The 22-episode fifth season of Young Sheldon aired during the 2021/2022 TV season. The entire main cast returned, as did the major supporting and recurring cast members, including McKenna Grace, Reba McEntire, Ed Begley Jr., Wallace Shawn, Craig T. Nelson, Rex Linn, Matt Hobby, Wyatt McClure, Melissa Peterman, Wendie Malick, Doc Farrow, etc. Dan Bryd and Emily Osment join the cast in significant recurring roles. Both are included as a part of major storylines toward the end of the season. This season's guest stars include Ming Na Wen, Penn and Teller, and Lance Reddick. The writers continue to use a combination of procedural and serial storytelling. The major serial arcs this season include the fallout from George and Brenda flirting with each other at the bar. We learn that George just had chest pains, not an actual heart attack. Throughout the season, his relationship with Mary becomes strained because of his guilt toward flirting with Brenda and Mary's relationship with a new youth pastor (played by Bryd). Other storylines include Sheldon going to college full-time and becoming a research assistant to Dr. Linkletter, Connie buying a laundromat with slot machines in the back room, Missy becoming a moody teenager, and a major storyline involving Georgie that will extend into season six.
The Blu-Ray set is a two-disc set. The only extra is a behind-the-scenes featurette on the series' 100th episode that occurs this season. There are no deleted scenes, no gag reel, or commentary tracks, however. The show continues to be strong, with an excellent blend of humor and drama. The writers do a good job of developing the characters and continue to drop easter eggs that tie into the parent series, The Big Bang Theory. Jim Parsons continues to narrate the show, and his narrations (along with another voice appearance by Mayim Bialik) continue to provide details of Sheldon's life after The Big Bang Theory ended. The cast members all do a wonderful job in their roles, and the writers give all the actors great material to work with. While the show is centered around Sheldon, he is a secondary character in some episodes, allowing the storylines to focus on the other characters. So, if you liked the first four seasons, this is absolutely worth watching.
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