Resistance Reborn is a main-storyline Star Wars canon novel set between The Last Jedi and the remaining resistance members' escape from Crait and The Rise of Skywalker. The resistance is beaten down, looking to regroup and refill their ranks. The story is set on the planets Ryloth and Corellia, where the resistance members are trying to regroup and recruit, using Leia's old contacts to aid in hiding from the First Order. I will not give too much of the story away, but it blends action, political maneuvering, and a "cat and mouse" storyline.
The hardcover version of the novel is about 300 pages long, and it reads quickly. All the main resistance characters, Rey, Poe, Finn, Leia, etc., appear in the book to varying degrees. But, like many of the "fill-in" novels, the "main" characters do not really dominate the story, and more ancillary characters take a more prominent role. The author does a good job conveying that Rey is feeling lost, having incomplete Jedi training, and losing the one person who could have trained her. She also does a good job conveying split emotions among the rank-and-file resistance members who are left, with some wanting to fight on, and others seeing the fight against The First Order as a losing battle. Overall, it is a good novel that bridges part of the time gap between TLJ and TROS while also leaving a lot of room for further stories from that time period to be fleshed out. It is a moderately easy read, and the chapters are easily digestible lengths so you can read as much or as little at one time as you want. If you are one of those people who only get some, but not all, of the novels, this one is definitely worth picking up.
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