Here you will find things about fitness and nutrition, mainly (but not exclusively) in relation to the Beachbody programs like P90x and Insanity. And, I will start adding reviews for Books, DVDs and Blu-Rays, and other products. All views and opinions on this blog are my own.
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.
I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.
I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Book Review: Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 9
Day 9 was corrective hips from the 645 corrective routines and Back and Biceps in Lift 4.
The back and biceps workout was one of the interval workouts. That means you just do resistance exercises with no HIIT component. The lifting consisted of two quad blocks of four exercises, alternating a back exercise with a biceps-focused exercise. You do each block for three sets and again have very little time between exercises or sets. After you do the quad blocks you have a final block of just two exercises that you do for three sets, back extensions for 30 seconds and bicep curls for 30 seconds. Then, you do the core component which consists of alternating bicycle crunches and low planks, doing each for 30 seconds for three sets.
The Lift 4 workout was tough, especially since my chest and arms were already sore from yesterday's workout. I had to lower the biceps curl weight that I intended to use (down to 12 from 15 lbs) because I knew there was no way I was going to keep good form.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 8
Day 8 was the first day of the "regular" Lift 4 workouts, doing Week 1, Day 1, Chest and Triceps 50/50. This is one of the workouts in the program that is half lifting and half HIIT cardio. For the lifting portion, we do three blocks, alternating one chest-focused exercise and one triceps-focused exercise (each for 10 reps), for three sets. In the first block, you do bench presses and dumbbell skull crushers. In the second block, you do chest flys and tricep presses, and in the third block, you do rotating chest presses and triceps push-ups. In the cardio portion, you do three sets of three moves. The first move, soccer runs, you do for 60 seconds, the second move, mountain climbers is done for 45 seconds, and the third move, catchers, is done for 30 seconds. Basically, the harder the moves get, the less time you have to do them. Then, after you do the three sets of cardio, you finish with the core component, which is alternating rope climbers and bent-knee windshield wipers.
This workout was tough. I started using the same weight I ended the program on the last time I did it, and I could barely finish the 10 reps on any of the lifting exercises in sets 2 and 3 (and could not finish the 10 push-ups). My arms were like limp noodles by the end of the lifting portion. Cardio was tough too, as I had to modify the mountain climbers and the catchers (and stop a couple of times to catch my breath). Because you get so little time between moves or sets, the entire workout will get your heart rate up, so you have some cardio effect before you even get to the HIIT portion.
For the corrective routine from 645, I did the shoulders corrective routine again. I definitely felt like it loosened up my shoulders and my chest.
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 7
On Day 7 I again did the two recovery workouts from Lift 4. I did feel like I had fewer knots, especially in my quads, as I was doing the lower-body foam rolling. My calves, however, were still extremely tight. Tomorrow will be the start of the regular Lift 4 workouts, starting with the Chest and Triceps week 1 workout.
Book Review: Enough
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 6
For Day 6, I just did the two recovery workouts from Lift 4. Again, I did the foam rolling routine first and then followed it up with the stretch routine. The foam rolling was much easier than it was early in the week, most likely because of all the 645 foam rolling routines that I did. I definitely felt knots in all of the muscles that we rolled, but fewer of them, and the ones that were there loosened up very quickly. It is a good routine, but could be a little longer, say 15 minutes instead of 9.
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 5
Day 5 was a full-body HIIT workout in Before Lift-4 and the lower-body foam rolling routine from the 645 corrective workouts.
The HIIT workout was short (just 20 minutes), but tough. You do two blocks, each with two exercises that you do for three sets with basically no rest between the moves or the sets. In the first block you do sumo jumps (or sumo squats with heel lifts) and then cross mountain climbers, which are like regular mountain climbers/plank runs but you bring your knees toward the opposite elbow as you run. Then, in the second block, you do squat jacks and then triple bear (which is the hardest move in the program). Triple bear is basically holding a beast position (on your hands and knees and then lifting your knees off the ground two inches) and then either hopping or stepping to the side, back to the middle, and the other side, all while trying to keep your knees just two inches off the ground. Then you finish with the core component which is rope climbers into bicycles for three sets. It i again very much like the regular HIIT workouts in the program, just shorter.
The foam rolling routine was another good one. This one is 20 minutes and works your entire lower body starting with your quads and ending with the arches of your feet. Some of the moves you roll (or hold) for one minute, and others for thirty seconds.
Book Review: The Lions of Lucerne (Scot Harvath Series #1)
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 4
Day 4 was a shoulders and arms intervals workout in before Lift-4 and then I did upper body foam rolling in the 645 corrective routines.
The shoulders and arms workout was quick and hard. There are three blocks and then core work. In each block, you do a lifting exercise (shoulder presses in the first, bicep curls in the second, and tricep kickbacks in the third) immediately followed by a HIIT exercise (catchers--low squats jumping into a plank and then back into a low squat in the first, jump squats in the second, and wide plank runs in the third). You do each combination for three sets, with only about 15 seconds between sets. Then, you finish the workout with two core exercises, prayer squats followed by bent-knee windshield wipers). So again, the workout is a pared-down version (about 10 minutes less) than what the regular workouts are like.
The upper body foam rolling routine is an 11-minute routine that focuses on the lats, pecs, upper and mid back, and traps. There is very little rolling in the workout. You pretty much just find a knot in the particular area you are working on and then sit on it (sometimes moving around a little) until the tissue loosens up. But, It helps loosen up pretty much all of your upper body muscles very well.
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 3
Day 3 was the mid-week rest day in Lift-4, so I did the two recovery workouts (foam rolling and stretching) and did the ankles corrective routine in 645.
The 645 routine was about 23 minutes long and worked not only the ankles but worked the calves and hips (basically most of the lower body). There are a couple of alternate moves that Amoila shows that may be easier if you do not have a partner with you to keep you stable or hold the band for you if you cannot cross your legs with the band on. I have also found that using a latex band works better for that particular exercise than a fabric band. Again, he does a good job explaining how each of the moves in the routine will correct imbalances and advises working it into your workout routine often. He suggests every day, but realistically, if you are doing a regular 45-minute workout every day, you may not have time to also do 1-3 20-minute long corrective routines on top of that. But, if you can fit that in, it is a good routine.
Then, I did the two recovery workouts for Lift-4 in the evening. I first did the 10-minute foam rolling routine, which is a full-body routine, but like in the few corrective 645 routines, you are not rolling any one body part very long (about 45 seconds, give or take per body part). Then, I did the 9-minute stretch routine, in which you stretch your legs, hips, back, and chest. I do think that the corrective 645 routines and the recovery workouts in Lift-4 complement each other very well.
Book Review: Dune: The Machine Crusade (Dune #2)
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 2
For day 2 it was the Legs 50-50 workout from the "Before Lift-4" workouts and the corrective hips routine in 645.
The Lift 4 workout was, as the title suggests, one that is half lifting and half cardio. The lifting portion of the workout consists of two blocks of work in which you do two leg exercises, back to back. In the first block, you alternate between front-loaded squats and deadlifts. In the second block, you do goblet squats (sumo squats holding one weight in front of you) and calf raises. For the cardio portion, you do three sets of two moves, soccer runs and low squats in which you stay in a squat position then hop to face one side, back to the front, and then to the other side. Then you finish off the workout with three sets of a core-focused move, specifically side planks, holding it for 30 seconds on each side. Again, the workout goes very quickly and you are working cardio the entire time because there is very little rest between sets. This is more similar to what the "regular" Lift 4 workouts are like than yesterday's workout, just a bit shorter.
The corrective hips routine was actually a routine that included work (foam rolling) the hips and the lats, as well as doing some squats with the foam roller between the wall and your back. Amoila does a good job breaking down what every move in the routine helps with or helps to correct, and he stresses that you can foam roll longer than the 30 seconds per move that they are doing.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Workout Update: Lift-4/645 Corrective and Foam Rolling Day 1
Today is the start of my "new" workout program. I decided to go back to Lift-4 for my "main" workout and then do the various corrective workouts and foam rolling workouts from 645 that I did not do when I did the original program. For the Lift-4 workouts, I decided to do the Before Lift-4 workouts, which are basically shorter versions of the type of workouts that you will do throughout the program. So, today was the traditional Chest and Back workout in Lift-4 and the Corrective Shoulders routine in 645.
The chest and back workout in Lift-4 consisted of two blocks of two exercises, one chest exercise, and one back exercise that was done for three sets of 10 reps. In the first block, the chest exercise was a bench press and the back exercise was bent over back flys. In the second block, the chest exercise was a chest fly, and the back exercise was bent over rows. Between the sets, you only got 20 seconds of rest for a transition. Then, you did three sets of push-ups, as many as you could do in 30 seconds, without stopping. Then, you finish the workout with two core exercises (sit-ups or crunches and then prone side bends) that you do for 30 seconds each for three sets. There is no HIIT component in this workout, so it is a bit shorter than the regular workouts (just 20 minutes), but because you have almost no rest between the exercises, you do get a cardio workout.
The corrective shoulder routine in 645 requires a foam roller. If you do not have one they are pretty inexpensive these days and not hard to find. During the 15-minute routine, you foam roll your lats and pecs, then you roll your mid back (basically laying across the foam roller and moving your back but not rolling down too high or low, and then there is a move in which you almost do a crunch on the roller. Between the time you are actually using the roller to work out knots, you do a couple of stretches that will help your shoulders. Those involve setting the roller on end, putting your hand on top, and then lowering your chest toward the ground. All in all, it is a very good routine and definitely helps with shoulder mobility.
Product Review: Fabric Resistance Bands
Workout Program Review: 645
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 90
Day 90 was cardio in 645, which was the last day of the program. It was another emotional workout, starting off with Amoila bringing his dad on set, and it also got a bit silly at times. It was much harder than any of the other cardio workouts, with more intense (and faster) moves. Even though you got a 15-second transition between moves, it did not help all that much.
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 89
Day 89 was lower body flexibility again in XB and was Total Body Tempo in 645. This was the last lifting/resistance workout of 645, and the last day for half of the cast members, so it got a bit emotional and silly on set. The workout was definitely hard and was again very fast-paced. I was definitely gassed toward the end of it, but I made it through.
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 88
Day 88 was lower back in XB stretch and Upper Body Strength in 645.
The 645 workout again had a shorter warmup, which lasted about 9 minutes, and then the three blocks. The first block has three exercises that you do for four sets. The second block is an EMOM block, and the third block has there exercises that you do for three sets. Then, after you finish the third set, you do a set of all 7 exercises, back to back, without stopping. However, in the last set, you just do ten reps of each exercise instead of twenty. So, it is a very fast-paced and challenging workout.
I decided for the next program I am going to go back to Lift 4 for the main workout, but I am going to do the 645 corrective and foam rolling routines for my morning flexibility workout. Those each run anywhere from 11 to 23 minutes, and are focused on correcting imbalances in various body parts like the shoulders, hips, and ankles. Then I will probably go back to 645 with the goal of working my way up to Six Weeks of The Work, which is Amoila's original program in which all of the workouts are like the performance week workouts in 645.
Product Review: Deluxe Single Blu-Ray Replacement 11mm Thickness with Silver Embossed Logo (10 Pack)
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 87
Day 87 was lower body flexibility again in XB and mobility and stability in 645.
I was able to get a little bit deeper into the hamstring stretch on each leg in the XB routine. Although, I am still nowhere near being able to do a split (or even a half-split) at this point.
The 645 routine was very good. Almost every move in the routine was a different variation of something that we had done before, either in the regular workouts or in the other mobility and stability workouts. I actually found myself breaking a little bit of a sweat during the routine, so I know that I was working more than in the prior weeks. And, some of the moves that had been very challenging for me earlier in the program were a bit easier.
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 86
Day 86 was the lower back routine in XB and the performance week version of total body power in 645.
The total body power workout was very challenging. It had a couple of new moves, including some plyometric moves that we had not done in the program before. As was the case yesterday, the warmup was much shorter because we were doing 20 reps of each move. Again, some of the exercises were split into 10 reps on each side. There were no biceps or triceps-focused exercises in the workout, but because we are doing swings and snatches, you are using your biceps and triceps a lot throughout the workout.
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 85
Day 85 was lower body flexibility in XB, and the start of week 13 in 645, which is the performance week version of lower body strength.
The structure of the workout is the same, with an EMOM block and then two blocks of three exercises you do for three sets. But, the warm-up is very short, under 10 minutes, and then you jump right into the workout without any idle chit-chat or much coaching. You move from exercise to exercise very quickly, but you do get 1 minute of rest between sets except before the last set in the last round (which drops down to 45 seconds because of time). Amoila does the entire workout with the group this time. All of the exercises are done for 20 reps (although some get split with 10 on one side and 10 on the other). My instinct was to go down in weight, but there were a couple of exercises for which I ended up increasing the weight after the first set because I was stronger than I thought I would be. And, I found that I needed to modify fewer moves than I had even last week. So, it was a hard workout, but very rewarding.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 84
Day 84 was the last rest day in 645 and in XB I did the Restore routine.
It had been a while since I did Restore, and I could definitely tell I did not have the same amount of mobility as the last time I did the routine. This is weird because I have been working on my lower back and hamstrings every other day (although just the short 6-minute routines).
DVD/TV Series Review: Baywatch: Season 7
Book Series Review: Mitch Rapp Series - The Kyle Mills Novels