Annihilation is a 2017 thriller directed by Alex Garland and starring Natalie Portman, Oscar Issac, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tessa Thompson, and Gina Rodriguez. It is hard to say too much about the movie without giving too much away. I will say it will probably take a couple viewings to really get what is going on, and you cannot really just have it on in the background, half paying attention to it. If you do that, you will miss too much, and it will make no sense. It basically tells the story of a group of military scientists led by Natalie Portman's character who enter a quarantined zone called "the shimmer." Portman's character is the only one to return from the quarantined zone (which has been expanding since a method landed in Florida). Much of the movie is about her being interrogated, while the story of what happened inside the shimmer is being told through flashbacks.
The movie was originally only released on DVD and Blu-Ray but has since been released in 4k-UHD. On the regular Blu-Ray, the only extras are an hour plus worth of behind-the-scenes and making-of featurettes. The featurettes are broken up into 15-20 minute segments. While the movie has some action and suspense, it falls more within the intellectual sci-fi genre. It relies heavily on visuals to tell the story and looks great in the HD format. It is definitely not a movie that will appeal to everyone. It is not a non-stop action thriller by any stretch. If, however, you enjoy the kind of sci-fi movies that are not all about non-stop action it is worth checking out.
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