This book probably suffers even more than some of the other High Republic books from not having recognizable characters in it. Lourna has not been in all of the High Republic novels to this point, and even in the ones she is in, she is not always the main character. And, the books have really only established a couple of the Jedi characters well enough for the readers to really get invested in them. Yoda got name-dropped occasionally but (at the time this book was written) had never appeared in any of the novels. This is really a book about Nihil infighting and backstabbing, so I am not sure a lot of people will get all that invested in it. That said, I do think it has a good plot and basically sets up Lourna to potentially be the "big bad" of the rest of the High Republic books and/or to possibly be the one to take down the real leader of the Nihil, Manchion Ro.
The book is pretty long at 568 pages, but because it is a script, some of the text on the pages is very short, and I find these types of books to be a quicker read than a regular novel. But how quickly you get through it really depends on how fast you read and how much time you can devote to reading. It took me 7 days to read for an hour or so at a time before bed to finish it. Chances are, if you collect all the canon novels, you will automatically pick this up. But, if you are one who only reads some of the novels, I'd say if you have enjoyed the High Republic-era books so far, you will probably like this. If you have not, then this is probably not going to change your mind.