Lost is a series created by J.J. Abrams and produced by Damon Lindelof that aired for six seasons on ABC from 2004 to 2010. The 25-episode first season aired during the 2004/2005 TV season. The series had an ensemble cast made up of relative newcomers and recognizable actors, including Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lilly, Jorge Garcia, Daniel Dae Kim, Ian Somerhalder, Harold Perrineau, Maggie Grace, Dominic Monaghan, Emilie de Ravin, and Naveen Andrews. The basic premise is a plane flying from Sydney to Los Angeles that hits turbulence, breaks apart in mid-air, and crashes on a deserted tropical island in the South Pacific more than a thousand miles off course.
The series opens with Matthew Fox's character, Jack Shephard, waking up on an island. As he slowly regains consciousness, he sees the wreckage of the plane and tries to help the other survivors, including Locke (Terry O'Quinn, in an exceptional performance), Kate (Evangeline Lilly), Sayid (Naveen Andrews), Hurley (Jorge Garcia), Charlie (Dominic Monaghan, of "Lord of the Rings"), Sawyer (Josh Holloway) and Shannon (Maggie Grace). Over the course of the season, they find out that the island is not as deserted as it seems and contains a bunch of mysteries, including a smoke monster and a mysterious hatch in the middle of the woods. They also discover a distress call, in French, that has been sent from the island for years. Throughout the season, multiple storylines are set up, and the season ends on more than one cliffhanger, with really none of the mysteries being solved.
The Blu-Ray set is a seven-disc set. The A/V quality is outstanding, as the show, which has a lot of CGI graphics, looks and sounds great in the HD format. There are a ton of extras, including commentary tracks on multiple episodes, several behind-the-scenes and making-of featurettes, a featurette on the cast members, deleted scenes, and bloopers. So, there is a lot there for those who like going through the bonus material.
Ultimately, The first season is very strong. While Fox, Lilly, and Holloway are the main characters (and the budding love triangle between them is a large part of the series), the show does a good job balancing the very large ensemble cast. Along with those I mentioned earlier, the series also included Yunjin Kim, Daniel Dae Kim (who, along with Garcia, has probably had the largest post-lost career on TV of all the actors), Harold Perrineau, and Emilie de Ravin. There are a lot of twists and turns, and the show does a good job of not revealing too much too soon. It is definitely a unique show that was not derivative of anything else when it aired and remains pretty unique nearly twenty years later. It did air on regular network television, so it was tamer in terms of sexual content (although there was some) and violence, as you would see on a cable show. So, if you are looking for a show that is a good blend of mystery and drama, this is a good option.