Devious Maids was a dramedy that ran for four seasons from 2013 to 2016. The first season consisted of 13 episodes that aired during the summer and fall of 2013. The show starred Ana Ortiz, Dania Ramirez, Roselyn Sanchez, and Zoila Diaz, who all worked as maids for various families in Beverly Hills, as well as Rebecca Wisocky, Tom Irwin, Brianna Brown, Brett Cullen, Marina Klaveno, Grant Show, and Susan Lucci as the various rich booses of the maids.
The show has a very similar feel to Desperate Housewives, which is not unexpected given that it has the same showrunners. Like that show, the women are the main characters. There are many twists and turns, and the show revolves around a main storyline (here, the murder of a maid who was much more than she seemed) with a bunch of ancillary stories around it. The other stories keep the main plot from dominating so much that its resolution results in the end of the series.
For those who get the DVDs, each disc has deleted scenes for the episodes on that particular disc. The final disc has a short making-of feature based on filming in Atlanta and a blooper reel. So, there are not a ton of extras, but what was included is good. It should be noted that while the show ran for four seasons, only season 1 was released on DVD, so if you are one who likes to keep a complete collection of physical media, this is the only season you can get on DVD (and none of the seasons or the complete series was released on Blu-Ray).
The show is a blend of comedy and drama. It plays up and makes fun of a lot of different stereotypes from the crazy and/or corrupt and/or lazy rich society, everyone wanting hot maids (and some pretty funny jokes about having to settle for unattractive ones). The show does a good job of developing the characters and making you care about what is going on with them. Susan Lucci steals every scene she is in, basically playing an exaggerated version (almost a caricature) of the soap opera character she played for years. If you are into evening soap operas, this is definitely worth taking a look at.
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