Day 5 was Friday Fight Round 1 in Max 30 and Sweat 1-2 and ab-ripper 100 in Power 90.
The Friday Fight workout is slightly different from the others in the first week of Max 30. You do the same kind of five-minute warmup, then ten exercises for a minute each before the first break. After the 30-second break, you do another nine exercises (again for one minute each), and then you get another 30-second break. Finally, you finish with four exercises. So, each exercise in the workout is performed for a longer duration and you get fewer breaks. In this one, I maxed out a little over 11 minutes into the workout.
The Power 90 workout went fine, but I was still a bit tired from the morning workout, so I did not try to overdo it. The ab-ripper portion of the workout was again a little easier today.
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