The 13-episode third season of Prison Break aired during the 2007/2008 TV season. It does yet another reset of the show, this time finding the group again in over their heads, with Michael, T-Bag, Alex, and Bellick in Sona, the prison in Panama where the inmates literally run the asylum. Apparently, the prison is modeled after a real prison in Brazil where the guards stay outside the prison, and inside it is a "Lord of The Flies" scenario. We know that The Company wanted Michael in prison, and we learn within the first episode that it is because they want him to break someone out. From there, the rest of the season is a take on the season one breakout, but with Michael having to plan on the fly and improvise, with Lincoln and Sucre trying to help him from the outside.
This season was a bit uneven due mainly to it being cut short by the 2007 writer's strike, getting just 13 episodes instead of the standard 22. Sarah Wayne Callies was pregnant and in a contract dispute, which led to a significantly reduced role for her character. There are new characters introduced the main ones being Jodi Lynn O'Keefe who plays Susan B. Anthony/Gretchen who is basically a cleaner for The Company, Chris Vance as Whistler, another prisoner, Danay Garcia, as his girlfriend Sophia, and Robert Wisdom as Lechero, the inmate who basically runs the prison in Panama. As with the prior two seasons, there are quite a few twists and turns, and not every character is who they seem.
The Blu-Ray set is a four-disc set. For those who get the blu-ray set, the extras are all on the final disc. There are no commentary tracks, as for the first two seasons. There is a 25-minute behind-the-scenes featurette and a 40-minute director's take feature, which is basically the director of each episode doing a scene breakdown from that particular episode. You can play all 13 at one time or one by one. The extras are rounded out by a short between-takes feature, which basically has some actors saying what they do between takes and a feature on the breakout episode. It is over an hour's worth of extras, so for those who like watching the bonus material, it definitely makes picking up the blu-ray set worth it.