
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Book Review: Total Power (Mitch Rapp Series #19)


Total Power is the 19th book in the prolific Mitch Rapp series of novels. It was published in 2019 and is the sixth book in the series written (in whole or in part) by Kyle Mills, who took over the series after the death of its creator, Vince Flynn.

In this novel, Mills mostly resets the storyline. He does reference some of the events of the prior novels, but that is mostly done tangentially. The plot of this book is the takedown of the United States' electrical grid and a plot by the book's main antagonist, to keep the grid offline for a year, sending the US into the dark ages and killing millions of people. In a note at the beginning of the book Mills calls the subject matter (and his research of it) scary, and like Flynn did in the book Transfer of Power, he left details on exactly how such an attack could be pulled off intentionally vague. As someone who had to study how power systems work in school, and did a senior project on faults in a power system, I definitely agree with his assessment of how scary an attack on our power grid could be. 

The book is about 370 pages long and reads fairly quickly. It has a very similar style and tone as the previous books in the series, especially those written by Mills, and can easily be read in a few days. The book mixes the action with plot advancement and even introduces a couple of new characters who could have larger roles in the subsequent books. It is definitely worth reading for fans of the series and/or the genre.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 12

Day 12 was the Restore routine in XB and total body tempo in 645.

Nothing new to report about the Restore Routine. It went the same as it did a couple of days ago with no additional gains in flexibility, but no losses either. 

The 645 block was focused on the shoulders and chest. It has three blocks. Each block has three sets of two or three exercises with no rest between the exercises and 45 seconds of rest between the sets. 

In the first block, you do two moves, lying close presses (basically presses with the dumbells squeezed together) and then you do what Amoila calls T raises, in which you bend over and do a fly with your thumbs up (so it is hitting your rear delts). For each exercise, you do three counts down, focusing on the eccentric or lowering part of the motion. 

In block 2, you do eccentric push-ups, (one count up and three counts down) and then you do beast underswitches. For those, you basically go from beast mode and do a clickthrough so you are doing a "reverse beast" with your but toward the floor. 

The final block has three moves in which you do kneeling shoulder press in which you turn away from your bent knee as you press, then you do the bananas from P90x, and then you do an offset carry in which you hold one weight above your head and the other weight at your side and march, 17.5 seconds on one side and then switch to the other side.

The 645 workout is again challenging, but not overwhelming. I found myself getting very tired even with light weights and on a couple of the moves I actually had to decrease the amount of weight I used for the second and third sets.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 11

For Day 11 I did the Realign workout in XB stretch (it was supposed to be Refresh, but I did the wrong one) and Week 2 of upper body strength in 645.

Even though I did the wrong XB workout, I like Realign more than I like Refresh anyway, so it worked out. Realign is focused on the lower body. It is interesting that after all the hamstring and hip work that I did in 645 yesterday, my hamstrings were still super tight this morning. But, I did feel like I had a bit better range of motion at the end of the 15 minutes than I did at the beginning of it.

The 645 workout was again shoulder and upper back focused. There are three blocks with the first block consisting of three exercises, two that use dumbbells and one bodyweight exercise that you do for three sets. Then there is an EMOM block that is just shoulder flys for four sets. Then the last block has three exercises that are again two dumbbell exercises and one bodyweight exercise that you do for four sets.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 10

Day 10 is essentially a recovery day. It is the Restore routine in XB and the Mobility and Stability routine in 645. 

During the Restore routine, I definitely felt that I could get deeper into all of the stretches, so I am definitely making progress there. Once I have made it through all of the routines, I plan on doing the short 6-7 minute routines and then I will cherry-pick from the 15-minute routines to do just the ones that I really like and skip the ones that I do not until I finish the 645 program. 

This week's mobility and stability routine in 645 has a very heavy (almost exclusive) focus on the hips and hamstrings. Like in week 1, you do seven moves for three rounds. For the first two rounds, you do each move for one minute. Then, in the third round, you do each move for 30 seconds. After that, you do some abductor and glute work with the power loops and finish with the same breathwork from week 1.

What I like about how Amoila handles the routines, especially (it seems) the mobility and stability routines, is that he really explains why each of the moves helps you. For example, he explains that tight hamstrings may be a result of a defect or imbalance in your hips, and if you fix that, your hamstrings may loosen up. He also explains that if you pull your knee in toward your chest while laying down, if it is easier to pull your knee off to the side a little, then you need to turn your feet out when you squat. So, he basically gives you a mini exercise-science education during each workout.

Book Review: Star Wars: Visions - Ronin


This is a unique, but kind of weird story that blends Star Wars with an old Japanese Samurai story. Because it is totally removed from any of the other Star Wars eras, it is not the easiest story to follow and just kind of feels shoe-horned into the Star Wars Universe. I could not really get into the story or the characters, and as a result, did not find the story all that easy to follow.

The book is relatively short, about 330 pages, so if you read quickly, you can probably get through it in a few days (or less). While it is an interesting and unique take on Star Wars, it is definitely not one of the novels that I would classify as a must-read in the new canon material.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 9

Day 9 was Energize in XB stretch and Week 2 of Total Body Power in 645.

Energize was a little easier than it was the last time I did it. The downward dog portion was still the hardest part of it for me, but outside of that sequence, I think it went fairly well.

The total body power workout was a mix of using weights and body weight exercises. In this workout, the first two blocks had three moves that were similar to, but not the same as, the exercises that we did in week 1. For example, you again do a dumbbell swing, but this time you also add a pull toward your shoulder at the top of the move. As another example, you again do a lateral bound but try to jump a bit higher than in week 1, etc.  The workout flows well, and although it is a bit longer than I have been used to in the last couple of workout programs, just at the time I am ready for the workout to be over, it ends, so it does not feel like it goes on for too long.

Blu-Ray/Movie Review: American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt


If you take portions of the plots of American Ninja 1 and 2, combine them with any other martial arts movies that involve a tournament (e.g., Enter The Dragon and The Karate Kid), and don't do any of them as well, you get American Ninja 3. This is the third movie in the American Ninja franchise created by Cannon Films after the popularity of the "Ninja Trilogy" that starred Sho Kosugi. The first American Ninja was a pretty big hit (for a low-budget martial arts movie) and the second one was more of a flop. The first two movies starred Michael Dudikoff as Joe Armstrong, the titular American Ninja. For this movie, Dudikoff's contract was up and he was replaced with David Bradley, who played Sean Davidson another (convenient) American Ninja. Dudikoff's character is named dropped once during the movie, but that is it.

The plot, to the extent there is one, is recycled yet barely comprehensible. The main bad guy is another terrorist nicknamed The Cobra (played by Marjoe Gortner) who is making biological weapons and genetically enhanced super ninjas. One of the main problems with the movie is that there is no "main" bad ninja. There are just a bunch of rando ninjas that would be expendable henchmen in any other ninja movie. So, the "final battle" is just silly. Steve James is the only one from the first two movies to appear in this one, reprising his role as Curtis Jackson, who is now out of the Army and attending a karate tournament where he meets Davidson.

The A/V transfer is okay, but not great. It is definitely a step up from VHS quality, but as you would expect with a low-budget B-movie, it did not get a great restoration. For extras, there is a 13-minute behind-the-scenes featurette that includes interviews with the writer, director, producer, and Dudikoff who basically says it was not his decision not to come back for this movie. Then there is a 6-minute portion of David Bradley's screen test and the theatrical trailer. Unlike the blu-ray releases for the first two movies, this one does not have a commentary track.

The only real reason to get this movie is if you have the others and want to keep your collection complete. The action is fine and Bradley certainly could handle the martial arts. But, the writing is horrible and as a result, the acting is pretty shitty too.  It is something you can watch once and never watch again and/or just have it on in the background while you are cooking or cleaning. 

DVD/TV Series Review: Baywatch Season 6


The sixth season of Baywatch aired during the 1995-1996 TV season. Yet again, the show had a lot of cast turnover with David Charvet mostly leaving the series (save for a few episodes), David Chokachi joining the cast as a new lifeguard and Olympic hopeful named Cody, and Gena Lee Nolan joining the cast taking over the role of Neely (continuing the storyline from the prior season). This season is the one in which the spinoff show, Baywatch Nights began, which took Gregory Alan Williams from the Baywatch cast and definitely reduced Hasselhoff's time on the main show. Although Hoff was still the lead actor, there were definitely episodes in which his screen time was very reduced or that he barely appeared in. This was also the season that Pamela Anderson became Pamela Lee after marrying Tommy Lee. The one notable absence is that this is the first season in which John Allen Nelson did not return as Court. 

The show did continue to get a good slate of guest stars. This season's guest stars included Mila Kunis (again) in a totally different role than she played in Season 5, The Beach Boys, Richard Moll (from Night Court), Ashley Gorell who played the young delinquent, Joey in the prior season, Hulk Hogan (and most of the mid-1990s WCW roster including Ric Flair, Macho Man, Vader, and Kevin Sullivan), Jenny McCarthy, Angie Harmon (who was a regular on Baywatch Nights), Heidi Mark (who was a 1995 Playboy Playmate), and Pamela Bach (who was Hoff's wife at the time). 

The show continued to be a prime-time soap opera that was a blend of story-of-the-week procedural and serial storytelling. It is mostly a drama but does mix some humor in as well (such as with an episode that is part spoof, part homage, to the show Charlie's Angels). Because the show aired in syndication, however, some episodes were clearly aired in a much different order than they were shot, so the storylines would be all over the place. For example, early in the season, Charvet's character Matt is essentially written out of the show, and then he shows up as a guest star about 1/3 of the way into the season. Then, at the end of the season, there is a two-part episode that was clearly supposed to be aired early in the season, if not be a two-part season premiere, in which Matt is basically a regular cast member again. And, as a result, CJ goes between dating (or pining over Matt) to dating Cody and back again. There is also a cancer storyline that starts in a couple of episodes, seems to get totally abandoned, then brought back. And, Caroline and Logan's relationship, which is hot and cold anyway, makes absolutely no sense this season.

Ultimately, by now you know what the show is and is not. It is a show with a ridiculously good-looking cast (making liberal use of music montages to show them off). The show definitely leans in on the hot cast at the total expense of good writing and storytelling. Because the writing is mostly bad, the acting is usually (but not always) pretty bad as well. If you can accept the show for what it is, it is entertaining, sometimes in a "so bad it is good" way. If you expect anything more than that, you will be sorely disappointed.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 8

Day 8 was the Restore routine in XB and Week 2's version of Lower-Body Strength in 645.

I definitely feel like I progressed a little bit in the XB Restore routine. I can get a little deeper into all of the stretches in which you have your leg up on the chair and had a little better range of motion.

The lower-body strength workout was similar to, but a bit different than the week one workout. This week again starts out with an EMOM block, and you are doing squats, but this time holding a weight that you extend as you squat down. Block 2 has three exercises, a plank move in which you extend one arm in front and then to the side and then switch arms. Then you do deadlifts, and then you do a variation on deadbug. In block 3, you do the final three exercises, which have split lunges that you do for 15 reps on each side, a row in which you are in a lunge with only your back toe on the floor, and then the dumbbell drags (from side to side) that you can do on your knees or in a plank.

The 645 workout is a good workout and is again challenging even if you are modifying it. I like that you work the same muscles (legs, glutes, and back) that you did in week 1, but you are doing different exercises so it does not get boring (which is the main issue I have always had with programs like P90x and Chalean Extreme). 

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 7

Day 7 was a rest day in 645 and the Mid-Day Move routine in XB.

Mid-Day move is another one in which you stand the entire time, but it does require a bit of coordination. I felt like my coordination and my ability to get deeper into the stretches improved a little bit. However, on the pyramid stretches I do have to put my hands on my shins as I cannot keep them on the floor throughout the entire sequence. 

Book Review: The January 6 Report


This is the official Congressional report of the January 6th domestic terror attack on the US Capitol during the certification of electors for the 2020 Presidential election. If you watched the televised hearings, the report basically follows the same format as the hearings. There is an executive summary at the beginning, spanning a little over 100 pages, that summarizes the information in the rest of the report and lays out the overall findings. Then, each chapter is devoted to different aspects or topics, from planning the gathering to the execution of the attack, and a final chapter with the Committee's recommendation. The second to the last chapter involves what the orange genital wart was and was not doing from the time it spoke at its rally, firing up the already angry crowd until it begrudgingly put out a video telling people to go home hours later. 

Each chapter of the report is anywhere from 50 to 100 pages in length (the entire thing is about 750 pages) and devoted to a specific topic. After each chapter, there are several pages of endnotes (hundreds per chapter). Some of the notes just point to a specific source, and some of them flesh out the sentence or paragraph it is noting. 

At the beginning of the book, there are three forwards. The first will vary, depending on what version of the report you get. The one I have includes a forward by Ari Melber, one of the MSNBC evening anchors. In it, he basically gives a high-level overview of what happened on January 6th, and what crimes could potentially be charged. Then, there is a short forward by Nancy Pelosi, one by Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, and one by Vice Chair, Liz Cheney.

The text of the report does include a lot of detail, specifically about the planning leading up to January 6th that was not in the televised hearings. The one area that I think the report is lacking is more detail about how much advanced warning various law enforcement and intelligence agencies had leading up to the attack and what they did or did not do with that information. Some of that information is spread throughout the various chapters, but I think a chapter devoted to that topic was warranted, as well as specific recommendations based on the findings. Overall, however, I think it is something that everyone concerned about preserving our Republic should read.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 6

 Day 6 was Cardio in 645 and Restore in XB.

The cardio workout included about 10 minutes of warmup, the regular workout, and about 5 minutes of cooldown. The regular portion of the workout consists of seven exercises, done back-to-back for 45 seconds each, with just a few seconds of rest between them. Then, for the first three rounds you get 45 seconds of rest after the seven exercises are finished. Then, after three rounds, you get a one-minute rest, then you do the seven exercises for 30 seconds, and then cool down. 

The workout is good. It is challenging, but not super intense. It is clear that Amoila is building up so by the final week the workouts will be very intense. There are some modified moves in this one, but for the most part, the modifier was doing the same moves as everyone else. 

Restore went fine. Nothing new to say about that one.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 5

Day 5 was the unwind routine in XB and the Total Body Tempo workout in 645.

The "unwind" routine went well. It really focuses on hip and neck flexibility. It is one of the routines that you are standing the entire time, and there is a little bit of balance work, but not much. It definitely helped work out some of the soreness that I had from the prior couple of days of 645.

The total body temp workout in 645, like the other workouts, have seven moves. This time, there are two exercises in the first block (dumbbell raises in which you raise and lower each arm separately) and then prone WY raises, in which you lay on your stomach, go into a cobra, and then extend and contact your arms. There is no rest between the two moves in the set, and 45 seconds of rest between each set. The second block does not use any weight and there are again two moves. The first is a Bear/Beast plank that you either hold for 30 seconds, or if you are not modifying you lift your arms and legs as Amoila calls out. The second move is a low-plank pike that you do for 30 seconds. Then, the final block has three exercises. The first is a kneeling shoulder press using one weight. Then you do a "deadbug" in which you lay on your back and bring your right arm and left leg to the floor, and then switch so your left arm and right leg go down as the other arm and leg comes up. The final move is a Farmer march in which you hold dumbells while you raise one knee, hold for a couple of seconds, and then switch. 

The workout is again very challenging. Even the exercises that do not use weight are not easy, and because you are doing 15 reps when you are using weight (and not resting between the moves), you will probably end up using much lighter weights than you think you will. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 4

Day 4 was the Restore routine in XB and the first upper body strength workout in 645.

The Restore routine went fairly well. For some reason, I was sore on my right side after yesterday's 645 mobility and flexibility workout. I have a feeling that I was stretching my lats in a way that they were not used to, so lifting my arms was a bit hard because I would have pain shoot down my right side. 

The 645 workout follows the same format as Tuesday's workout. A block of three exercises that are done back-to-back with no rest between them and then a 45-second rest between sets, an EMOM block in which you do 15 bicep curls, rest until the 60 seconds elapse, and then do another 15 reps. Then, the third block has three exercises that you do back-to-back with no rest between them. This is another good workout, and you learn a lot (if you pay attention) about functional upper-body movement.

Book Review: Lethal Agent (Mitch Rapp Series #18)


Lethal Agent is the 18th book in the Mitch Rapp series, published in 2019. It is the fourth book in the series written solely by Kyle Mills, who took over the series by finishing the book The Survivor after Vince Flynn passed away in 2013.

This book ties back to the novel Order to Kill, picking up on the plotline from the end of that book and then getting into the new storyline. We find out that the fictional ISIS leader survived the grenade attack by Rapp in the cave and now he is plotting to not only get revenge on Rapp but release anthrax in the US ahead of the contentious presidential election. The antagonist politician in this novel is a character named Christine Barnett, who hates Irene Kennedy and Mitch Rapp and who is considered to be a shoo-in to win the upcoming election. The plot of the book basically involves ISIS working with the Mexican cartels to smuggle anthrax-laced drugs into the US across the southern border which turns into an even larger threat.

The book is just under 400 pages and reads fairly quickly. The action is spaced quite well to balance the slower parts of the story. Assuming anyone reading this has read the other books in the series, you should be able to get through it in the same amount of time you have read the other books. The book is also a bit prophetic in light of what would happen in the real world in 2020. Like Flynn did, Mills weaves some elements of real life into the book like the political division in the country, drugs being smuggled across the border, etc. If you have liked Mills' contribution to the series up to this point, you will probably like this book as well.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 3

Day 3 was the signature stretch routine in XB, and the flexibility and mobility routine in 645.

The signature stretch routine was a bit easier than it was the last time I did it. I was able to get in and out of the down-dog splits a bit easier, and my balance was a bit better than the last time I did it.

For the 645 flexibility routine, you do three sets of six moves. There is no rest between the moves but you do get a 45-second rest between the sets. The moves in the set focus on hip, back, and shoulder mobility. Then there are two sets of just squats using a power loop, and then two sets of a shoulder mobility move using the power loop. Then, in the end, you do a couple of minutes of breath work in which you find a comfortable position and breathe in and out. Throughout the workout, Amoila really tries to explain what each of the exercises do for you, and how they will help in the other workouts. I could definitely feel my hips and back getting looser toward the end of the routine. It is a great routine that really is the cornerstone of the whole functional movement theme of the program.

Product Review: C CRYSTAL LEMON Fire Blanket Kitchen, Fire Blanket Fire Suppression Blanket


This is one of those items that you hope to never have to use, but want handy if you need it. It is a fiberglass blanket that can be used to douse any fire, aside from an electrical fire. In the package, it is small enough that you can store it under your kitchen sink. Or, you can hang it from something like a command hook. Unlike fire extinguishers, they will not expire, won't make a mess, and can be reused multiple times. It is definitely worth the pickup.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 2

Day 2 was the Restore routine in XB. I felt like I was getting a little deeper into all of the stretches during this one, but I still have a long way to go to be as flexible as I want. 

The 645 workout today was a total body power routine, focusing on the shoulders and chest. There are again 7 total moves, spread across three blocks. This time, the first and second blocks have three exercises, and the last has one. In the first two blocks, you do each exercise with no rest between them, then get a 45-second break, and then you do another round of the same three moves. In the final block, you do 15 dumbell swings, then rest for 15 seconds, and then do 15 swings again, for four rounds (and a bonus 5th round if you want to do it). 

The thing I like about the workouts so far is that Amoila really focuses on functional movements, doing exercises like 1/4 get-ups and lateral skaters. If you have had to watch your parents get old and lose mobility you know how important it is to work on functional strength and mobility exercises, and this program has a lot of that in just the first couple of workouts. You will likely use a lighter weight to start out because of the fast pace of the workout (and the higher number of reps). I found myself getting tired using 15 lbs to do bench presses, which if I were doing them for 8-10 reps I can easily use 25 lbs. 

Product Review: USB 3.0 Hub, VIENON 4-Port USB Hub USB Splitter USB Expander for Laptop


This is a USB 3.0 hub that can connect to a computer or a docking station to give you three additional USB ports. It is powered through whatever it is plugged into, so it does not have a separate power supply. It is plug-and-play and works as expected. A good choice if you are looking for a reasonably priced USB hub.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 1

This was my first day doing the 645 workout, which is essentially a full version of the 630 workout. The format is the same with six days of workouts, including 4 strength/resistance workout days, one day of flexibility/mobility, and one day of cardio. 

Monday's workout is lower-body strength, with a focus on the back, legs, and glutes. There is also some plank work in there as well, so you are also working your core a bit. You do each exercise either for 15 reps or 30 seconds (which amounts to about 15 reps depending on how fast you go). There are three blocks in the workout. In the first block, you do two exercises with no rest between them, and then you get a 45-second rest break, and then do them again. The second block is the EMOM (every-minute-on-the-minute block) where you do a single exercise for 15 reps, and your rest period is whatever is left in the minute, then at the start of the next minute, you go again. The final block has three exercises that you do back-to-back with no rest, then you get 45 seconds to rest, and then you do the same three exercises over again.

The workout flows very well, and even though it is 15 minutes longer than the 630 workouts, you really do not notice it all that much. Thankfully, the warmup and the cooldown are included in the 45-minute time frame, so it is not one of those workouts that you are really doing for 50 minutes because the cooldown comes after the workout ends. 

For XB, I did the mobility workout. Nothing new to report about that one. It was not really any better or worse than the last time I did the routine.

Product Review: VIVO Clamp-on Desk and Bed Cup Holder, No Spill Adjustable Drink Mount


This is a cup holder that can mount (via a c-clamp) on a desk or table (or anything that has a flat edge) that allows you to have a cup, or bottle close without taking up space on the surface of the desk (and also helps to prevent any accidental spills). The part that holds the drink can open up to hold a fairly large water bottle. It seems that a 32-ounce water bottle is about the largest it can handle). 

The only drawback is that it is a pain to put together. The clamp section screws onto the back of the part that holds the cup/bottle. The screws are tiny (so you need to have a small Phillips-head screwdriver handy) and it is hard to line them up and get them screwed in. There are four total screws. Once you get the first one in, the others get progressively easier, but I am honestly not sure why they could not have made this one solid piece. That said, once you get it together it works as it should, and is sturdy.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Workout Update: Transition Week

 As I was nearing the end of Job-1, I was trying to figure out what to do as my next "main" workout. I decided on the "645" program, led by trainer Amoila Cesar, which is one of the newer programs in the Beachbody lineup. But, to get ready for it, I did the shorter "630" workout, which is basically a week-long series of shorter workouts (30 minutes instead of 45 minutes) that follow the same format as the longer, thirteen-week program 645.

The 630 program has workouts for six days, Monday-Saturday, and then a rest day on Sunday. M, T, Th, and Fr are strength training days in which you work lower body, total body, upper body (mostly shoulders), and total body respectively. Wednesday is a stretching/flexibility and mobility routine, and Saturday is a cardio workout.

In each of the resistance workouts, you do blocks in which you will do one or two moves. When there are two moves you do them back-to-back, then you get a 45-second rest break and you do both again. Some blocks are what are called EMOM blocks, where you do a single move for 15 reps, then you rest until the next minute starts. So, if it takes 30 seconds to do the 15 reps then you get a 30-second break. If it takes you 45 seconds, then you get 15 seconds of rest before you start again.

Ultimately, it is a good workout that is challenging. There is a modifier who performs modified versions of the moves if you need it. Cesar has a good, fun personality, and he explains and breaks down how correctly perform the exercises. The 30 minutes go by quickly in all of the workouts, and they do not ever seem to drag. 

I usually did those workouts in the mornings and then the XB 15-minute stretching routines in the evening. Those were pretty much going the same way as they had been, so there is really nothing new to report on them. I am going to flip that so I do the XB routines in the morning and the 45-minute workouts in the evening. I will start updating daily again this evening.

Book Review: Star Wars: Padawan


Padawan is a young-adult canon novel set sometime before the events of The Phantom Menace. In the book, Obi-Wan is chafing under his clashing style with Qui-Gon, feeling that he is not learning from Qui-Gon, and is thus not being a good Padawan to Qui-Gon. In researching the archives, Obi-Wan learns of the location of a mysterious planet that was found by a Jedi Wayfinder, who believed the planet was worth studying. Since there was no record of the Jedi ever returning, Obi-Wan proposes a mission to the planet that he hopes will bring him and Qui-Gon closer together. Obi-Wan ends up traveling to the planet alone and finds a group of younglings who appear to be force-sensitive that are being attacked by everything on the planet, including the planet itself. 

The book is a very good stand-alone story. Even though the story is mostly self-contained, there are some tie-ins (some subtle some not) to the movies and animated series including how Obi-Wan first met Dex, the alien that ran the diner in Attack of the Clones. It is basically a story about Obi-Wan finding his place in the Jedi order and his connection to The Force. The book is on the longer side of the young-adult novels, at just over 400 pages. Even so, it is a fairly quick read, so if you are a fast reader you should easily be able to finish it in a day or two. The story is good but not as good as the stories in some of the other novels. If I could, I would give it 4.5 stars, but that is not an option and I think it is better than a four-star novel, which is why I ended up rating it five stars. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Product Review: YPbPr to HDMI Converter, Component to HDMI


This is a converter that allows you to connect an older device that has the YPbPr component cables (such as an X-Box 360) to an HDMI input. While many newer TVs still have ports available for these cables, they generally only have one, and if you still have more than one working device that uses the YPbPr cables, then this will allow you to still use them. It is powered via a supplied cable that can be plugged into a USB port or a power adapter that plugs into the wall. It will provide an okay, but not great picture as the output, but it does work.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Supplement Review: NABUU Immunity Mushroom Supplement


This is a supplement that contains various different types of mushroom extracts. The blend is similar to some of the mushroom gummies that are out there, containing, among other types, Lion's Mane and Turkey Tail extract. 

The serving size is two capsules that you take with a meal. The bottle contains 30 servings in total (60 capsules). They are what I would describe as normal-sized capsules that are easy to swallow. But, they do have a pretty bad aftertaste, so it is a good idea to drink them with something flavored or take a bite of whatever you are eating after you swallow them. That said, they are good for someone who wants some of the benefits that mushrooms can provide but who hates the taste and/or texture of actual mushrooms.