Day 6 in Yoga was the 25-minute relax workout, this time led by Faith, who was the only cast member in this workout. The workout is much less intense than the flow workouts, focusing mostly on breathing and stretching, although you do a couple of half sun salutations. Those are as intense as the workout gets. This one does have a bit more of the woo-woo stuff that turns some people off to yoga, but she does not go overboard with it.
Then the X3 workout, is my least favorite workout in all of X3, The Warrior. It is basically an MMX-inspired cardio workout that is extremely hard. Even the modified version is very hard. It is the workout that is going to challenge the vast majority of people the most of any of the X3 workouts. I am sure as I get fitter it will not bother me as much, but I remember when I first did X3 years ago, when I was in better shape, I was not a huge fan of the workout then either. But, I got it done.
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