Addicted to Her Love (also titled Love is the Drug) is an indie drama from 2006 directed by Elliot Lester. It stars Lizzy Caplan, DJ Cotrona, John Patrick Amedori, Jenny Wade, and Jonathan Trent. The movie starts out telling what you think is going to be a typical good kid, falls in with the wrong crowd movie, and then takes a turn and becomes a very dark, unrequited love story. Caplan stars as Sara Weller, who is part of a close-knit quartet of drug users that includes her boyfriend Troy (Jonathon Trent) and their friends Lucas (D.J. Cotrona) and Erin (Jenny Wade) at a wealthy private school. John Patrick Amedori plays Jonah, a poor kid who gets into the school on a scholarship and tries to befriend the group of "cool" kids. Jonah becomes obsessed with Sara, and the film basically becomes about his obsession with her.
For those who get the DVD, the extras are pretty meager. There is a commentary track on the movie with the director and Amedori, a 12-minute-long making-of featurette, a photo gallery, some promos that play before the disc menu loads, and a trailer for the movie. So, it is not a ton, but it is there if you like watching the bonus content. Overall, the movie is very good. It definitely has an indie feel (much like the movies The Informers and Havoc). Amedori gives a great performance, and while I do not think Caplan gives her best performance in the movie, I think she did a good job even though her character was not always well written. It is definitely worth checking out if you are in the mood for a dark drama.
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