The show has several intertwined storylines that cross over each other at some point. It is definitely not a procedural crime drama that has a case-of-the-week that needs to be solved. You basically have to watch from the start to really know what is going on. It is also a very adult drama with a lot of violence, swearing, and nudity, much more than you even see on regular basic cable stations since it aired on the Audience Network which had a more limited reach. So, it leaves little to the imagination. For those who get the DVD set, there are a couple of extras, a behind-the-scenes featurette, and a series of webisodes. If you do get the DVDs, just be aware, the show ran for a total of four seasons. The first two seasons are readily available. The third season (which is split into two parts) are available as imports on blu ray and DVD, but they are hard to find and expensive, and the fourth season has (to my knowledge) not been released at all. So, if you get the show on physical media, it will be an incomplete collection. Otherwise, the show is very good and definitely worth the time to watch if you like gritty, more adult crime dramas.
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