Justice League Unlimited is an animated series in the DC animated universe that aired for three seasons from 2004 to 2006. It continues the original Justice League animated series but includes many more characters, such as Supergirl, Doctor Fate, Black Canary, and the like. The main voice actors were George Newbern, Kevin Conroy, Phil LaMarr, Carl Lumby, Susan Eisenberg, Michael Rosenbaum, Clancy Brown, Micahel Ironside, and Mark Hamill. Because so many characters were used, there were several actors such as Nicholle Tom, Amy Acker, Morena Baccarin, Dana Delany, and Michael Dorn, just to name a few, who were part of the cast.
This is what ends up being the final show in the DC animated universe (in terms of the original run of television series), which started in the early 1990s with Batman: The Animated Series and continued with Superman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, and Justice League. It ran for three seasons on Cartoon Network, each of them being 13 episodes long. Justice League was always a show that the showrunners were not sure would continue, so they were always writing the seasons as if there would be no more episodes. This version of the series not only tied up storylines from prior shows, but it also expanded the number of characters where just about every DC comic hero made an appearance (however brief) over the course of the series.As is the case with the other series by the same showrunners, they pay homage to but do not always fall in lock-step with the comics. Over the course of the series, they adapted the Cadmus storyline (which was itself adapted in the live-action Supergirl series) as well as the Legion of Doom storyline. They basically pack as much as they can into the show and manage to make it a coherent flowing story.
The Blu-Ray set is a three-disc set. The A/V quality is okay, and the show looks about as good as a mid-2000s cartoon that still needs to get a comprehensive HD upgrade can. The extras include commentary tracks on a couple of episodes as well as a couple making-of features where the producers go through the various storylines and how they came up with ideas for the series. One of them was conducted as a sit-down round-table chat conducted by Mark Hamill. A good amount, but far from the level of bonus material on the newly released blu-ray set for Batman: The Animated Series. It also has the plus of being able to stop and pick back up where you leave off, even if that is in the middle of an episode, which was not available in the Season 2 of the original Justice League series. Definitely worth picking up for fans of the show.
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