The 13-episode sixth season of The League aired during the fall of 2014. The show's format continued in the same vein as the similar seasons. The primary storyline in each episode was set around the weekly fantasy football matchups, and intertwined were stories involving the characters' lives. As in past seasons, there were cameos by NFL players. This year, most player cameos occurred during a hilarious sequence at the combine that kicked off the season. The jokes were very similar to the past seasons, and an argument can certainly be made that this season is when the show started to get stale. I think overall, there were fewer laugh-out-loud moments than in past seasons. Jay Glazer and Darren Sproles were among the celebrity cameos this year, and there was another Rafi and Dirty Randy-centric episode, which, as in past seasons, was co-written by Jason Mantzoukas and Seth Rogan. Brenda Song, Rob Huebel, and Zach Woods also had guest roles this season.
The DVD set is a two-disc set. The extras are the same as in the past seasons. Those include deleted scenes, Taco Tones (musical numbers that appeared in the episodes), an alternate joke reel, and a gag reel. Also, you do not have to choose between broadcast and extended versions of the episodes. The extended/uncensored episodes are automatically included when available and replace the broadcast versions. So, if you only get DVD sets when there are a lot of extras, you get quite a bit. Ultimately, the show is still funny but less funny than in the early seasons. Most of the jokes are played out at this point and are generally not as clever or edgy as they were. That said, if you have liked the show up to this point, it is still worth watching as long as you realize it may not be as enjoyable as the prior seasons were.
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