American Dad is, of course, the other long-running animated show created by Seth McFarlane. It tells the story of a CIA agent and his quirky family living in Langly Falls Virginia. Like with the Family Guy DVD releases, the American Dad DVD sets are released as "volumes" so it can be confusing which season of the show corresponds to which volume(s). In this case, Volume 9 contains all of the season 8 episodes of the show. The series continues to utilize a story (or stories) of the week format. Usually, the story involves some character or Roger (the alien living with the family) and one or two of the other family members. For example, in the season premiere, Roger hires Haley to sing in his bar after hearing her sing in the shower. Although sometimes, an episode will be more Stan-centric, either involving his CIA co-workers or meddling in the lives of one of the other members of the family (such as trying to break up Steve and Snot's friendship because Snot is not cool).
The DVD release is an Amazon-exclusive MOD release. So, it just has the episodes and no extras. However, the episodes are uncensored, so the jokes are sometimes dirtier, and swear words are not bleeped out as they are in the broadcast and streaming versions. But, if you only get DVD sets when there is a lot of bonus material, then you may just want to stick with streaming the show.
Overall, the series continues to be funny even though, like Family Guy, it is getting a bit long in the tooth. As the years have gone on, the series has changed the focus being Stan's job, which in some ways has been good and in other ways (e.g., with some of the crazy apocalyptic episodes) has not been so good. By this time into the show's run, however, you pretty much know what you are getting. If you like it, you will probably enjoy this season. If you don't then this season is probably not going to make you a fan.
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