The 10-episode third season of Mr. Robot aired during the fall and early winter of 2017. This season brings the show back into the "real world" after spending much of season 2 in Elliot's head while he was in prison. It is still about the fallout of the 5/9 hack of E Corp. and setting up a much more massive phase-two attack that was hinted at last season. This season reveals more about the Dark Army and the various operatives they have working for them. It also reveals what Wellick did during season 2, for which he was mostly absent. I will not go into too much of what happens this season because it is hard to do so without giving too much away. I will say that the various characters, even the "good" ones, continue to be morally ambiguous (at best). And some even take a turn for the worse.
The Blu-Ray set is a three-disc set. The extras are okay but not extensive. There are deleted scenes for some episodes, a gag reel, and a couple of behind-the-scenes featurettes. It is definitely not a show that will appeal to everyone. But, if you liked the first couple of seasons (especially season 1), you will probably like this. The blu-rays have unedited episodes (which basically means the f-word is not bleeped out as it is when it airs on TV), and there is violence, sex, and drug use. And, even though the show is set in the past, it does manage to take a few shots at t***p, whom, if you follow the show's creator on Twitter, you know he despises. So, if any of that would turn you off to a show, you probably want to skip this. For everyone else, it is well written and acted, even it is a bit (and sometimes more than a bit) weird. Definitely worth checking out.
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