Cobalt Squadron, published in 2017, is one of the young adult novels that is ancillary to the main storyline novels, set during the events of The Force Awakens, and leads into the opening of The Last Jedi when the resistance is evacuating their base. It is set around the characters of Rose and her sister Paige (who is seen at the beginning of The Last Jedi). The book details a mission that the bomber squadron engaged in to help the citizens on a planet under the heel of The First Order.
The hardcover version of the book is about 250 pages long. It is a very quick and easy read. Most people should be able to finish it in a day, at most. I think that most people who will read this book are those who collect the canon novels or really liked the character of Rose in the movie. The book tells a good story, but it is not necessarily a must-read.
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