For day 37 I did corrective ankles and the two recovery routines from Lift 4.
This was an interesting day because the corrective ankles routine from 645, which I did in the morning, has some foam rolling of the calves and quads, as does the Lift 4 foam rolling routine. I thought that I would not have any knots (at least in my calves and quads) in the evening when I did the Lift 4 foam rolling. I did not really have any in my quads, but I did have knots in both calves. Thankfully, they were pretty easy to get rid of since I had done the foam rolling in the morning.
As for corrective ankles, I do think that this routine is still actively helping me. I sprained my ankles when I was younger and when we do the leans toward the walls in the routine and Amoila talks about keeping your heel on the ground, I absolutely struggle with that. So, unlike the corrective hips routine, this one absolutely still helps me.