
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Product Review: Glisten Garbage Disposer Cleaner


This is a good garbage disposal cleaner with a nice lemon scent that is not overpowering. To use it, you run hot water on full blast in the sink for a minute, then turn the water down to a trickle. You put the entire packet in the disposer and turn it on, and run the disposer until you cannot see foam (until you hear a whooshing sound), and then rinse any foam from the sink. The whole process takes about three minutes. There are three packets in the package. It would be nice to get a couple more per package in case you need to clean the disposer a couple of times during the month. Chances are, however, that most people will only need to use one per month.

Product Review: Vertical Laptop Holder - Asher Fashion Vertical Laptop Stand with Adjustable Dock Size


This is a laptop stand that can hold a laptop and a tablet vertically, to help free up desk space. It can also hold a cell phone in landscape mode. It is very small and comes in pieces that have to be assembled. The three pieces that form the slots screw into the base using very small screws with heads that you need to use a small Allen Wrench (which is included) to get into place. It is definitely a bit of a pain to assemble, but once it is put together, it is sturdy and does what it is supposed to. I do think it could have been designed a bit better such as to have the top pieces already mounted on the base, and the two end pieces movable to size the gaps without having to put in or take out screws. But, for a relatively inexpensive stand, it does the job.

Book Review: Star Wars: Quest for the Hidden City


Quest for the Hidden City is a junior novel set during the early High Republic (which is the second phase of the High Republic era novels) set between the "main"/adult novels Convergence and The Battle of Jedha. The main character of this book is Silandra Sho, who along with her Padawan, Rooper, responds to a distress signal from Jedi Master Rok Buran, whose pathfinder team was attacked on a strange remote planet called Aubadas.

The book is just under 300 pages, and like the other junior novels, is written well enough for adults to enjoy. This is most definitely a side story that is not really tied into the larger main story of the early High Republic novels. It reads fairly quickly and is something that most adults will likely be able to read in a day or two. I would not call it one of the must-read books, but it is enjoyable if you decide to read it.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 11

Day 11 of Job 1 was the 20-minute sweat session. It was set up like the week one workout. Four blocks, each with three moves that you do back-to-back, without resting twice, then rest for a minute and move on to the next block. So basically, you go for three minutes, get a one-minute rest, then go for three minutes, and repeat.  Like this HIIT workout, this one is more intense, with harder moves than the week 1 version, so you keep increasing intensity.

For the XB workout, I did Restore again. My balance was still a bit off in the part where you do what is essentially a lunge with your foot on the chair. But, since you are moving your hips and not your legs, it is actually harder for me to keep my balance than it is if I am doing an actual lunge.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 10

Day 10 was another circuit workout in Job 1, this time working shoulders, arms, and legs. Again there are three blocks, and each block works one of the areas of focus. The first block works shoulders, the second triceps and biceps, and the third legs.  All of the exercises use resistance loops, and then the leg exercises also use weights along with the loops. It is another very fast-paced workout, with very little rest between the moves and the blocks. So, you are again getting a mild cardio effect too.

For the XB workout, I did the Restore routine again. My balance was still a bit shaky on the parts that require having one leg on a chair, but I was able to get a bit deeper into the stretches, so I did make some progress.

Book Review: The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West


The Plot to Destroy Democracy is a book written by former US Intelligence Officer, Malcolm Nance. The substantive portion of the book (if you have it in paperback) is about 300 pages, and the rest consists of endnotes and an index. 

The focus of the book is on Russia's efforts to undermine Western Democracy, even going back to when the Soviet Union was formed under Lenin, and continuing to the present day. Nance interspersed events that occurred leading up to and including the 2016 election cycle, arguing that Putin's cronies in Russia basically groomed the orange genital wart for a run for President, offering to do everything they could to help him win, which he knew about and absolutely accepted. The focus of the book was not so much what t***p and his dipshits were doing, but what the hackers in Russia were doing, not only interfering in the US elections but the shit they were doing to interfere in elections (and the political processes) in other countries as well. Specifically, while the various hacking groups were definitely trying to help t***p get elected, their main interest was sowing discord and distrust in the US political system among the American population.

The book is in part a history lesson and in part a warning. Nance was definitely one of those that seemed to think that Robert Mueller was going to swoop in and take t***p down (the book was written while the investigation was still ongoing), which, of course, is absolutely not what happened. But, Nance does a good job laying out what Russia was up to and what they would likely try as they got even bolder in subsequent elections. It is definitely worth reading.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 9

 Day 9 was another Hit It workout in Job 1, and the restore routine in XB stretch.

Since Job 1 is a "real-time" workout, you never repeat workouts. So, while this HIIT routine follows the same format as last week, 4 blocks, and three moves, the three moves are all different, and more challenging than those in week 1. The first three blocks have one move each, which you do for 30 seconds, four times then rest, but each time the rest period gets shorter. After you do the three blocks, the fourth block has you do each move for 15 seconds, repeating four times with no rest. The first move is power jacks in which you punch your arms up as you jack your feet in and out, the second move is jump squats, and the third move is mountain climbers. So, it is definitely tough.

The restore stretching routine is a bit easier the second time through. I will be doing that routine for the rest of this week, and I am hoping my balance gets a little bit better on the part where my foot is on the chair by the end of the week. 

Supplement Review: 1 Body Thyroid Support Supplement


This is a supplement that has minerals that help support a healthy Thyroid (such as copper and iodine) as well as helping to maintain a healthy immune system (such as zinc). It also contains a lot of Vitamin B12 and things like Ashwagandha powder. It is not a magic pill that will make you lose a ton of weight overnight or keep you from ever getting a cold. It is a supplement that is meant to be incorporated into an overall healthy lifestyle. Personally, I feel like I have been sleeping a little better since using this (most nights anyway). I think it has especially helped me with staying asleep once I get to sleep and reduced the amount of tossing and turning I do in my sleep. 

Each bottle has 60 capsules (a 30-day supply) and directs you to take one in the morning and one in the evening, preferably with meals. They are easy to swallow and do not have an aftertaste (at least not one that I have ever noticed). 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 8

Day 8 was the start of week 2 of Job 1. This was another circuit workout, this time focusing on chest, core, and legs. Again, each body part got its own block, with each block being repeated twice before moving on to the next one. As is the case with the other circuit workouts, this one is very fast-paced, and there was very little rest between the blocks and none between the individual exercises in the block. So, you get a good cardio workout as well as a nice burn in the muscles being worked.  

The XB workout was the mid-day move routine, which was another one of the 15-minute workouts. This is another routine in which you are standing (or squatting) for the entire workout, and there was a large focus on the neck, shoulders, and hips (as well as some hamstring work). 

Product Review: Pro Case iPad Pro 12.9 3rd or 4th Generation-Black


This is a case for the third-generation or fourth-generation 12.9" iPad Pro. The older versions will not fit in the case. The back is made from a lightweight plastic that is basically a shell that the iPad snaps into. The front is formed from a sturdier material that can fold to form a kickstand. So, it is not a magnetic cover that the iPad can basically just "sit" in. Personally, I think it would be better if the back was made of the same material as the front because I can see the back cracking or breaking if you were to accidentally drop it. The tradeoff, however, is that the case is a bit lighter than it would otherwise be if the back was made of the same material as the front. So, overall, I would say it is a decent case (if you do not need or want a case that includes a keyboard), but it is not as sturdy as it could be. 

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 7

Day 7 was another rest day in Job 1, so I did the XB Unwind workout. This is a workout that you do entirely standing. It really works on neck, shoulders, and back, basically, the areas in which we hold a lot of tension, and can get out of alignment if you sit a lot for your job. There are a couple of balance moves in the workout, but this time you do not hold onto a chair when you do them.  

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 6

For Day 6 I just did the Realign workout in XB stretch, which is a workout that focuses on the lower back, hips, and hamstrings. You will need a towel or a yoga strap to do some of the hamstring stretches and you can use a yoga mat, but that is optional.

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 5

Day 5 was another circuit workout in Job 1, with the body parts being worked being arms, shoulders, and legs. In this workout, you do three blocks again, but in each block, you work each body part with one of the moves. So you will do an arm move, a shoulder move, and a leg move. You repeat the block twice and then move on to the next block in which you do a different arm move, a different shoulder move, and a different leg move. 

XB stretch was the Signature Stretch workout, which is another 15-minute morning workout. This workout does again have some balance work, so you will need a chair or a stool. But otherwise, there is no other equipment required.

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 4

Day 4 of Job 1 was the second cardio workout of the week. This one again has four blocks and you do three moves in each block, so you do 12 total moves.  You do the four moves in each block, then you get a rest, then you repeat the block, rest again, then move onto the next block. This is the workout that you can swap out with a cycling workout if you have a bike. It is definitely not as hard as the HIIT workout was, but it is still challenging. 

In XB, I did the Mobility workout, which was another one of the morning workouts. I decided that I will do all the morning workouts for the week and then in week 2 I will do Restore each night, then switch back. 

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 3

On day 3 of Job 1 you do another circuit workout, this time doing a Chest, Legs, and Core circuit. In this workout, you will use weights for the chest workout, and resistance loops (not bands) for the legs and core workout.  It is another challenging workout, and despite being only 20 minutes long, you will most definitely feel it. And, because the breaks are so short, you are also getting a cardio workout.

For XB stretch, I did the Refresh workout. It is kind of like a yoga workout and kind of like the X-stretch workout in the original P90-X workout. You do not do any Yoga flows, but you do go into downward dog a couple of times.

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 2

Day 2 of Job 1 was a HIIT cardio workout. Like the circuit workout, you do a block, get a rest and then move on. The difference is that each block has just one move. For XB stretch I did Restore, which is the evening workout (and would be the second workout if I was following the program to a t). Restore is good, but it is a bit hard to follow along since there is a move in which you will put your leg on a chair and then partially turn around so you will not be able to see the TV or computer, or whatever you are playing the workout on.  

Workout Update: Job 1-XB Stretch Day 1


For this round of workouts, I decided on Job 1 and XB stretch. Job 1 is a five-day workout led by trainer Jennifer Jacobs that includes two circuit workouts and two cardio workouts. One of the cardio workouts is a HIIT workout, and the other is a lower-intensity cardio workout, that you can swap out for a cycling workout if you have a stationary bike. XB stretch is a series of flexibility workouts led by Andrea Rodgers (who looks like Jennifer Garner's sister) that range in length from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. The program is centered around doing two 15-minute workouts per day, but since I am doing Job 1 in the morning, I am just doing one of the stretching workouts in the evening.

Day 1 in Job 1 was a Back, Glutes, and Core circuit workout. Basically, you do three blocks of three exercises, with each block focusing on a single body part. You need three different sets of weights, light, medium, and heavy, and you do each move in the blocks for 30 seconds. So, I would not pick a weight that you would lift to failure because you will be doing about 15 to 20 reps of each exercise. In XB stretch, I did the Energize workout, which is one of the 15-minute workouts, and is meant to be a morning workout to get your body moving and loosened up for the day. 

Each of the workouts seems to be "pandemic era" programs as in Job 1, it is just Jennifer in her gorgeous living room (which incidentally has a staircase that cannot possibly be up to any kind of city or county code) and one of the nicest bookshelf/fireplace combinations I have ever seen. Similarly, Andrea does the stretching workouts in her living room, with a much different backdrop, basically showing the buildings in the city she lives in (I'm guessing either NY or Los Angeles, but I cannot tell). There is no cast in either workout, and while both of them tell you how to modify moves if you need to, you do not have a modifier to follow all the way along with. 1 issue that I have with Job 1 is that there are no workout sheets telling you what moves you will be doing in the circuit workouts or keep track of the weights you are using. And since, the breaks are very short (about 15 seconds between the blocks, and no rest between the individual moves in the blocks), you kind of have to guess at what weight you are going to need. But, overall, I liked day 1 of each program.

Replacement Parts for iRobot Roomba i7 i7+ i3 i3+ i4 i4+ i6 i6+ i8 i8+ j7 j7+/Plus E5 E6 E7 Vacuum Cleaner


This is a kit that has replacement parts for the Roomba j and i series of vacuums. The kit has six edge brushes, plus a mini screwdriver to get the old brushes off and screws to put the new ones in, four replacement filters, four replacement bags, and replacements for the main rollers. Basically, you get, depending on how often you run the vacuum, a good couple of year's worth of replacement parts, at a much lower price than you would get buying the iRobot versions of the same things. 

Personally, if your unit is still under warranty I would still use their parts so they cannot void the warranty on you if something goes wrong with the vacuum, but once it is out of warranty, I would definitely not spend (at least) twice as much for the same replacement parts. The parts fit exactly as they should and are as easy (or as hard) to install as the original parts that come with the vacuum.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Book Review: Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization


Starry Messenger is a book from 2022 written by Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. While the book does touch on science, that is not really the focus of the book. It is more of a book in which Tyson discusses topics like race, law, religion, philosophy, fame, beauty standards, technology, and death, all with a scientific bent. Basically, how the human experience has evolved over time, and how it may continue to evolve in the future. The title of the book is an English translation of the title of the treatise that Galileo Galilei wrote in 1610 in which Galileo published his astronomical observations. 

The book is essentially a short collection of Tyson's thoughts on a number of topics. Tyson admits that his politics and views on life in general lean left, but he also stressed the importance of talking with and learning about other points of view, providing his own perspective about dealing with people more conservative than he is when George W. Bush appointed him to two different commissions, one to study the future of the aerospace industry, and one about the implementation of US space exploration policy. 

The substantive portion of the book is just under 200 pages, and it reads very quickly. Most people can probably finish the book in a day or two, and if you are a fast reader, you can probably finish it in less than a day. While  I do not think the book is as good as some of Tyson's other books like Cosmic Queries and Death by Black Hole, it is worth reading, especially if you have listened to some of Tyson's interviews or listened to his podcast.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Book Review: Term Limits


Term Limits, published in 1997, was the first novel written by the late author, Vince Flynn, who would go on to write 13 more books before his death in 2013 centered around the character of Mitch Rapp. While this book is not a part of the Mitch Rapp series, it is tangential to it, as some of the characters that would appear in the Rapp novels (main and ancillary characters), such as Thomas Stansfield, Irene Kennedy, and Jack Warch) do appear in this book.

Term Limits has a similar pacing and tone as the Rapp novels, although this one is almost exclusively a political thriller. The story involves the killings of four corrupt members of Congress and a threat that more corrupt politicians will be killed unless the President and Congress enact reforms to prevent the US economy from collapsing. The book definitely leans on the theme of the crushing national debt, which at the time Flynn wrote the book was not nearly as bad as it is now, and definitely takes a conservative bent (as Flynn was a conservative). But, Flynn did not make Republicans the good guys and Democrats the bad guys. Indeed, almost every character in the book was at least morally ambiguous, and Flynn wrote it so that members of both parties were to blame for the financial condition of the country. It is a book where even the "good guys" do bad things and the disdain that Flynn seemed to have for politics in real life definitely came through.

Overall, the book is a decent thriller with a lot of action and intrigue. I do not think it is as good as the best books in the Mitch Rapp series, but the story flows well and there is a good balance of action and political intrigue. It is interesting that Flynn never went back to any of the plot points, but I think he may have wanted to repackage one of the characters in the book that would appear in several of the Rapp novels. The book is just over 400 pages but is a pretty easy read. It is a book that people who read relatively fast should be able to get through in a couple of days. I would call it an interesting read for people who have read the books in the Mitch Rapp series if nothing else to see how Flynn's writing style evolved over the course of time, but the book does not really tie into the other books (at least not the ones that Flynn wrote before he died) so it is not a must-read. I am not sure if Kyle Mills (who took over the Rapp series after Flynn passed away) ever referenced the events of this book since I have not read those yet, but nothing in the book impacts any of the novels up through The Last Man, which was the last full novel that Flynn finished. 

Product Review: Cleanze Antibacterial Hand Sanitizing Individual Hand Wipe Packets, 50 Unscented Disinfecting Hand Sanitizer


These are a bit easier on your hands than hand sanitizer (or the kind of wipes you sometimes get at restaurants when you order something particularly messy) and are a convenient way to "wash" your hands if you are not in a place with easy access to soap and water. They are also thicker and have a much better scent  (even though they are "unscented" they do have a slight smell to them, but it is not overpowering) than some other antibacterial wipes. Each package has fifty individually packed wipes that are perfect for keeping in the center console or glove compartment in your car, or to take along when you travel.

Supplement Review: N1N Premium Organic Superfood Greens Natural Fruit and Veggie Supplement


This is a supplement that contains extracts from various types of fruits and vegetables (e.g., blueberries, carrots, red bell peppers, raspberries, garlic, and the like), as well as green (e.g., kale, spinach, and various grasses). The blends are proprietary so it does not tell you how much of each you are getting, nor does it give a specific breakdown of vitamins and minerals. But, assuming their labeling is legit, you are getting some of the nutrients that would be very hard to get through just a whole-food diet, especially if you are not a big fan of eating the actual foods (minus the fiber eating the actual foods would give you).

There are 60 tablets in each bottle, with a serving size being two tablets, so the entire bottle has 30 servings. The directions are to take two tablets 1 to 3 times daily, preferably with meals. The tablets are reasonably sized and easy to swallow. And, they do not have any noticeable aftertaste. This is definitely more reasonably priced than other similar supplements and you can set it up as a subscribe and save item on Amazon to have it sent to you monthly.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 70

This is officially the last day for this round of workouts. I do not think I would do PIYO in combination with one of the more intense workouts again because it has a lot of strength-building moves (like squats, lunges, and pushups), and it is very easy to overtrain. I would probably pair it with another flexibility series and one that has a lot more variety because since both PIYO and X3 were put out before Beachbody transitioned everything to the Beach Body On Demand/BODi streaming app, they were not "real-time" workouts that basically had you doing a different workout every day, so they both get very repetitive. But, overall, I do feel that I made progress over the past couple of months doing this split.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 69

Day 69 was Eccentric Lower in X3 and Drench in PIYO. This is basically the last day for X3, although I am going to do the Dynamix workout tomorrow. Eccentric Lower went pretty well, I even bumped the weight I was using up for a couple of the moves. Drench was okay but again got a bit tedious by the end of it.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 68

 Day 68 was The Challenge in X3 and a Rest day for PIYO, although I did do the Sweat workout to make up for having skipped it a couple of weeks ago. I decided that the next workouts will be Job 1, which is a 20-minute circuit workout three days a week, and then cardio twice a week (HIIT on Tuesday and a less intense cardio on Thursday). Then, the second "workout" will be the XB flexibility series which is basically a set of stretching routines that run anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.