
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Book Review: Proof of Collusion


The subject matter of the book is pretty clear from the title. In the book, author Seth Abramson, a former criminal attorney lays out the case that (and provides solid proof that) the former president, in the well-documented game of footsie that he played with Russia, starting long before he declared his candidacy for president and continuing to this day, was well aware of what Russia was up to during the 2016 election, and was more than willing to accept any help they gave him.

The book was written before the Mueller Report was written so Abramson was relying on the things that were already public before the Mueller investigation or had become public during the investigation, either because of the court cases that started springing up or the news reporting. The book lays out the orange genital wart's ties to Russia before he declared his candidacy for president when he was trying to get buildings built in Russia, to around the time when Paul Manafort was charged. Abramson rightly predicted that agent orange would be impeached, but he thought that he would be impeached because of the Mueller report, which of course he was not. And, he thought that there would be enough level-headed Republicans that would be willing to cut t***p loose, where, in reality, they would just toady up to him and lick his balls even more. Of course, Abramson could never have predicted that Mueller would punt on a determination of whether t***p should be charged or actually obstructed justice, and could not foresee that Bill Barr would swoop in and save t***p's ass because of it by totally misrepresenting the findings in the report before he released the redacted version.

Each chapter of the book contains a summary of the topics, then Abramson lays out the facts that were widely reported and then annotates the key factual points with even more detail. So, while the chapters can get quite long, there are a lot of natural stopping points. The substantive part of the book runs about 330 pages (if you get the hardcover version), and then there are over 100 pages of footnotes. So, for the Q nutjobs and MAGATs who will inevitably scream "fake news", he backs up pretty much every paragraph in the book with receipts. It is definitely worth reading. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

DVD/TV Series Review: Baywatch Season 4


The fourth season of Baywatch aired during the 1993-1994 tv season. The show brought back most of the regular cast, although there was (again) a bit of a shakeup with Kelly Slater starting out as a series regular and then being downgraded to a guest star for a couple of episodes, and then eventually being written out (despite the clip of him surfing still being used in the opening credits). The show followed the same format as being a procedural drama/prime-time soap opera. For the most part, the episodes were stand-alone but there were a few two-part episodes during this season and a flashback episode that brought back some prior guest stars. Toward the end of the season, there is a great episode entitled "Rescue Bay" that pretty much breaks the fourth wall and makes fun of the series and the fact that it was canceled by NBC after its first season.

The show continued to get quite a few recognizable guest stars this season including Michelle Williams (in her first acting role), Wendie Malick, Mary Lou Retton (playing herself), Carrie Ann Moss (from the Matrix movies), Martina McBride, Kassie DePavia (who starred on the daytime soap One Life to Live for years). Old-school wrestling fans will also recognize Giant Gonzalez and Jimmy Hart, and this season would be the first appearance of Yasmeen Bleeth (who would eventually become a series regular), as Stephanie's sister. This season would also mark the final appearance of Richard Jaeckel, who was definitely experiencing health issues. John Allen Nelson also made his yearly appearance as Court, although the writers put him in a storyline that could end up writing the character out of the series.

The show is what it is. It is a very tongue-in-cheek drama. The actors and writers have no problem poking fun at themselves and not taking things too seriously. The show does an okay job juggling the large ensemble cast, but the episodes do generally tend to focus on one or two characters, and there are several episodes in which Pamela Anderson is absent and even an episode in which Hasselhoff does not appear I would classify most of the episodes as okay and a couple of really good episodes in which the acting and writing were done extremely well. And, there are a couple of really dumb episodes. So, it was a mix. But, we did get a clip of Hoff in concert when Mitch was daydreaming of being a rock star, so there is that. Ultimately, if you accept the show for what it is and what it is not, you will probably enjoy it, even the parts that are so bad they are good. 

Blu-Ray/Movie Review: American Ninja


American Ninja was the other series of cult-classic martial arts/Ninja movies (the other being the Ninja Trilogy, Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja, and Ninja III: The Domination, which starred Sho Koshugi) that were put out in the 1980s by Cannon films and Golan-Globus productions. The plot is set around the character of Joe Armstrong, played by Michael Dudikoff, in one of his early roles, a Private on an American military base in the Phillppines. When a convoy moving not only weapons but the daughter of the base's colonel (played by Julie Aronson) is attacked by rebels and a band of evil ninjas, Joe is forced to fight to save the Colonel's daughter. From there, the movie becomes a mix of an action-drama, a romance story, and a story of a reluctant hero. The rest of the main cast includes Steve James as Corporal Curtis Jackson, Don Stewart, as a French arms dealer, Victor Ortega, Tadashi Yamashita (who had black belts in multiple martial arts styles) as the Black Star Ninja, and John LaMota, as Master Sargent Rinaldo. 

The blu-ray, which was released in 2016, got a decent A/V transfer, so it is definitely an upgrade from the VHS version, which many people who are old enough to remember the movie probably owned. There are a handful of extras that were made for the 2016 release, including a commentary track that is basically a conversation between producer Elijah Drenner and the director of the movie Sam Firstenberg (who also directed Revenge of the Ninja and Ninja III) that provides a lot of details about the production of the movie and a lot of interesting tidbits, including the fact that the movie was originally developed for Chuck Norris, who passed on the role because he did not want to have his face covered. Then, there is a 22-minute behind-the-scenes/making-of featurette that includes interviews with Dudikoff, Firstenberg, Aronson, and the stunt coordinator, Steve Lambert, and the theatrical trailer.

Ultimately, this is a movie that is mostly an action movie that will appeal to those who were kids or young adults in the 1980s. The story is pretty cookie-cutter and the script was nothing to write home about. Dudikoff, who had no martial arts training before he was cast in the movie, actually does a very good job in the action sequences, and did a lot of the fight work himself. He actually looked very fluid and looked like he had practiced martial arts for years (unlike Franco Nero in Enter the Ninja who looked absolutely awful in the fight sequences he performed). The problem with this movie is that the script was pretty bad, and Dudikoff had to play Armstrong with almost no personality. Steve James and Phil Brock (who played the comic relief in the movie) probably had the best material to work with. It very much feels like a low-budget 1980s action movie and would probably not be made the same way today as it was back then. But, if you accept the fact that you are not going to see an Academy Award-winning drama and accept it for what it is, it is enjoyable.

Product Review: BOOX Magnetic Pen2 Pro with Eraser Feature


This is a stylus that works with the BOOX series of E-ink tablets. I have the Note Air 2 Plus, and the stylus that comes with it does not have an eraser end, which makes it kind of a pain when you are writing, because in order to erase you have to switch from the pen to the eraser using the icons on the screen and back to the pen. This allows you to turn the stylus over and use the eraser end. The only real trick to erasing with this is that you have to push down on the stylus when you are using the eraser end in order to get the writing to erase. 

As far as the writing experience goes, it uses nibs that do have to be replaced when they wear down. One drawback to this is that it does not come with extra nibs, but the stylus that comes with the tablet itself does have extra nibs. How quickly the nibs last will, of course, depend on how much you use them, but I have found that with what I would call regular use, writing on the tablet multiple times per week, the nibs last quite a while. The big plus, for me anyway, is that the stylus does not have to be charged (unlike the Apple Pencil that works with iPads), so you do not have to interrupt what you are doing to recharge the stylus (which could definitely interrupt your work flow, especially if you are taking notes "live" during a meeting, a class lecture, or something like that). 

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Book Review: The Last Man: (Mitch Rapp Series Book 13)


The Last Man is the 13th book in the Mitch Rapp series of novels, regardless of whether you start reading the books in chronological or publication order. The book was published in 2012 after Vince Flynn had written the two prequel novels, American Assassin and Kill Shot, in which he went back and told the story of Rapp's early career. This would also, sadly, be the last complete novel in the series written by Flynn who would pass away a year later after battling cancer for three years. Flynn actually worked a cancer storyline into this book by giving one of the characters a terminal diagnosis.

The Last Man does another reset of the story, while still including characters from the prior novels and referring to old storylines. The crux of the story in this novel is that a CIA analyst in Afghanistan is kidnapped, and Rapp is dispatched to find him. While investigating the kidnapping, Rapp, Scott Coleman, and Mike Nash uncover a larger conspiracy.  He also weaves in some real-world elements like the animosity between the CIA and the FBI, corruption and anti-American sentiments in the governments of countries that are ostensibly an ally of America, and the like.

After Flynn passed away, it was initially unclear whether the series would go on. As most are aware, the series was passed to author Kyle Mills, who would complete the next book (which Flynn had started before he died) and write many additional novels. The book is moderately long at just over 400 pages, but it reads pretty quickly. and is hard to put down. If you are a fast reader, you can get through it in a few days or less. If you have been a fan of the prior novels, you will probably like or love this one. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Product Review: HOMAR No Tie Shoelaces


This is a pack of 20 silicon laces that insert into the holes of shoes that allow you to turn any pair of sneakers into no-tie shoes. The laces are of different sizes ranging from 1.6 inches to 3.15 inches. They are hard to get in and out, especially if the lace holes on your shoes are small (you may need to use tweezers or something with a narrow tip to help push them through the holes). So, you want to choose your lace size correctly the first time. I would suggest removing them from the cardboard and holding them against the span of your shoe and don't just assume that the smallest one will go in the bottom holes. Once they are in, they will keep your shoes on your feet pretty well, even when working out, and make it very easy to get your shoes on and off.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 67

Day 67 was Yoga in X3 and Sculpt in PIYO. Unlike the two workouts yesterday, I mostly like both of these workouts. In X3 yoga I mostly skip crow (I have to keep both my feet on the ground), and in the warrior-3, half-moon, and twisting-moon sequence I just stay in warrior-3 the entire time. But otherwise, I can do the modified or unmodified versions of the moves. In sculpt I find it easier to do the tricep dips using the power stands instead of a chair, so I made that modification. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 66

Day 66 was the Pilates workout in X3 and Core in PIYO. As I have said in prior posts, I am not all that fond of either of these workouts, but I got through them and did my best. I think each of them would be much easier if I were in better shape, but I am definitely not there yet. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 65

Day 65 was Accelerator in X3 and Sweat in PIYO. Accelerator was still tough for some of the moves, but I liked doing the more intense cardio again. It is similar to Triometrix but different enough that it is not boring. One thing that I liked a little better about the original P90X is that you had two workouts that were almost all cardio each week, whereas in X3, some weeks have a couple of multiple cardio workouts and others have just one.  

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 64

Day 64 was the isometrix workout in X3 and Buns in PIYO. Isometrix was a little easier than it was the last time I did it. My balance is slowly getting better, but definitely not where I would like it to be. I was even a little better in the "bound dog" poses, but could not do the version where you lift one of your legs while doing bound dog. But, I am making progress. The Buns workout in PIYO went pretty well too, and I can tell that I am getting better at the various kinds of squats.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 63

Day 63 was a rest day in X3 and Drench again in PIYO. Drench went the same as it did yesterday. It was not any easier, but not harder. Since I am going into my final week of this round of workouts I am trying to figure out what I want to do for my next workout or workouts. I am not sure what that will be yet, but I am leaning toward a lifting-focused workout paired with the Tai Chi workout, called Tai Cheng that was put out by BeachBody a while back.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 62

Day 62 was Eccentric Lower in X3 and Drench in PIYO. Again, nothing really to report about either of the workouts. I am still using the same weight in the Eccentric workouts and some moves in the Piyo workouts are getting easier and some are still very hard. 

Supplement Reviw: Amazon Basic Care Vitamin C Supplement Drops


These are equivalent to the name-brand Vitamin C drops that you can find in most stores. They taste the same and have the same amount of Vitamin C per drop as the name brand (and with these, you get an assortment of flavors instead of just one flavor), but you get a lot more of them for a lot better price than you would pay in the stores. In the store, you would get far fewer per package and pay about the same price as you can get this one for. They are not cough drops but do provide some soothing relief when you have a sore throat. They do have some sugar, but not a crazy amount. But, you would probably not want to take a ton of them in a day, especially if you are eating low-carb or carb-cycling. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Supplement Review: fitcode Flexcode Ultra Premium Joint Support, Glucosamine, Turmeric, MSM, Chondroitin, Hyaluronic Acid


This is a supplement that provides joint support with the main ingredients being Glucosamine, MSM, Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic Acid. Each bottle gives you a 30-day supply (60 capsules) and directs you to take two capsules per day, preferably with food. The capsules are easy to swallow and do not have much of an aftertaste, especially if you swallow them with something that is flavored. 

It is always hard to tell how much any supplement is doing for you, but I have had a bad knee for most of my life and one of my shoulders has started to have issues with mobility as I have gotten older, and I do think that both of them feel better as I have started taking this.  So, if you have issues with any of your joints I would recommend trying this to see if it helps you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 61

Day 61 was the rest day for PIYO and Pilates in X3. I still feel the same way about the X3 Pilates workout. I will do it, but I don't really like it and can't wait to get it over with. It is fine if you are ready for advanced Pilates, but if you are a beginner, much of it sucks. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 60

Day 60 was Triometrix and Buns. Trio was pretty much the same as it was last week, as was the Buns workout. Each workout has a lot of Squats which I like, but my legs were definitely tired during the second workout.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 59

Day 59 was Eccentric Upper in X3 and Core in PIYO. Again there is nothing all that new to say about either of those workouts. I have been using the same amount of weight in EU the past few weeks, but I think, for most people, that is not one in which you are going to be able to do a marked increase in the amount of weight you use because you are lowering the weight so slowly (if you are doing the moves correctly).

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 57

Day 57 was MMX is X3 and Sweat in PIYO. The MMX workout is still a bit tough, at least the moves that have the sprawls. The rest of it is not too bad, but I am definitely slower at getting down and up when doing those. Even though I did not like the Sweat workout in PIYO as much when I first did it, I actually don't mind it now. It is a little longer than some of the other workouts in PIYO, but not so long that it starts to get boring by the time you near the end. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 56

Day 56 was Decelerator in X3 and Sculpt in PIYO. I like the Decelerator workout even though it is one of the harder ones. As far as Sculpt goes, there is really no big change from the last time I did that one. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 55

Day 55 was a rest day in X3 and Drench for the second day in a row. I was supposed to do Drench once during the week but because it is a much longer workout I moved both to the weekend. Nothing was different from the day before. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 54

Day 54 was complex lower in X3 and Drench in PIYO. 

I am honestly not a huge fan of either of these workouts. I like CL better than Drench, but  I like the Eccentric weight workouts in X3 much more than CL. As for Drench, I think it is just too long, and get to be a bit too repetitive. 

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 53

 Day 53 was the Triometrix workout in X3, and a rest day in PIYO. 

I feel a bit like a broken record but, I find that Triometrix is getting a little bit easier from the first time I did it. Mainly, because my balance is getting better so I am getting deeper into some of the balance squat moves during which I was stumbling all over the place the first time I did the workout.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 52

Day 52 was yoga in X3 and Sculpt in PIYO. Again, I would say that the X3 yoga routine is getting easier, but it is definitely not easy. I really like the sculpt workout in PIYO. I think that it, along with the strength intervals workout are my two favorites in PIYO. The triceps dips at the end of the workout are very tough and I have to take a lot of breaks during those, but otherwise, I think most of the workout is doable, especially if you follow the modifier.

Workout Update: P90X3 and PIYO doubles workout- Day 51

Day 51 was Complex Upper in X3 and Core in PIYO. I found Complex Upper to be a little bit easier than the first time a tried it a couple of weeks prior to this, but it was still difficult. I do like the pace of the workout because even with breaks it seems like you are constantly moving.

Core is also very challenging for me, in large part because, aside from the standing series, I am not a huge fan of the moves in the workout. Some of them I can do relatively well and others are a complete shitshow.  

Book Review: Star Wars: Skywalker: A Family at War


This is a novel that basically summarizes the Skywalker Saga, from Anakin's birth to the end of The Rise of Skywalker with Rey taking the Skywalker name. The book includes elements from all of the movies and fills that in with content from the animated series like Rebels and The Clone Wars, the canon comic books and graphic novels, as well as some of the other novels, such as Leia, Princess of Alderaan, and Bloodlines.  The big exception is that it was written before the Obi-Wan Kenobi series was made, so it does not include any of those events and basically time jumps over that period. So, the book does conflict a little with what was shown in the Kenobi series. 

The book provides a way for someone who has only seen the movies to get a deeper version of the events that occurred from The Phantom Menace to the Rise of Skywalker. If you have seen the animated series and read most of the novels almost nothing in the book will be new to you (with a couple of small exceptions), but if you have only watched the movies you will get a lot of detail that flesh out those stories. 

The book is not very long (just a little under 300 pages) and it reads pretty quickly, especially if you are well-versed in the Star Wars lore. So, if you are a fast reader you can easily finish it in a day or two. So, I would not call this book a must-read, but I do think it is worth reading.