The DVD set is a two-disc set. The extras are similar to those included in the prior seasons' DVD releases. A gag reel, an alternate jokes reel, deleted scenes, and Taco Tones (mostly replays of the musical numbers). There is no longer an extended episodes option on the episodes menu. The DVDs have uncensored versions of the episodes, meaning some f-bombs and nudity are mixed in. So, not that the show was a good one for young kids to watch anyway, but even less so since you cannot play the broadcast versions vs. the uncut versions.
Overall, the series remains very funny. The writing and acting are still top-notch, and for a show that is centered around fantasy football, it is enjoyable for those who do not play fantasy football, or even like football all that much. Although, I do think it helps to do both. It is definitely one of the better adult sitcoms of the recent past.
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