Rayna and Deacon survived, but Rayna has to be put into a medically induced coma. Deacon does not remember the crash, admits to driving, and is taken to jail. Obviously, neither of these things remain permanent, but the effects last throughout the season. The show basically then goes into the prime-time soap opera mode with the relationships of the various characters, platonic and otherwise, being front and center. One of the best storylines of the season involves Will (Chris Carmack) partially coming out, yet still trying to hide and maintain his public persona.
For those who get the DVD set, the extras are pretty light. The most substantial one is a feature on the music, where the stars of the show perform for a live crowd and the performers and songwriters discuss the songs. Then there are deleted scenes and a blooper reel. So, while there are no commentary tracks and a ton of making-of featurettes, what was included is good.
Overall, I'd say if you like season one, you will like season two. It is, most definitely, a soap opera that also happens to include musical numbers. Like any soap, daytime, or primetime, the relationship arcs can get a bit silly, but for the most part, I do think the storylines are well-written and not too over the top. The acting is great, with the entire cast giving great performances, and the music, even for people who are not otherwise fans of country music, is very good. I think the show does a good job of being authentic with the music but also choosing numbers that will appeal to more than just the hard-core country music fan base.
Product Review: MCR Safety 2235R Economy Polyvinyl Chloride Strap Indirect Ventilation General Purpose Goggle with Clear Frame and Clear Anti-Fog Lens
4k-UHD/Movie Review: Iron Man 3
For those who get the 4k UHD Blu-Ray, there are two discs. The UHD disc just has the movie itself, and the regular Blu-Ray has all the extras. The extras include a commentary track on the movie by the director Shane Black and the writer Drew Pearce, a 15-minute Agent Carter one-shot (basically a short movie) that shows how Peggy Carter (Hailey Atwell) becomes the director of SHIELD, 16-minutes of deleted scenes, a short gag reel, and a couple of making-of featurettes. So, not a ton, but what was included is good.
Overall, the movie is good, but not as good as some of the other MCU movies. It does further develop the characters of Tony, Pepper, and Rhody, and shows how Tony really completes the transition from selfish jackass to hero. Robert Downey Jr. is again great in his role and Ben Kingsly steals pretty much every scene he is in. Ty Simpkins also does a very good job despite being a relatively young child actor at the time. He had great chemistry with Robert Downey Jr., and the two played off each other very well. The movie is not without its flaws, but honestly, I think those are pretty minimal. There is an end-credits scene (no mid-credits scene) with Tony and Bruce Banner. It is pretty much a humorous scene, and unlike the vast majority of the MCU mid and end credits scenes, does not set up the next movie(s). I generally do think the movie is better upon a second viewing and is definitely worth watching.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 57
Day 57 was the return to the Power-90 workouts, specifically the sweat 3-4 workout and ab-ripper 200. The 3-4 sweat workout has the exact same moves as the 1-2 workout, but they are done faster, and, aside from the kicks, instead of doing two rounds of each three-move circuit, you do three. The kicking sequence is, for some reason, kept to just two rounds. Then in ab-ripper, you do the same moves, just adding 10 reps to each move.
The workout went okay. I did get slightly winded during the cardio portion and had to pause a couple of times during ab-ripper. And, my abs were definitely sore the next day.
Product Review: LG BP250 DGBRLLK Blu-Ray and DVD Disc Player with Full HD Up-scaling and external HDD playback, Black (UK Plug)
This, like the counterpart sold in the US, is a very bare-bones player. It is not Wi-Fi enabled so it does not have any streaming apps which the more expensive, higher-end players have. But it plays all my Region 2 discs just fine, and so far I have had no issues with the firmware being out of date. There is no display on the player itself, but the remote makes it easy to see information like time elapsed and time remaining. For anyone in my situation, in the United States looking for a Region 2 player, this will work fine in the US, you just need an inexpensive plug adapter that can convert a UK plug to a US plug. Once you have that, it powers fine from the 110v outlets. For those in the UK or other Region 2 countries looking for an inexpensive blu-ray player, this is a great option as long as you don't need or want a higher-end player such as a 4K Blu-Ray player, or a player that can connect wirelessly to the internet. If you are in the US you will likely have to pay extra shipping costs to have it imported, but if you have Region 2 discs that cannot play in a region-free player (I have come across a couple), then this is a great option.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Book Review: Billy Summers
Unlike some of his other novels, this one does not have any supernatural elements in it, save one possible sighting of the Overlook Hotel, the haunted hotel from "The Shining" and "Doctor Sleep" (which by this point had burned down) when Billy is in Colorado. I would say that the story is more like the 11/22/63 novel (without the time travel, of course) than it is to books like The Shining, The Stand, etc. The story is set in 2019 and 2020, and yes, King does mention the former guy (and, if you follow King on social media, you know he is clearly not a fan). However, unlike what the bitchy, whiny little MAGAts on Amazon would have you believe, King does not trash him on every other page. In reality, King only mentions his name a handful of times. When he does so, it is mainly in reference to characters in the book being supporters of the former guy or characters whom Billy guesses (because of how they look and act) would be one of his supporters (usually because they are stupid and/or racist). But, if that is enough to trigger you (and probably says a lot about you), then you definitely want to steer clear of this.
I am not a hardcore devotee of King. I have read a few of his novels, some of which I really like (e.g., 11/22/63) and some I am lukewarm about (e.g., It). This is definitely in the category of one that I like. It has very good pacing and is a fairly easy read. It is just over 500 pages long but if you are a fairly quick reader, depending on how much time you can devote to reading) you can get through it fairly quickly. I was able to get through it in less than a week reading between a half hour and an hour before bed each night. While the action in the book is pretty spread out, King does a great job of character development and setting up the action scenes so that the story does not lag too much or get too boring. I definitely recommend it.
Blu-Ray/Movie Review: 300: Rise of an Empire
The Blu-Ray's A/V quality is outstanding. The movie has many CGI effects that really stand out in HD. The Blu-Ray also includes quite a few extras. Those include about 35 minutes worth of making-of material (broken up into four featurettes), a 20-minute documentary on the real historical figures, and a short featurette on the training regimen that the actors went through to prepare for filming the movie.
As the first movie was, this one is very violent, with a lot of over-the-top dismemberment and killing. It uses a lot of slow-motion action, which gets irritating sometimes. There is also quite a bit of sex and nudity, mostly involving Green, who is never shy about nudity (or does not seem to be anyway). Of course, it is not a documentary, so it does take liberty with and embellishes real-life events. So, the movie is not going to give you a true history lesson, nor does it try to. It is just meant to be a blockbuster action movie that is loosely based on something that happened in history. The writing is okay, but the overall story is not as good as it was in the original movie, and the acting is good. Green is really the standout as Artemisia playing her as a ruthless and cunning warrior who counts on men to underestimate her. While I cannot say that everyone, even people who really liked the first movie, will love this, if you are a fan of action movies and do not try to overanalyze it, it is enjoyable.
Product Review: iRobot Roomba i7+ (7550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal
1. It has good suction power and will pick up most dirt on the floor, including edges.
2. The mapping feature is very good.
3. The app makes scheduling cleaning on a regular basis very easy.
4. It has voice assistant integration so you can use an Amazon echo (or similar) device to tell it to start cleaning.
5. The app makes it very easy to figure out how to perform maintenance like removing the brushes and so forth.
As for cons:
1. The issue with the base/dock and the robot is a big pain (if you experience it).
2. The bags are costly and, as I said, should not even be necessary. There are other self-empty robots that empties into a bin that you can just open and dump the dust into the trash.
3. The dust cup does not always empty properly which requires you to remove it and empty it by hand, which kind of defeats the purpose of the self-empty function.
5. It often gets stuck in the same place and does not learn where it gets stuck on the next run.
Overall, if you do not experience the issue with the base and the robot not communicating properly, then I would give this a solid 4 stars (as there still are enough cons to keep me from giving it a five-star rating). I rate this 2.5 stars because I can work around the issue with the base, but it does make using it harder than it should be, which definitely knocks it down from my otherwise four-star rating. For a unit that is as costly as it is, it should not have nearly as many issues as it does.
DVD/TV Series Review: The Client List: Season 2
The 15-episode second season of The Client List aired during the spring and summer of 2016. It picks up with the police arriving in the middle of Riley and Kyle's argument. Riley, thinking the corrupt officer from season one is coming for her thinks she is going to get arrested, only for Kyle to be the one taken away. As the season plays out, we get the obligatory love triangle between Riley, Evan, and Kyle. Riley takes on more responsibility at The Rub, basically running the business as the manager and quasi-owner while trying to avoid the police and competition from the owner of the local strip club. The actual Client List, with the names of all the clients of The Rub, becomes a MacGuffin throughout the season as all sorts of shady characters are trying to track it down.
The DVD set is a four-disc MOD release with the episodes and no extras. You definitely want to check your discs, as in my first set, disc two, even though it was labeled correctly, had the episodes from disc one.
Overall, the series is good, but not great. It does not have any nudity but does show off Jennifer Love Hewitt's cleavage at every opportunity, and it, of course, has a lot of sexual content. So, it is not family-friendly in the least. It is definitely a cable soap opera and some of the plot lines are eye-roll-inducing. But, it pretty much stays in its lane and does not take itself too seriously. It does end on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved given that the show was canceled after the second season after Jennifer Love Hewitt's pregnancy and a reported dispute over who the father of a fictional child would be in the show. That said, it is not a major cliffhanger, so it is not really a disappointing end to the series, even though it was not intended to be the end. It is a guilty pleasure show, and if you liked season one, you will probably like season two.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Study Aid Review: The Linear Algebra Tutor - Volume 1
To be clear, this set (and even combined with volume 2) does not cover 100% of what you will see in class. They do cover the big topics, but they are meant to be a study aid, not a replacement for going to class. This is best for people who are visual learners who learn best by watching examples. Obviously, you cannot interact via DVD, just rewatch and hope the concepts sink in. But, it is much less expensive than using a live tutor. So, there is a bit of a tradeoff. If used correctly, these will absolutely help you learn the material, and if you are taking a class, will help you boost your grade.
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Breaking Bad: The Complete Series
There are many different Blu-Ray complete series Blu-Ray sets, and the set has been repackaged over the years, including one that includes the TV movie, El Camino. All of the sets include the same bonus features for the main series. The set that I have is the 16-disc complete series set that has shelf-friendly packaging (released in 2014). Where the set really shines is with the extras. There are hours of extras for each season, including behind-the-scenes featurettes, commentary tracks on select episodes, episodes of "Inside Breaking Bad" the post-show wrap-up that aired after many of the episodes, music videos, gag reels, photo albums, deleted and extended scenes, character profiles, a hilarious alternate ending to the series, and more. So, if you love the show and you love watching the bonus material, there is a ton here for you.
The series is widely regarded as one of the best shows of its era. It was wonderfully written and very well acted by everyone in the main cast and the guest cast. Cranston did a great job of transitioning Walter from a wimp to a monster over the course of the series. Aaron Paul did a wonderful job playing Jesse as a guy who got in too deep with Walter and portraying Jesse's love-hate feelings toward Walter, whom he saw as a father figure, yet knew he only cared about himself and money. The series really boils down to the power of greed and how it corrupts. Even though it has been off the air for nearly a decade, the show holds up very well and is definitely worth the investment. It had a lot fewer shows than many shows that aired for five seasons (just 62 total episodes), but it told a great story, and if you are a fan of crime dramas, it is a must-watch.
Product Review: Fasmov Set of 4 DVD Storage Bags
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 56
Day 56 was the recharge workout. I would say that my flexibility level is the same as it has been for the past couple of weeks. No additional progress. That may change now that I am going back to the power-90 workouts and will get a bit more yoga on the cardio days.
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 55
Day 55 was the last Burn it Off workout for this round. It went fine, again pretty much as the past few times I have done the workout. I actually swapped out a couple of the exercises in the workout with moves from Insanity to get a little better cardio effect, which I think makes the workout a bit better.
Workout Update: Power-90/Chalean Extreme Hybrid: Day 54
Day 54 was the final Push Circuit 3 workout for this round. In this workout, I was able to hit the eight rep max for five of the nine exercises. During the four weeks of the Push phase, I was able to increase the amount of weight on just one of the exercises, but if I had one additional week I would finally be bumping up the weight on some. But, I was using between 22.5 pounds and 45 pounds during this workout, so I was lifting pretty heavy (for me anyway) from the get go.
DVD/Movie Review: The Guitar
The premise of the movie is good, but the execution is a bit off. Of course, you have to suspend your disbelief to think that a person who is diagnosed with terminal cancer is going to be able to rent out a high-end loft and is likely to get a bunch of credit cards (the latter probably being easier than the former). Plus, she does not appear sick until the end of the movie. Having known someone with throat cancer, that is not remotely close to real life. But, you have to accept that you are watching a movie and not a documentary. Certainly, the idea that someone in that position would say (or think) "screw it; I am going to do what I want with the time I have left" is not far-fetched, the issues with the movie are that the pacing can be slow and the dialog can be really dumb at times.
For those who get the DVD, it just has the movie itself. No extras. The DVD is now out of print, so it is expensive to get new. I am not sure if it is on any of the major streaming services, but you can probably find it if you look hard enough. It definitely has the feel of a small-budget independent movie, so if you do not like those generally, this is probably not going to be your proverbial cup of tea. It does have some sexual content and nudity in it, but that does not dominate the plot. I would not classify it as a must-see, but I do not think it is as bad as some make it out to be.
Blu-Ray/Movie Review: American Hustle
The Blu-Ray's A/V quality is good, but the extras are pretty sparse. Those include about 25 minutes of deleted scenes and a 16-minute making-of featurette. There are also some previews for other Sony movies. What was included was okay, but it definitely did not get a ton of extras, especially for a movie with as much Oscar buzz as it did. Overall, I would say that the movie is good, but not as good as some make it out to be. It does have a great cast and Cooper, Adams, Bale, and Lawrence all nail their roles. Bale, who can get into about any shape that is needed for a role, is nearly unrecognizable as an overweight and balding slimeball. Adams does probably her best work (at least that I have seen) in this movie, and both she and Lawrence are extremely funny. Cooper is great as a crazy FBI agent. Where the movie loses me a bit is the pacing and the plot lines that kind of jump around. It is definitely a movie that you have to pay attention to constantly to follow what is going on.
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Masters of Sex: Season 1
The Blu-Ray set is a four-disc set with the 12 episodes spread over the four discs. The A/V quality of the blu-ray is very good, and the set has a decent amount of bonus content. The extras include a commentary track on the pilot episode with Sheen, Caplan, Fitzgerald, Sears, series creator Michelle Ashford, and executive producer Sarah Timberman, about thirteen minutes of deleted scenes, and a series of making-of featurettes that total over twenty-five minutes between them all that include interviews with the cast and showrunners.
Overall, the show is very well-written and acted. The show not only tackles the subject of sex and the stigma that it had not only in the 1950s but really exists to this day, but it also touches on the topics of racism, homosexuality, misogyny, and more. There is a lot of nudity, sexual content, and swearing, but chances are people who would not want to see that kind of stuff are not likely to be considering purchasing this anyway. But, needless to say, it is not something that is a family-friendly show. While it does fall into the category of a docu-drama, the show does embellish some things about the actual events, so if you are looking for something that is more documentary than drama, this is not it. But if you are looking for a good, well-acted adult drama, this is definitely worth checking out.
Just as a note, the series had a total of four seasons. The first two were released on Blu-Ray individually in the US, the third and fourth were not. The entire series was released as a Blu-Ray box set that has the same extras and bonus material as the first and second season individual releases. So, if you get this and then want the entire series, you would have to double dip.
Product Review: GLAD ForceFlexPlus XL X-Large Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - 20 Gallon Grey Trash Bag
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Blu-Ray/Movie Review: Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
The Blu-ray's A/V quality is very good and includes many extras. The extras include a commentary track on the R-rated version of the movie, about an hour of behind-the-scenes and making-of featurettes, a portion of the table read of the movie, a two-part gag reel, deleted scenes, and over an hour and a half of extended and alternate scenes. So, you get a lot of bonus features if you like watching them. Overall, the movie is good but not as good as the first. It does have some funny moments for sure, and Christina Applegate is great in it, but I do not think it is as consistently funny as the first movie was. The main and supporting cast members were all great in their respective roles and the movie includes a bunch of character actors that you see in many of the SNL comedies and Apatow's movies. There are also a bunch of cameos from A-listers, including Will Smith, Liam Neeson, Amy Poehler, Kirsten Dunst, Tina Fey, Jim Carrey, and more. The movie was definitely commercialized and did copy some from the first movie, but in general, I would say if you liked the original, you will probably like this one too.
Product Review: Ziploc Gallon Food Storage Bags
Product Review: JFJ Easy Pro Video Game, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray Repair Machine
Video Game Review: Batman: Arkham Origins
Study Aid Review: The Laplace Transform Tutor
In this set, Jason introduces the concept of Laplace Transforms, how to derive the basic transforms, then provides a table of transforms (which is generally what you will be allowed to use in class if you need the more advanced transforms). Then he solves a bunch of problems using the Laplace Transforms, including solving several differential equations. As he does in his other math and science sets, Jason goes through everything step-by-step. He does assume that you have the math skills needed to be at this point (so having taken algebra, pre-calc, and calculus I and II). He does not do a recap of the math, but since he rarely skips steps in solving problems (and never does in the first couple of examples he shows on a topic) you do get a bit of a refresher anyway.
Laplace Transforms is a topic that will come up at least a few times depending on what branch of science or engineering you go into. I was an electrical engineering major and I definitely had to use it extensively in one of my higher-level classes and a bit lighter in a couple of other classes. Unfortunately, I did not have a good grasp on the topic after my Calc 4 class (which is where I was introduced to the topic), so I got this to really figure it out. So, if you are a visual learner who learns best by watching sample problems being worked out, this is a great study aid.
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Lost: Season 6
The 18-episode sixth and final season of Lost aired during the winter and spring of 2010. The first episode of the season starts back on the (seemingly) doomed flight that started the entire series. But, we find out that as a result of the hydrogen bomb that was detonated at the end of the fifth season, there are now two realities, one in which the plane never crashed and one in which it did. So, after doing flashbacks and flashforwards, this season does a "flash sideways" going between the alternate realities and seeing how the characters come out in each one. The season pays off the reveal of the smoke monster and basically reveals all about the supernatural aspect of the island. The end of the series works out to be a bit of a thought experiment (or at least a good discussion point) when it reveals what we are seeing in the flash sideways, and the last shot of the series is a nice bookend to the opening shot in the first season.
The Blu-Ray set is a five-disc set. The A/V quality is again stellar, with the show looking and sounding as good as pretty much any movie. For extras, there are commentary tracks on four episodes, a 40-minute making-of documentary for the final season, an 8-minute recap of the series up to season six, and a few short (under 10 minutes in length) behind-the-scenes featurettes. There is also a series epilogue which ties up a couple of things that the series finale did not. So, all in all, a good amount of bonus material if you like watching the extras.
Overall, the final season was very good. The show ran hot and cold for a lot of people, with many fans disappointed (or downright mad) at how slowly everything played out. I do think being able to binge-watch the series (whether on disc or via streaming) does help with that and makes things easier to follow and, as a result, the series makes more sense. While the ending surely did not and will not appeal to everyone, I do think it was well done, even if not every character got a happily ever after ending. It goes without saying that you definitely cannot jump right into the final season and hope to understand what is going on. The show definitely has a serial storyline that has to be watched from beginning to end. It is, in my opinion, one of the best sci-fi/supernatural thrillers to be on TV in recent memory, and is definitely worth the time to watch.