Day 2 was the Tabata Power workout. This one, after the warm-up, has a series of moves that you do for 20 seconds, take a 10-second break, and then repeat. Once you do all the moves in the series twice, you get a 30-second break, and then go to a new set of moves. The first series is all lower-body focused moves, the second series is chest and triceps, doing a ton of tricep pushup-based exercises, then you do a series of core-focused moves, and then a series of tricep dips. Then, after the last break, you go through three minutes non-stop doing a selection of the exercises from each set and ending with one minute of power jumps. So, the workout is very challenging, even though it goes by quickly.
I again followed the modifier for the entire workout which was harder this time because, as I said in the last update post, the BOD app does not have the modifier-focused video track like the DVD set does. And, there are many moves in the workout that the modifier is shown for a split second and some moves in which she is not shown at all. Luckily, I remember how to do most of the modified moves off the top of my head so it is not a huge deal. My max-out time for this workout was about 10:30. Hopefully, by the time I am in the second round I can max out around the same time that Mike, the cop whose abs Shaun T. is hitting during one of the core moves, maxes out which is in the 27th or 28th minute. This workout is hard enough that the modifier, Danielle, who is in great shape, actually has to max out during the triceps dips, around the 20-something minute mark, so it is not an easy workout to be sure, even modified. But, I got it over with, and am done for the day.