
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 62

For Day 62 I switched things up. It normally would have been Cardio in 645, however, I was installing a new garage door opener, which, even with help is, to quote Buffy The Vampire Slayer, "a job of work." By the time we were done, I was exhausted and then had to go to a birthday party. Needless to say, by the time I got home and had time to work out, I was not feeling 45 minutes of cardio, so I did the Realign routine in XB. Even doing that routine was tough, but I got through it.

Product Review: LED Edison Light Bulbs


I got these for new pendant lights to go over my kitchen island. They look great and throw a lot of light. If you like the look of Edison bulbs, these are definitely great looking. And, because they are LED bulbs, they will likely last a lot longer than traditional filament bulbs.

Product Review: 4K HDMI Cable 10 ft - Atevon High Speed 18Gbps HDMI 2.0 Cable


When I remodeled my townhouse I switched out my old wood-burning fireplace with a gas fireplace. I decided to mount my TV above the fireplace on the drywall bump out where the gas insert is mounted. I got this to run through the drywall from the side of the bump-out to the front where the TV is mounted so I did not have to run a cable down the wall and around the corner to plug it into a Roku or blu-ray player. The cable is a perfect length to go through the wall and has enough length on either end to easily reach the HDMI ports on the TV and place a device at the other end where you want it. So, if you are looking to do something like that, I highly recommend this cable.

Product Review: Shur-Line 6620 9" Premium Grip Paint Roller Frame


This is a very solid, and well-put-together paint roller. It is much better than some of the cheaper rollers out there. It holds the roller brushes on well, and I have had no issue with them sliding around. My only complaint, and what knocks it down a star for me, is that when you attach it to an extension pole, as you paint it unscrews itself and becomes loose, so you keep having to tighten it to the pole. That can be a pain when painting elevated areas like vaulted walls. Aside from that, however, if you are just holding onto it and not using it on a pole, this is absolutely worth the price.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Product Review: Emliviar Mini Pendant Light


I got two of these when I had my kitchen remodeled back in 2020 to put over the newly installed kitchen island. I was looking initially at a slightly different light which was sold out and decided to go with these. I am not sure how easy they were to install, I had an electrician install them, but he did not seem to have any issues and had them up in about 10 minutes per light if that. I used LED Edison bulbs in them which look awesome in the fixture. Everything was well packed and nothing was broken in either of the lights I received. I am definitely happy with the purchase and highly recommend these if you are looking for nice-looking, affordable, pendant lights.

Product Review: Filtrete 16x25x1 Air Filter, MPR 300, MERV 5 Basic Dust 3-Month Pleated 1-Inch Air Filters


I had an older furnace (about 20 years old, give or take) that could not handle one of the heavy-duty filters. These are perfect as basic filters that I can replace every 1-3 months and are not prohibitively expensive. Even though I now have a newer furnace, these do keep it from getting too dusty and dirty (that and regular yearly maintenance), which is really the point of the air filters. 

Product Review: RIYCUOWT Damaged Screw Extractor


I got this because I had three braces for large floating shelves that had screws with stripped heads in them. I was able to use these to get some, but not all, of them out. If the head is damaged too much, these will not get them out. But, if they are not, these work as advertised. It is important that you have the drill in reverse at all times when you are using these otherwise it will not work to get the screws out.

Product Review: Ropeless Jump Rope


I got this because I do a lot of the Beachbody workouts (as anyone who reads this blog knows), including ones like Insanity: Asylum which uses a jump rope in some of the workouts. But, my basement has low ceilings, so it is difficult to jump rope exercises down there. Plus, I was never super coordinated with a jump rope even when I was a kid, and that has not gotten better as an adult. This allows me to do the moves without having to worry about tripping over the rope, or the rope hitting the ceiling. The ends are weighted enough that it mimics the feel of swinging a jump rope, but not so much that it gets your arms or shoulders too tired. I definitely recommend this.

Product Review: FLEXISPOT EN1 Height Adjustable Standing Desk


I got this to use in an office corner of my renovated basement since I am stuck working from home due to COVID-19. A couple of things to note about putting it together. First, as it says on the product page, this will come in two boxes. One with the pieces for the frame, and one with the desktop. I got the frame first (on a Tuesday), then got the desktop the following Monday. So, you will not be able to assemble the entire thing right away. Second, you will need two people to assemble the frame because the legs are too heavy to hold up with one hand while screwing on the part that holds the crossbar. Third, you will need a drill and/or electric screwdriver to put this together. An electric screwdriver makes it easier to screw the base to the tabletop (and the power box and lift controller to the tabletop). The former you need because there are not pre-drilled holes for all the spots that need screws. For me, the hardest thing about putting it together was aligning the base with the holes on the tabletop that you need to screw the legs to the table. Unless you are very lucky you will have to adjust the crossbar after you put the base together when you are screwing it to the tabletop. You also need to be very careful when connecting the piece that turns when the motor engages not to turn the motor winch too much when you are tightening the bar (it will make sense in the instructions).

Overall, the instructions are written better than most for these types of put it together yourself furniture pieces. You do have to look at the pictures to see exactly how things should be aligned, but it is not too hard, even if you are not very handy or much of a DIYer. The desk is very heavy and sturdy once put together and does not feel flimsy like a lot of things you have to assemble. You can move it up and down using the arrows on the control box, or you can program up to three heights using programmable buttons. So far, I am very satisfied with it and would absolutely recommend it.

Product Review: FROGTAPE 280222 Delicate Surface Painter's Tape with PaintBlock


I used this to tape around door frames so I could paint the walls around the doors (which had also been painted along with the frames). I specifically used the tape for delicate surfaces because the door frames had been newly painted. When taking this off, some of the paint did come off the doors. The tape would remove fine, then pull a bunch of the paint from the door off, then be fine again. so, needless to say, the door frames needed touching up again. And, the tape did allow some amount of bleed-through in some spots. So, it does not work as advertised, at least in some situations.

Product Review: Shur-Line 06100 Gallon Can Paint Pourer


This is a pour spout that fits a one-gallon paint can perfectly, makes pouring the paint into a tray a whole lot easier, and avoids causing a huge mess with paint dripping down the side of the can. When the paint on the pourer dries you can just peel it off and reuse it. I definitely recommend it.

Product Review: Mr. Longarm 4.9 in. W x 4.4 in. L White Foam Applicator


I have a townhouse with a lot of vaulted ceilings and painted most of the rooms a couple of years ago. This definitely helps with edging at the top of the vaulted walls. It would work even better if I did not have popcorn ceilings in some of the rooms, so right at the very top, I had to have a professional go up there with a brush to finish. But for the edges that were not against the popcorn ceilings, this gave awesome coverage, much better than a roller, and allows you to do a lot of painting before it wears out (which you will know has happened when it starts peeling away from the backing). I definitely recommend it.

Product Review: ALLWAY GPS5 Paint Pouring Spout for 5-Gallon Containers


I renovated my townhouse back in 2020, which included painting most of the rooms. Thus, I purchased a couple of 5-gallon buckets of paint. Of course, those are very heavy and hard to pour paint from. This makes it much easier to pour from the buckets, regardless of whether they have the tab you pull out or the cap you unscrew. If your bucket has the former, you can separate the "inner portion" which is the pour spout itself, from the base, and just push that into the hole after you pull the tab out. If it is the latter, you simply unscrew the cap on the bucket, and screw the base with the spout in it, on the same threads. It definitely helps keep paint from getting everywhere or pouring out too fast from the bucket. I definitely recommend this.

Product Review: Mr. LongArm Trim Smart Paint Edger


When I was renovating my townhome back in 2020, I was doing a lot of painting, including painting vaulted ceilings. This definitely came in very handy to do the edge work. And, it gets a nice coating of paint, much better than a lot of brushes and rollers. The contractors that I used who helped with some of the painting also really love these. The only drawback is that it is hard to keep paint off the wheels, so it is almost impossible to keep all the paint from getting on the connecting wall to the one you are edging, but that is really only an issue if you are going to do an accent wall. Otherwise, these are wonderful.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Product Review: Fitbit Alta HR Charging Cable


The charger for the Alta and Alta HR will likely break down eventually and they are not like other charging cables that use a mico-USB connection. This charger has prongs that have to connect to the back of the Alta HR, that do break off or lose a good connection over time. This is the official Fitbit cable and is a bit more expensive than the knockoff cables, but I have seen reviews of some of the cheaper cables that cause the units to go haywire. And, Fitbit is very particular about what they will not warranty and what will void the warranty on the Fitbit, so it is best to use their cable.

Food Review: Marie Callender's Tender Ginger Beef and Broccoli Bowl


While it is not as good (in my opinion anyway) as an order of Beef with Broccoli from a restaurant (especially a good Vietnamese restaurant), you get a good amount of food in the bowl, it is filling, and it is not just all rice. Most of the meat is tender, although I have, from time to time, had one with a piece or two of the beef which is quite tough. But, I have probably had around 10 of these, and that is a rarity. You get a decent amount of protein per serving but it does, like pretty much all frozen dinners, have quite a bit of sodium.  It is definitely one that I would recommend.

Product Review: mDesign Plastic Tea Bag Divided Storage Organizer


I have a large box of green tea that I purchased at one of the warehouse clubs. The box from the store was huge and took up a lot of room, this is a much better option for storing the tea bags. It is large enough to store all the tea bags, and can easily be placed at the front of a cupboard or pantry for easy access. If the tea bags are larger, you may have to put them into the separations at an angle as there is no way to adjust the size of the inner portions that form the separate boxes. You could also use these for craft supplies, however the lid is not locking, so if you accidentally dropped it, or it fell from a shelf, whatever you put in it would go everywhere. But, this is a great option to hold individual tea bags.

Product Review: Treehouse by Natureclean Nature Clean Liquid Hand Soap


It is a good size and is available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon, which is nice (when it is available). The only complaint I have is that it has a very strong, almost overpowering, citrus smell. It does not linger on your hands after you rinse them off, so it is not a huge drawback, but it could be toned down a lot.

Product Review: Decor Grates ST410 Classic Collection Décor Design Painted, 4x10 Inches, Floor Register


A couple of years ago I replaced the white carpet in my master bedroom with dark engineered hardwood. While renovating the rest of my townhouse, I was looking for new vent covers to match new flooring that was going in other areas of the house, and I came across this which is a perfect match to the flooring in the master bedroom. There is no fancy installation (just make sure you confirm the size of the duct before you purchase), just take the old vent out and put this in. The outside is metal, but the inner part, including the vent flaps, is plastic. The benefit is that they are much easier to open and close than the flaps on the old metal vents, but some people on Amazon have issues with the plastic part partially melting and warping when they turn on the heat. I installed these in the summer, but have used them for a couple of winters. They still open and close just fine and the plastic parts have not melted or warped at all. And, I live in a part of the country where it gets very cold in the winter, so the furnace runs a lot. They look great with the flooring in the room and are a great value for the price.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 61

Day 61 was the lower back routine in XB and the first total body tempo workout of Phase 3 in 645.

The 645 workout was another tough one, with a few new moves mixed in with exercises we had done in prior weeks. The pace of the workout is very accelerated with much less transition time between the moves. You do, however, get at least 45 seconds between sets. The workout ends almost at the 45-minute mark with the cooldown just being a few seconds in child's pose. 

Product Review: Accord AMFRBLV410 Floor Register with Victorian Design


I recently replaced the flooring in my living room and kitchen with LVP flooring and replaced the two, very old, existing floor vents on that level with these. There is no fancy installation (just make sure you confirm the size of the duct before you purchase), just take the old vent out and put this in. The outside is metal, but the inner part, including the vent flaps, is plastic. The benefit is that they are much easier to open and close than the flaps on the old metal vents, but some people on Amazon have issues with the plastic part partially melting and warping when they turn on the heat. I installed these in the summer, and have used them through a couple of winters now. I live in a part of the USA where the winters can be very cold and the furnace runs a lot. I have not had a problem with the plastic melting or warping at all, and the vents still open and close just fine. They look great with the new floor and are a great value for the price.

Product Review: Ryobi 4-Volt QuickTurn Lithium-Ion Cordless 1/4 in. Hex Screwdriver Kit


This is a Ryobi cordless screwdriver. It does not have the power of a drill or impact driver, so it is definitely intended for smaller uses like installing hardware on cabinets or doors, or things akin to that. One great thing is that it can either be configured as a long, straight piece, or you can turn the base so that it is configured more like a drill, so if you need to use it at a more awkward angle, you can. While I would not say that you can use it in place of a regular screwdriver in every situation, you can do so in many. One thing to note, much like an impact driver, you have to use the screwdriver heads that have the hex ends. Double-sided screwdriver bits will not work on this. Overall, it is definitely a good value for the money.

Product Review: Igloo Polar 120 Qt. Cooler


It is a large cooler. It is perfect for taking camping, or to have around if your refrigerator stops working (or you lose power or are renovating your kitchen). Even though it is large, it can still fit in the trunk of a "regular" sized sedan, or anything larger< It is perfect for keeping cold items cold when doing a run to the grocery store or warehouse club.

Product Review: Settings Plastic Clear Soup Spoons


These are a bit smaller and less sturdy than some other plastic spoons out there. That said, they are perfect for things like soup or cereal. They are not as good for something like non-soft-serve ice cream. When eating regular ice cream they can (and probably will) easily break. But, if you need them for a cookout or something along those lines, they are a fine value for the amount you get.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Product Review: Grip Tight Tools Heavy Duty Plastic Paint Tray


These are very small paint trays. They are definitely too small for a full-sized roller. But, perfect to use for a brush, edger, or a small roller, in smaller spaces. They are very sturdy and are not flimsy when holding paint. A great value for the price.