
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Product Review: Zout Laundry Stain Remover


This is an inexpensive stain remover, that works well to get stains out of clothing, even ones that are dried in. It is more affordable than some of the more well-known name-brand stain removers and it is nice to have as a subscribe and save item on Amazon so you can reorder it however regularly you need it. The only thing I do not like about it is that it pours out of the bottle very fast. It would be better with a cap that allows you to control how much comes out more effectively. That aside, it works very well.

Product Review: Febreze Air Freshener and Odor Eliminator Spray, Linen & Sky and Hawaiian Aloha Scents


This is a pack of four Fabreeze air fresheners. The Hawaiian Aloha scent is great, and the Linen & Sky scent is okay. They last a decent amount of time, but I like that you can get them auto-delivered through subscribe-and-save on Amazon and have them delivered on a schedule because they are not always something you will remember to grab when out shopping.

Product Review: Hommp 8 Gallon Medium Trash Bags


I am not a huge fan of the bright multi-colors, but they fit mid-size cans (such as small cans you would use in a bathroom or bedroom) and are sturdy. And, on Amazon, you can get them on subscribe and save to have them auto-delivered as often as you need (although I think for most people a pack of three should last at least a few months (if not more) so you will probably not need them monthly).

Product Review: WONER Hair Clippers Cordless Rechargeable Hair Trimmers


I have used this since 2019 and still have no complaints. It does have several attachments so you can use it without buzzing off all your (or another person's hair). If you do not use an attachment it will basically take you down to stubble. I like the fact that you can remove and clean the blade, unlike some other clippers (especially the inexpensive ones), and eventually replace them if you so desire. 

It takes a couple of hours to charge and seems to hold the charge well. I used it once, and then again a month or so later, and did not have to charge it at all before using it the second time. I definitely recommend it as an inexpensive pair of clippers, especially for those who want to buzz their own hair without paying a salon to do it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Product Review: MCombo Electric Power Lift Recliner Chair


I bought this for my mom when her old recliner broke. She was having trouble getting out of chairs as she gets older, so wanted a power recliner that would help with getting up. This comes in two large boxes, one with the back/headrest and one of the arms, and the other with the base and the other arm. The box with the base is somewhat heavy (in the neighborhood of 88 pounds) and the other one is very light. The chair itself is very easy to put together. The arms and back just slide into place. The instructions are a little light when it comes to describing how to connect the power components, but it is pretty easy to figure out by looking. There is a power pack that connects to a cord under the chair that then plugs into the wall. That powers the chair itself through the remote (which also connects to a cord under the chair). Then there is a separate power pack that will power the two USB ports in the right side panel of the chair. All in all, it takes about 10-15 minutes to put together.

It is fairly comfortable, although not as comfortable as some of the more plush recliners out there. The only drawback is that using the remote is the only way to get the leg rest up and down. You cannot put it down manually, which makes getting out of the chair quickly a bit difficult, especially if you are fully reclined,a nd could get you stuck if the power goes out or the remote accidentally gets unplugged. That said, for a mid-range priced power recliner it is a very good value. I definitely recommend it.

Food Review: Oats Overnight - Variety Pack (3 Pack with BlenderBottle)


I decided to try these because I recently started getting pre-made meals for lunch and dinner, and wanted an option for breakfast which was a bit less expensive than those. I do not have a ton of time to cook and am often running out the door in the morning, so I wanted something that was quick, healthy and did not require a ton of prep.

In terms of the latter, the prep is as easy as can be. The night before, you pour 8oz of some kind of milk (I use 1%) into the blender bottle (you do not really have to use theirs if you have a lot of them, there is nothing special about it) then pour the contents of the packet on top of the milk, shake it up and put it in the refrigerator to sit overnight. All that takes a grand total of about 45 seconds. In the morning you just drink it as you would any protein shake. No blender is needed, and the cleanup amounts to washing the bottle out after you drink it, which takes another minute.

I tried all three flavors in the starter pack and liked them all. I liked the apple cinnamon flavor the best and the strawberries and cream flavor the least, but I was not choking them down like I have done when drinking some meal replacements and protein powders in the past. The consistency is a bit funky (at least for some). It is like drinking cold, runny, instant oatmeal. Although it tastes much better than cold, runny, instant oatmeal would. You can make them runnier or thicker by adding more or less milk, but I find just using the 8oz is fine for me.

The one drawback for some is that they are a bit pricey. I get the subscription through the Oats Overnight website, so the price per packet is a bit lower (about $3.50). That is much cheaper than getting coffee and a donut, or a breakfast meal at a fast food place (and much healthier), and comparable to or less expensive than many meal replacement shakes (especially the RTDs or the packets). And for me, since my lunches and dinners range from about $7-$9 per meal, it is less than that. So how cost-effective they will be for you will really depend on what you currently do. If you usually make breakfast, these will very likely be more expensive than what you are making. If you are on the go and grab something to eat every day, then this may present you a healthier option at a comparable cost.

All in all, if you are looking for a healthy breakfast option, that is easy to make and gives you a great mix of nutrients, and these are friendly to your budget, and you think you can handle the texture, I definitely recommend them. I cannot say that every flavor they have available is great tasting, but I have no complaints about the ones I tried.

Product Review: Vanance 9W (80w Equivalent) Smart Light Bulb Multicolor & Dimmable


I love these bulbs. It is a bit more expensive than a traditional LED bulb (you get just one for the price you can get a pack of at least two depending on the brand), but once it is set up it is much more useful than a regular bulb. It has a sunrise and sunrise and sunset feature that will automatically dim or illuminate the bulb in the morning and at night. It makes it much easier for your eyes to adjust to the light or the dark. Unlike a bulb in a smart plug that you can set to turn on or off at certain times, it does not blast at full brightness or make the room pitch black immediately. For example, you can set the bulb transition from 0% brightness to 50% brightness in a half hour. Or from 0% to 100% brightness in 10 minutes. You can also schedule timers to just turn the bulb on and off at certain times so they are on when you get home or turn off when you go to work.

They also work with devices like Amazon echo units, so you can turn the bulbs on or off with a voice command. If you have more than one bulb, you can set them as a group in the Alexa app and have all the bulbs in the group turn on or off at one time. They are pretty easy to install, assuming you are pretty good at connecting devices to your Wi-Fi network. You do need to download the Magic Home app and walk through the setup process. One thing to know, you need to have the lamp you plug it into already turned on when you screw the bulb in. Then the bulb will blink which tells you that it is discoverable to your network. If you screw the bulb in, then turn the lamp on, the bulb may not be discoverable by your Wi-Fi network. Once the bulb is set up, you just leave your lamp on and let the bulb turn on and off.

I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes smart home devices. If you are technophobic though, setting it up will probably make you go mad. Once it is set up, even if you are not all that technologically inclined they are pretty easy to use. And, I have not had an issue with them having to be reset even if my wireless network goes down. They reconnect themselves without a problem. They are definitely worth the price as long as you are willing to handle the setup process.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 54

For Day 54 I did the lower back routine in XB and then total body tempo in 645.

This workout was again mostly the same moves, or slight variations on the same moves that we have done in prior workouts. The focus of all of the lifting exercises was on the negative part of the rep, doing two or three counts down and one count up. Even with fewer sets the regular portion of the workout ended at 44 minutes, so the cooldown was just sitting in child's pose for a few seconds. 

The lower back XB routine went pretty much the same. I can get closer to grabbing my feet for the stretches at the end, but I still have to use the bands since I am still not flexible enough to get there yet.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 53

For Day 53 I did lower body flexibility in XB and Upper Body Strength in 645.

The 645 workout was another de-load workout which meant every block, aside from the EMOM block, has just two sets in it. Again, there was a longer warm-up and a shorter cooldown. Most of the focus of the workout, as has been the case with all of the upper body workouts, is on the shoulders with just a couple of biceps and triceps exercises mixed in.

The lower body XB routine went fine, with no real improvement or regression.

Product Review: Newness Premium Apple Corer Remover


It is great if you want to make baked apples, or some other dish where you do not necessarily want wedges, but want the core removed. 

It is not flimsy at all (which can happen with less expensive kitchen gadgets), is made from quality material, and is easy to use. I am very satisfied with it.

Product Review: Hefty Scented Small Garbage Bags


If you have a small or a small-to-medium trash size trash can in an office, bedroom, or bathroom these are a good option. If you have a true medium size trashcan these will likely be too small. Whether they will be a little small or way too small, depends on the size of the can. 

They are not good for square trash cans unless the can is extremely small, but can be used on round cans that border on medium-sized. For example, I have a medium-sized square trash can that cannot fit in at all. I have another medium-sized round can that, while these don't fit it perfectly, will work on it. I also have a small square(ish) can, and these are perfectly sized for it. 

Product Review: Nicetown Blackout Curtains


I am one of those who need a room as dark as possible (at least at night) in order to sleep well. The townhouse complex I live in has lampposts that are on all night, one of which is pretty close to my bedroom window. I got the black curtains to block as much light as possible, and these block out nearly all the light coming through which is much better than my old curtains. I would not say they cancel a ton of noise, but they do seem to keep as much of the cold that comes through the windows in the winter from getting all the way into the room. So, they do have some energy efficiency. But, even if you do not care about those aspects if you are just interested in the blackout effect, I definitely recommend these.

Product Review: Gain Dryer Sheets


These have a great scent, and it is very nice to have as a subscribe and save item on Amazon so you do not have to remember to buy them as you are running out. Plus, the box is about three times the size of what you would find in a grocery store for almost the same price. 

Book Set Review: The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Easton Press)


This is a three-set collection of the complete Sherlock Holmes mystery stories and novels, written over the period of time from the late 1880s to the late 1920s by Sir Authur Conan Doyle. The volumes are titled The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Later Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Between the three volumes, the 56 short stories and four novels are spread across nearly 1800 pages. The first volume is the longest, at 753 pages, the second volume is just over 450 pages, and the third volume is just over 550 pages. As is the case with all of the Easton Press books, they are leather-bound with gold-trimmed pages, and have a built-in cloth bookmark. There are 160 illustrations (and the illustrated pages do not count toward the overall page count of the books), many of which were in the original publications in which the stories were printed.

Most of the 56 stories and 4 novels are written from the perspective of Dr. Watson, who introduces and then narrates the cases. Watson, of course, plays the more straight-laced sidekick to Holmes' quirky and offbeat lead. This is the first time I have read any of the Sherlock Holmes stories in years, and the first time that I have read the entire collection. A few of the observations that I have are:

1.    The old English style of writing and dialect definitely takes some getting used to. For example, Doyle will use the word ejaculate like we would use the word exclaim. Even if you are a relatively fast reader, you may have to slow down as you are reading these. 

2. The various stories are relatively disconnected. From time to time events from other stories will be referenced, but for the most part, this is a collection of stand-alone procedural mysteries. 

3. Unlike what you might expect if you have watched the BBC TV series or the recent movies starring Robert Downey Jr., Moriarty is not as big a foil for Holmes as you might think. He only appears in one of the stories and is referenced in a few others. 

4. The TV series that starred Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman heavily adapted the stories from the books. If you watched all of the seasons of the show you will definitely recognize some of the elements from the stories easily, and others seem nothing like what the show depicted. 

Overall, the stories are good but very quirky.  They are probably not necessarily the easiest stories for someone in the modern-day United States to read and easily pay rapt attention to every word. But they are classic mysteries that are worth reading.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Product Review: Magic Hue WiFi Light Bulb, Soft White, Smart Sunrise Wake Up Light Bulb, 60 Watts Equivalent


This is a smart LED light bulb that I mainly got for the sunrise feature because while having a smart plug is great, it can be jarring having a light turn on full blast at 5 a.m. in a dark room. In the app, you basically tell it what percentage you want the light to start at, where you want it to end, and what time frame. So you can have it go from 0% to 100% over the course of 10 min, a half hour, or whatever interval you would like. You can also set it to turn on and off at different times or control it through the app. As with a smart plug, you leave the lamp "on" and the bulb turns itself on and off.

The setup was fairly straightforward and is much like connecting an echo unit to your Wi-Fi. There are a few steps involved, including downloading an app, but nothing that is overly complicated. I will update this review in the future should the need arise, but so far, I am very satisfied, and definitely recommend it.

Product Review: Amazon Brand - Solimo Lawn & Leaf Drawstring Trash Bags, 39 Gallon


I have a townhouse so do not need them for much yardwork (aside from a small garden outside my patio), but love to have larger bags when I am doing "spring cleaning" and generally purging stuff from various rooms. They can also be used for light yard work. Having a subscribe and save option is great to keep from running out because these are not necessarily something I would remember to get when I go to the grocery store, or even always look to see if I am running low before going to the store. Now, I can just have it set to send a new batch every 6 months and get a built-in reminder to see if I need to move the order up a month or skip a month. They are sturdy and have a drawstring closure, which I personally prefer to the ties. I definitely recommend them.

Product Review: MedCenter Monthly Medication Organizer


I got this for my mom, who has to take a boatload of pills each day because of being in congestive heart failure and chronic pain. To complicate matters she has to take them in the morning and evening and routinely has taken them late, or forgotten to take them at all on a given day. And, she has never had a good system to keep track of what she did or did not take on a given day. This solves both problems. It comes with 31 separate cases which have compartments for morning, afternoon, evening, and night. You could, if you so desired, fill them all up at the beginning of the month, or do it on a weekly basis.

The clock/alarm component comes pre-set with 4 different alarms. The only thing that knocks this down a star for me is that you cannot disable or enable individual alarms. They can only all be on, or all be off, so if you only need to have two alarms set you must set multiple alarms for the same time, so more than one goes off together. For example, setting the morning and afternoon alarms for the same time. Also, the clock unit talks for everything, which is great for people who have poor eyesight or are blind (although there is no braille on the clock surface, so someone who is blind would need assistance with the initial setup), but you cannot turn that off, so if you are setting the clock or one of the alarms it talks through minutes and seconds which is a bit annoying. Nor is there a real volume adjustment. The only volume adjustment you can make is via a switch on the back that allows you to choose from loud or very loud. So you will get at least a loud verbal reminder to take your pills at whatever time(s) you set (plus a backup reminder a half hour later in case you ignore the first alarm even after turning it off). There is no option to have it just buzz like a "regular" alarm clock. Basically, we recycled the clock and just set reminders on Echo devices.

Those issues aside, it is a great option for an older person who has to take a lot of pills, whether it is every day, every other day, etc. The compartments are big enough to hold a good quantity of pills unless you take a lot of very large (as large as some multi-vitamin tablets for example) pills. But if most of your pills are relatively small they will all easily fit. It is a bit pricey for a pill case, but definitely worth it under the right circumstances.

Product Review: UPOWEX Resistance Bands Set - 5 Stackable Exercise Bands


I use these in conjunction with some of the Beachbody workout programs like P90X. I love the fact that they are stackable, so you can increase the resistance beyond just using a heavier band. The only thing I would do to improve the set is to add a 5lb band so you can increase resistance in smaller increments, and include a second set of handles so you can have a couple different bands ready to go without having to unclip the handle from one band (or set of bands) and clip them onto another. But, you can find 5lb bands and extra handles online pretty easily.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 52

Day 52 was stretching day again. For XB I did the lower back routine and, of course, in 645 it was mobility and flexibility.

The 645 routine was another good, but tough one. Again, there were seven exercises that you cycle through for three rounds. Each exercise is something that has been done earlier in the program, but a couple of them have some twists that make them slightly different (and generally harder). Then, at the end of the routine, you finish the routine off with five minutes of breath work. 

Product Review: LG BPM25 Blu-Ray Disc Player


It is a decent refurbished blu-ray player at a reasonable price. The only drawback is that it does not have a wireless adapter, so if you want to connect it to the internet to use any of the streaming services or need to update the firmware, you have to use an ethernet cable. By this point, I doubt that most people will stream anything through the player since there are much better options like Firesticks and Rokus and since almost every TV is a smart TV, but you still have to update the firmware from time to time to play newer blu-rays. That is really the only drawback. Otherwise, it is easy to set up and gives a nice 1080p picture (as long as your TV supports a 1080p output), and upscale DVDs to a better picture.

Product Review: Prepac Locking Media Storage Cabinet


This is a pre-fab media storage cabinet. One person can put it together in about an hour and a half. You really just need a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a drill, and a small drill bit. It is mostly put together using screws and cams, and then a particle board back that you hammer nails into. The doors are put together so that you can put three rows of DVDs, blu rays, or CDs in each door, and then three rows along the back of the cabinet. It would be nice if they would have made it about 2 feet taller so that another row of DVDs would fit both in the middle compartment and each door. They provide three shelves for each door and the center compartment, but there is dead space because whether you use the third shelf or just put DVDs on the bottom of the cabinet itself, you can only get three rows of DVDs/blu-rays in each door and the center. If it were a bit taller you would be able to use the third shelf, and then put a fourth row on the bottom and end up getting another 40-50 in it, which would be nice for those of us who have a large movie collection, and have not ditched the physical discs just to stream everything.

The only other piddly point for me is the locking mechanisms. Each door has its own lock, one side uses a key and turns a thin plastic piece into a grove in the top, and on the other door you have to attach a latch that you physically move up and down when the door is shut (you have to reach inside when the other door is open to engage it, then shut and lock the other door) to lock that side. It should be made so the key lock is in the middle and will lock both sides simultaneously. And you have to lock the doors to keep them from swinging open. The doors are hinged, and they will not stay closed if you leave either side unlocked. I have also discovered that the doors can warp over time (especially if you slide them across the floor (even with the doors shut) while they are full) so that the doors will not stay locked even when you turn the key. That is a bit of a double-edged sword because the doors stay shut now even when it is unlocked, but the locking ability is basically useless.

Those issues are what knock it down a few stars for me. If not for that, it is easily a five-star product, especially given it is something you have to put together yourself and is relatively inexpensive. Once it is put together it feels very sturdy. It does not feel like a good gust of wind will take it apart, which is sometimes the case with the put it together yourself furniture.

App Review: Amazon Music Unlimited


If you are a Prime member on Amazon you do get the basic version of Prime Music included. The basic version is good but does have songs and albums that disappear every so often and does not have licensing rights for everything that is available on the Unlimited version. This will get you the most albums from most artists who have ever been popular or at the very least had one hit song. There have been a couple songs that I have not been able to find, but I have been able to find the vast majority of the songs I have been looking for on Unlimited.

The App is fairly user-friendly and allows you to easily find music in your library which are songs you own or have added, or you can listen to stations that play songs by artist (and artists similar to them), by genre, or damn near any parameter you can think of. There are also many podcasts available through the app as well. It is a relatively inexpensive way to access almost every album that has been released.

Product Review: mDesign Narrow Dresser Storage Tower Stand with 4 Removable Fabric Drawers


This is a very small set of drawers, perfect for a relatively small space. It comes with everything you need to put it together (the screws are put in using a supplied Allen wrench). The only thing that is kind of a pain is that the drawers are folded up and when you first put them in, the sides collapse inward, so you have to put something in that is somewhat stiff (I used mass-market paperback books) until they stop doing that. Otherwise, it will work perfectly to hold socks, underwear, and t-shirts or smaller items like pens and paper if you are using it in an office. It is the perfect size to set next to a dest or bookshelf.

Product Review: mysuntown Winter Hats for Men, Ushanka Trapper Hat


I got this because I live in a state that has (at least at times) harsh winters. This is very warm, covers your entire head and I think would fit most people very well. I like that the face mask part is removable (it snaps on both sides) if you do not want to use it. I do not use it, since I have a winter coat that zips up over the face.

The only thing that would make this a little better is if it were a bit wider so it would have a better fit if you are wearing a pair of over-the-ear headphones. You can still get it on, but depending on how wide your headphones are it may not fit as snugly. But, if you have earbuds in, it is just fine. Overall, it is a very good winter hat. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Product Review: Men's Quickshark Snow Boots


I live in the upper midwest where we get pretty horrible winters that can be cold and have a lot of ice and snow. I have no problem walking on the snow in these. When there is glare ice on the ground with little to no snowpack to provide traction, I can slip a bit in these and wear traction cleats on them (when I am taking the dog out in the winter). The boots are always very warm even in below-zero temperatures, and they are easy to slip on and off. 

The only drawback for me is that they are a bit light. These feel like a cross between a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of work boots. So, I mostly use them when driving as long as I am going someplace where I know I will not have to trudge around outside. I tend to prefer a bit heavier boots if I am going to be walking around outside for any significant amount of time, but for those who like lighter boots, these are a good option.