Season 2 of Homeland consisted of 12 episodes that aired during the fall and winter of 2012. All of the main cast members return, including Claire Danes, Damien Lewis, Many Patinkin, Morena Baccarin, and David Harewood. The show also adds several recurring cast members, including Rupert Friend, Maury Sterling (both of whom would get larger roles in subsequent seasons), and Timothee Chalamet (in one of his early roles).
The A/V quality of the blu rays are very good, as you would expect. There is not a ton of bonus material. There is a very short prologue to the third season, a short film by Damien Lewis, a making of the second season feature and some deleted scenes. There are also commentary tracks on selected episodes. The blu-rays also have a true "play all" mode that allows you to stop in the middle of an episode and pick back up, and when you finish with one disc and insert the next one, it immediately starts playing the next episode in the sequence. The acting and writing of the show are both again top-notch. I do not think there was a downturn in either from season 1, even though there are some far-fetched moments. All in all, if you liked or loved season 1, this one is absolutely worth watching.
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