The show continues to be well written and acted, with all the various actors, Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Raegan Revord, and Annie Potts, getting ample storylines devoted to their characters and knocking their performances out of the park. The show does a great job not just focusing on the character of Sheldon but also developing all of the characters and giving great material to all members of the very large ensemble cast. The big storyline for Sheldon in season three is whether (and where) he should attend college, as he does not find high school challenging. This causes a lot of friction between Sheldon and his parents. Another standout storyline is Missy trying to get on a little league baseball team. That storyline introduces Craig T. Nelson as a recurring character in the show, as Missy's coach, Georgie's boss, and a potential love interest for MeeMaw. I will not go too much into the various storylines to keep from spoiling anything, but the themes this season are very good, and the show is definitely not getting stale. Most of the recurring and supporting cast return this season, including Wallace Shawn, McKenna Grace, Rex Linn, and Ed Begley Jr.
The Blu-Ray set is a two-disc set. While it is a MOD disc, it includes English captions, and the episodes can be played in a play-all mode that allows you to pick up where you stop, even in the middle of an episode. The extras are very bare-bones. It just includes a short behind-the-scenes feature of the show's setting in the 1980s. So, if you only get the physical discs when there are a lot of bonus features, then you may just want to stick to streaming this. Ultimately, the show continues to be strong and is absolutely worth watching.
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