The 12-episode fifth season of Shameless aired during the winter and spring of 2015. The season saw another change in character arcs, most notably for Fiona and Frank (although not exclusively for those two). Fiona is still self-destructive but makes more effort to get her life sorted out. Frank is still horrible, yet becomes a little less so throughout the season (especially at the end). Lip finds himself still acclimating to college, being torn between his "south side" life and the life he wants after he graduates. The combination of puberty and teen peer pressure is hitting Debbie hard, and Carl is fully embracing his inner delinquent. V and Kevin are having problems as new parents, and Sammie is a pain for everyone. There is also a storyline about the gentrification of the neighborhood and even more cast turnover as Joan Cusack's character arc comes to a close. Ian and Mickey's relationship is more complicated, with Ian's mental problems getting worse. And, of course, the big reveal from the season 4 finale that Jimmy is still alive plays out. I will not spoil any of the season's major events, but it ties up some of the old story arcs and sets up new ones.
The Blu-Ray set is a two-disc set. This release is similar to those for the prior seasons but with fewer extras. The bonus material includes a handful of deleted scenes, some behind-the-scenes material, and a commentary track on the episode William Hm Macy directed. The show continues to be well-written and acted. As has been the case since the show started, there is a lot of sex, swearing, and dark humor in the show. By now, you know what you get with the series in that respect, however.
Overall, I would say if you have liked the prior seasons, you will probably like this one, with the proviso that the characters have evolved from their season-one versions, and not everyone is likely to be a fan of how those arcs played out. On the other hand, if you have hated the prior seasons, there is probably nothing about this season that will convert you into a fan.
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