
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 80

 Day 80 was the sculpt 3-4 workout. Again, it was mostly the same as Monday's workout with my reps maxing out between 11 and 14. I did not hit the 15 rep max for any of the moves. I was able to get in a couple of extra chair dips (with legs extended) and a few more squats on the max squats at the very end of the workout. So, overall, it was a good one.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 79

 Day 79 was cardio and abs again. The workout was pretty good. The third round of the jumping jacks, running in place, and run lunges always gets me (mostly the jumping jacks). I can get through the third round of everything else okay, but the third round of jumping jacks "kills" me every time. It does not help that I have detested jumping jacks even as a kid in school. I have never liked doing them and like them even less when I am not in great shape. Aside from that, the workout was fine. Next workout I am going to do 18 reps of the ab-ripper moves. I can do 17 for every move now, not easily but easily enough that I think I can add the extra rep for each move.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

DVD Review: Chicago PD Season Six


+++Warning, spoilers from the prior season ahead+++

Season six of Chicago PD starts out shortly after the events of the season five finale. Intelligence is dealing with the fallout of Olinski's death, and Voight is suspended pending an investigation of the shooting of the suspect who ordered Olinski to be killed. That storyline is wrapped up fairly early in the season, and then the show continues with pretty much the same format as it has used in the prior seasons. That is, mostly case-of-the-week with larger story arcs intertwined. The season introduces two new characters to act as foils for Intelligence, Deputy Superindent Katherine Brennan, played by Anne Heche, and Superintendent Brian Kelton, played by John C. McGinley (who also has Mayoral aspirations). Of course, there are crossovers with the other shows (Chicago Fire and Chicago Med) that occur during the season (the big, three-show crossover occurring early in the season) and a smaller crossover with just Chicago Fire later in the season. And, apart from the crossovers characters from Fire and Med make cameo appearances throughout the season. 

Overall, the season is very good. Each of the characters gets at least one episode that is centered on them, with Antonio getting an extended storyline that directly ties into the mild cliffhanger that occurs at the end of the season, and creates big problems for Ruzek and Voight. The writing and acting continue to be very good, and all the actors have the chance to give standout performances during the season. The cliffhanger at the end of the season is not as immediately dire as some of the cliffhangers for Chicago Fire have been with all the characters in a life and death situation but definitely sets up what will clearly be the early storylines for season seven.

For those who get the DVD, the only extras are the crossover episodes from the other shows so you can watch the entire crossover storylines without having to get (or watch) the discs from the other shows. There are no behind-the-scenes features, commentary tracks, or the like.

Ultimately, if you have been a fan of the prior seasons you will probably like this one. On the other hand, if the show has never done anything for you (or you were really only a fan of the actors or characters who left the show like Sophia Bush or Elias Koteas), then nothing in this season is likely to change your mind. 

Workout Review: Power-90 Day 78

 Day 78 was the sculpt 3-4 workout again. Thankfully, my rep count did not drop for any of the exercises this workout, but I did not hit the 15 rep max for any of the exercises in the workout. So, all the weights I am using will stay the same for the next workout. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Book Review: Here, Right Matters


"Here, Right Matters" is a memoir by Alexander Vindman, who was the only person who was actually listening in on the phone call between t***p and the President of Ukraine which led to the first impeachment to publically testify. The title of the book comes from what is probably the most famous line of his opening statement telling his father not to worry about the fact that he is testifying in the impeachment case. It alternates back and forth between Vindman's early life, first growing up as an immigrant in America with his father, twin brother, and older brother, and then detailing his military career, meeting his wife, and having his own child, with the events that would thrust him into the national spotlight. It details his reaction to the call, why he felt he had to report it (and that he never thought it would become public), and why he testified even over the objections of his own father (who was an ardent t***p supporter at the time). The book also provides some behind-the-scenes details of both Vindman's closed-door and public testimony and finishes with a recounting of the end of his military career.

The book is fairly short (less than 250 pages) and is a fairly quick read. I like that it gives some insight into who Vindman is as a person and what caused him to do what he felt was right in reporting to his superiors what he believed to be misconduct on the part of t***p. While it is clear that he was no fan of t***p even before the impeachment mess and the fallout that stemmed from it, he saw himself as apolitical when it came to his job and his duty and unlike the boot-licking toadies that ran rampant in the t***p administration, Vindman was going to do what he felt was right regardless of his personal politics (which seemingly did have a more conservative bent, at least until t***p came along). 

Overall, the book is a good read. It can be a bit dry, but not overly so, and I, for one, was happy to support a guy who did what was right for his country. I definitely recommend it.

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 77

 Day 77 was a rest day from the "regular workouts" but I did again, do a modified version of the T25 stretch workout. In that, I again replaced the downward dog portion with more hamstring-focused stretches. I am still very tight in my lower back and hamstrings, but I can tell my flexibility in those areas has started to slightly improve over the past month or so.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

4k UHD Review: Zach Snyder's Justice League


+++ Warning, minor spoilers ahead +++

As most know, Zach Snyder had to drop out of directing Justice League during filming due to a death in his family, at which point WB decided to make it a single, stand-alone movie, and brought Joss Whedon, who had helmed many of the very successful MCU movies to finish the movie. Snyder originally intended to have a Justice League trilogy, so when it was turned into a stand-alone movie a ton of content was cut out. And, Whedon re-shot some portions of the movie, mainly to add humor into the movie to make it "less dark" than Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman had been. The resulting theatrical version went over like a lead balloon (I think in large part because of Whedon's rumored behavior on set), and pretty much ever since the theatrical release fans had clamored for and demanded the "Snyder Cut". The result is a four-hour-long movie that shows the direction Snyder had intended to take the films. 

As I mentioned above, Snyder had envisioned a Justice League trilogy of movies, with this movie split in two, and the third movie set in the nightmare world that we saw a glimpse of in Batman v. Superman. The biggest change from the theatrical version of the movie is that Steppenwolf was not really the "big bad" he was essentially a lackey trying to get back into the good graces of Darkseid, after having been banished from Apokolips. Lois's involvement in this cut of the movie is much different, and we get to see Martian Manhunter who was completely removed from the theatrical version. And, both the characters of Cyborg and Flash are set-up a lot more in this movie than they were in the theatrical version, and you get a lot more of each of their backstories (especially Cyborg). 

I have the UK import Steelbook. Like the US domestic release, that one has two UHD discs that have the movie split into two parts, probably where Snyder had intended to stop the first movie had he been able to execute his original plan. The first disc has the first two hours and forty-one minutes of the movie, and the second disc has the last hour and a half (approximately, excluding the credits). The UK import also has a 24-minute making-of feature that details how the Snyder Cut came to be and included interviews with the cast and crew. Unfortunately, there is no commentary track on the movie. The UHD discs are region-free and will play on US players, and I believe the regular Blu-ray discs are region-2 locked. But, there are no additional extras on the regular Blu-rays so you really do not have to watch them.

Overall, this cut of the movie is better than the theatrical version. While I do not think the theatrical version is as awful as some paint it, it is definitely a lot more flawed than this cut (which, admittedly, has its own flaws). There are rumors that WB might actually restore the Snyderverse and let Zach Snyder make the third installment of the movie, but for now, the theatrical version is the official DCEU canon. I personally like the darker, edgier tone that this movie takes (it is rated R, mainly because of a couple of f-bombs that get dropped), and respect that they did not try to be a carbon copy of the MCU movies. That said, Ezra Miller's quips in the theatrical version were great, and while a couple of them made it into this one (including wondering whether Wonder Woman would go for younger men), that is really the only thing I missed from that version. This is definitely worth checking out.

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 76

 Day 76 was cardio and abs. This workout was a bit weird as some things I did much better than in prior workouts (the cross hops) and some things I was a lot more gassed during (the jumping jacks, which I always hate anyway). But, I made it through the workout without too much of a problem and was able to hit 17 reps on all the ab-ripper exercises. So, overall, it was a good workout.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

4kUHD Review: Justice League (Theatrical Cut)


+++Warning, this contains minor spoilers from the movie+++

The theatrical cut of Justice League is definitely a mixed bag. Joss Whedon is blamed for ruining the movie, and certainly, his additions range from chuckle-worthy to downright stupid, and there was, of course, his on-set behavior that was leaked out by Ray Fisher and later confirmed by Gal Gadot, which then caused an avalanche of accusations about him going as far back as when he was working on Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel and pretty much ended (for now) his career. However, it is clear that Warner Brothers really was the entity that fucked up this movie, and caused a version of the movie that was totally out of place with the movies that had come before it was released.

As most know, Zach Snyder had intended for Justice League to be a three-part story, with this movie split into two parts (which he essentially got to do with the Snyder Cut of the film four years after the theatrical release) then a third movie set in the nightmare world that was teased in Batman v. Superman. However, when Snyder had to step away from the movie due to a death in his family, Whedon was brought in to cut the running time of the movie down and make it a stand-alone movie. The result is a mish-mash of Snyder's story with Whedon's additions (mainly to add humor because WB thought the DC movies were too dark and wanted to infuse some of what worked for the MCU into their movies). For the most part, the theatrical version is stuff Snyder filmed, with some changes like tweaks to the battle with Superman when he is brought back to life, Lois' role in the movie, the race between Flash and Superman at the end, and the really dumb subplot of the family living next door to the contaminated nuclear reactor (which was a fictional Chornobyl) and would not leave the second the aliens showed up. Steppenwolf's arc was dramatically altered (as well as his look), so a lot of his dialogue ended up changing.  And, the post-credits scene was quite different than the scene that came at the end of Snyder's version. But, what Whedon cut was far more substantial than what he added (which is why Snyder still got the directing credit). 

For those who get the 4k set, there are two discs. The UHD disc just has just the movie itself, and a Blu-ray disc that has the movie and the bonus material. That includes multiple behind-the-scenes features (clearly shot when Snyder was still on set, as Whedon was nowhere to be seen), deleted scenes, and a gag reel. There are also some features on how the Justice League has evolved from the comics to the various animated series to live-action. A good amount of material for those who like watching the bonus content. 

Overall, the movie is not as bad as its reputation, but it was definitely not as good as the movie that Snyder intended to make. I still think WB/DC would have been better off establishing the main characters through solo movies first like was done with the main heroes of the MCU movies, then doing the big team-up. But, diverting from what Snyder had set up made the problematic DCEU even worse because this movie just feels out of place. I would say it is worth watching if nothing else to compare and contrast with the Snyder cut of the movie, but it is not something that I would come back to a lot. 

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 75

 Day 75 was the sculpt 3-4 workout again. There is really nothing much to report from this workout. The reps for each exercise were within the 10-13 range. On a couple of the exercises, my rep count actually dropped by one or two from the prior workout. I am not entirely sure why that happened. But, aside from that, I felt the workout was good overall.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 74

 Day 74 was cardio and abs. Abs went well, but I was a bit gassed during the cardio portion. I actually had to stop for a few seconds (not a full-blown rest) to catch my breath before I could continue. I am still getting used to doing a modified fast where I do not eat anything after about 4PM. It is a bit of a struggle and I do think it impacts my energy level when I workout in the evening, but I am dropping both scale weight and body fat, so that is good. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 73

 Day 73 was the sculpt 3-4 workout again. Pretty much everything was the same for this workout as it was on Monday. I did not hit the 15 reps on any of the exercises after having increased the amount of weight again. My plan is when I start P90x is to increase all the weights I am using for the various exercises that are repeats from Power-90 by five pounds and then shoot for the 8-10 reps range so I am building more muscle. The only weight that will go down is the calf raises because the legs and back workout in P90x has a total of 45 calf raises with your toes pointing in different directions for each block of 15 reps, and I know there is no way I would be able to do 45 total reps with 45 or 50-pound dumbells. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 72

 Day 72 was cardio and abs. I was a bit tired during cardio from lack of sleep the night before, but I made it through. I can do 17 reps on all of the ab exercises (so I am doing 170 reps). I hope to get to 200 by the time I get to day 90, but otherwise, I plan to continue doing the workout after the cardio workouts in the Master's Series set and will get all 200 reps in by the time I finish that 8 weeks. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 71

 Day 71 was the sculpt 3-4 workout. I felt like I was a bit stronger than during last Friday's workout, and I was able to hit 15 reps on the forearm curls in the fourth block. I have been dropping weight after a bit of a plateau. I am still carb cycling, but I backed off on my total calories a bit, and have stopped eating after 4pm, doing a modified fast overnight. I am still doing a free/cheat day (usually on Sunday) where I eat more calories so I am not worried about my body trying to go into starvation mode. I have not taken measurements since day 1, but I will do so two weeks from Sunday. I think I am losing more inches than I am losing scale weight given that my jeans are fitting a bit better. As I have said before, I really don't care what the scale weight is as long as I am losing inches. I am one of those that can put on both a decent amount of muscle and a lot of fat. The trick is always getting the fat off (which my body is very efficient at storing) to get the muscle to show. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


This is the sixth book in the Harry Potter series of novels. It really advances the story forward, not only revealing details of Voldemort's past but also finally revealing his weakness and, what Harry needs to do to defeat him. It also mixes in the "normal" school trials and tribulations like relationships, exams, and the like. The title of the book is based on an annotated potions book that Harry finds with notes by someone called "The Half-Blood Prince" that suddenly allows Harry to excel in potions, impressing the new potions professor, Horace Slughorn, a former Hogwarts professor who has a history with Voldemort when he was known as Tom Riddle.

As has been the case with most of the books, it contains a lot more material than was seen in the movie. There is a lot more to the Malfoy storyline, which in the book incorporates both Kreacher and Dobby, as well as having a lot more elements than was seen in the movie. It also develops the relationship between Ginny and Harry a lot more than the movie did. And, there is more to Harry and Dumbledore working together than we saw in the movie. It, like the prior two novels, was certainly long enough (at 650 or so pages) to be split into two movies, so if you have only seen the movie you will likely enjoy the book even more. 

As I said above, the book is long, but it flows well and makes for a fairly quick read. It continues to get darker in terms of the storylines and there are more characters in danger this year as the confrontation between Harry and Voldemort gets closer. It is definitely too dark for little kids but should be okay for most teenagers (as the books were written to become more adult as kids reading them aged). And, they are definitely good enough that adults can enjoy them too.

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 70

 Day 70 was the T25 stretch video and a rest day from the Power-90 workouts. I again modified it with hurdler and straight leg stretches during the downward dog sequence so I could focus more on my hamstrings and lower back, which are always the tightest for me. If I decide to do a recovery week between the end of the 3-4 workouts and the master's series workouts, I will definitely incorporate this into the mix.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Workout Update: Power 90 Day 69

 This was cardio and abs again. It was probably my best workout of the week, but still not as good as prior workouts have been. I think I will do a recovery week before I get into the master's series workouts, in which I will do a few different stretching and yoga workouts but give myself a break from weights and higher-impact stuff. I will see how I feel at the end of the 90 days.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 68

 Day 68 was the sculpt 3-4 workout. I was able to make very slight progress in this workout. I hit the 15 rep max on a couple of exercises. Interestingly, my rep count actually dropped for a few exercises (using the same amount of weight as the last workout), which was the first time that had happened so far. I think it was probably from being worn out during the week due to family medical issues and lack of quality sleep. But, I made it through and was able to finish. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

DVD Review: Chicago Fire Season 7


Season seven of Chicago Fire pretty much follows the same format that the show has had from day one. Each episode is mainly self-contained. There are story arcs that weave through the episodes (both in the professional and personal lives of the various characters), and then the fire/rescue sequences that interrupt at pretty much any time. Then, of course, there are crossover episodes. This season there was a three-show crossover very early in the season with Chicago Med and Chicago PD, then a two-show crossover later in the season with Chicago PD. There is more cast turnover this year with Gabby off in Puerto Rico (Monica Raymund made a couple of appearances early in the season) and Annie Llonzoh joined the cast as the new paramedic, Emily Foster. The end of the season sees pretty much every member of the cast (again) in danger from an out-of-control fire, ending (again) on a cliffhanger.

For those who get the DVD set, the only bonus material/extras are the crossover episodes for Med and PD. There are no behind-the-scenes features as there were in the first few season releases. It is basically just a MOD DVD set with the episodes and that is it. 

Overall, the show is still good, and the writers have done a good job advancing the storylines to keep the show from getting stale. I think the cast turnover actually helps the show, even though it is sad to see characters leave. The acting continues to be very good, and the show does a good job balancing the large ensemble cast. I'd say if you have been a fan of the show's prior seasons you will probably like this one as well. On the other hand, if you have not liked the prior seasons of the show, this one will probably not convert you. If you only get the physical DVD sets when there are a lot of extras then you probably will just want to stick to streaming this (unless you are getting it to have a complete collection). 

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 67

 Day 67 of Power 90 was cardio and abs. I really had to push myself to even do the workout. I was not feeling all that well by the time I had time to do it, but I was able to get through it doing the best I could. I did have to take a couple of breaks and modify the exercises more than usual, but I did not skip it, and was still able to get a good calorie burn. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Workout Update: Power 90 Day 66

 Day 66 was sculpt 3-4 again. I was able to hit 15 reps on a couple of the resistance exercises and also increased the number of push-ups I could do increased on a couple of the push up moves. So, overall it was a good workout. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 65

 Day 65 was the abs and cardio workout again. Nothing big to report from it aside from that I still did not have a ton of energy during the workout (which I did early in the morning). I was able to get to 16 reps on each of the ab exercises during ab-ripper, so I am getting closer to the 200 overall reps.  I am looking forward to getting to the new workouts in the master's series, although most of the moves will be things I have done in P90x before, which is the point of the master's series workouts, to get you ready for P90x, and P90x was really building on the foundation that Power-90 laid. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 64

 Day 64 was the sculpt 3-4 workout. I had to do it a bit later in the evening than I wanted to because of work, but I got it done and was still able to make some progress. I was able to do at least 1-2 more reps on most of the push-up variations and was able to hit a 15 rep max on one of the resistance moves, which means the weight on that one will get bumped up for the next workout. I am definitely looking forward to starting the masters series workouts as this workout is definitely getting repetitive now. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Workout Update: Power-90 Day 63

 Day 63 was a rest day (mostly), but I did do the T25 stretch workout. I modified it to replace a couple of their moves with hurdler stretches and straight-leg stretches so I could focus more on my hamstrings, which is the one area that I think that workout is lacking. Otherwise, I did not do any other workout yesterday, and enjoyed my "off day". 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Book Review: Secrets of the Galaxy Deluxe Box Set


This is a set of essentially four handbooks, one given to Jedi Padawans, one for the Imperial Academy troops, one for members of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, and one that is really a written Sith history. They do not read like novels, but more like instruction manuals, codes for the members of the intended audience to live by, etc. In the margins, there are notes by different characters making comments on the text, that range from Luke, Han, Boba Fett, Palpatine, Anakin (both the Jedi version of Anakin and later as Vader), Ashoka, etc. 

The books are relegated to "legends" status and not a part of the official canon material, but certainly, some of the material in them are tied to canon events, so they are kind of a hybrid between non-canon and canon material. They are all relatively short (about 160 pages each), and for the most part, are quick reads. The one drawback is that the "handwritten" notes in the margins can be very hard to read, both because the text size is small, and because it was made to look like handwriting, and sometimes very messy handwriting. They are not what I would call a must-read, even for die-hard Star Wars fans, but they are entertaining.