Here you will find things about fitness and nutrition, mainly (but not exclusively) in relation to the Beachbody programs like P90x and Insanity. And, I will start adding reviews for Books, DVDs and Blu-Rays, and other products. All views and opinions on this blog are my own.
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.
I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.
I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 20
Day 20 was the plyo-legs workout again. Overall, I really like the workout. I would even say that it is a bit more challenging than the p90x plyometrics workout because each move is one-minute long as opposed to 30 seconds, and some of them are very difficult to do for an entire minute. Really the only thing that this one does not have in it that the p90x workout does is the high-impact jumping moves like the jump knee tucks. And, because you can modify each move, you can make it as easy or as hard as you need to.
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 19
Day 19 was the sculpt 5-6 workout again. I was able to hit the 11 rep max on a few more exercises, so the weight on those will be increased next time. I definitely find the push-up moves in this workout a lot more challenging than those that were in the 1-2 and 3-4 workouts. This one ends up being a bit longer workout (about 45-50 minutes), but not quite as long as most of the p90x workouts.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 18
Day 18 was the T25 stretch workout again. I had planned on doing x-stretch, but I again got a late start to the day and my workout was pushed back, so I opted for the shorter one. Overall, it went well and I can tell I am slowly becoming more flexible.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 17
Day 17 was cardio intervals again. It is definitely tough to get through both rounds of it, and I still cannot do the intense version of every move, even in the first round. But, my stamina is getting better so I am progressing. There are a few moves in the workout that I am not a big fan of, but, on the whole, I like the workout. Ab ripper 200 was about the same as it has been. I can get through all 200 moves, but definitely have to pause a couple of times and I still cannot get my legs to straighten out on the move where you stick your legs straight up and try to touch your toes.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Blu-Ray Review: Carl Sagan's Cosmos: Ultimate Edition
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 16
Day 16 was the sculpt 5-6 workout again. I definitely like it a bit better than the 1-2 and 3-4 workouts in the base Power-90 set, but I still prefer the p90x approach in which each resistance workout targets 1-2 muscle groups instead of being a total-body workout. I was able to hit 11 reps on a couple of the exercises, so those will have the weight increased next time. Overall, it was a good, fast-moving workout.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Book Review: Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic)
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 15
Day 15 was cardio 5-6 and ab ripper 200. Both workouts went well. I was able to get through each one without taking extra breaks and again did all 200 reps of ab ripper. As I said in a prior post, I generally like this workout more than the ones in the base Power-90 program. Although that could be because the 1-2 and 3-4 workouts each had the same moves, so it was nice to get more variety in this workout.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 14
Day 14 was a rest day from the regular workouts. I had planned on doing x-stretch from p90x, however, I had to get some work done for my day job, and could not work out until about 9pm so I just swapped it with the T25 stretch workout. So, my plan is this week to do the x-stretch workout twice, once on Thursday evening and once on Saturday. Otherwise, nothing new to report.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 13
Day 13 was the plyo-legs workout and ab ripper. No big change from the first time I did the workout, but I felt like I could get a bit deeper on some of the squat-based moves (and there are a lot of them). I was getting tired near the end, but I managed to get through it, and all 200 moves in the ab-ripper workout.
4kUHD Blu-Ray/Movie Review: Close Encounters of the Third Kind 40th Anniversary Edition
Close Encounters of the Third Kind is the "other"
late 1970s movie directed by Steven Spielberg, the other, of course being Jaws.
This movie was actually Spielberg's passion project that he wanted to make
before Jaws, but he was able to get Jaws financed first, which then allowed him
to make this movie. Close Encounters is a movie about aliens, essentially
dramatizing all the alien abduction and alien encounters that people alleged to
have had back in the days before we were all walking around with cameras. And,
it partly plays off distrust of the government after Watergate by involving a
government cover-up. The movie is basically told from a couple different
perspectives. That of government agents who are discovering strange occurrences
throughout the world (like finding planes that had been missing since the 1940s
mysteriously reappearing) and then those of normal people who have encounters
with the alien ships.
The film stars Richard Dreyfuss as Roy Neary, an electrical
worker who has one of the encounters with the ships while he is out trying to
deal with power outages caused by the alien ships. He then becomes obsessed
with trying to find the aliens, leading him to try to get to Devil's Tower in
Wyoming. The rest of the cast includes Bob Balaban (who also starred in 2010 a
few years later), Teri Garr, Melinda Dillon, and Cary Guffey. Dillon
plays Guffey's mother who also has an encounter with the aliens and joins up
with Roy to get to Devil's Tower.
For those who get the 4k UHD set, there are actually three
discs. The UHD disc has three different versions of the movie, the theatrical
cut, an enhanced version that upgrades the special effects and makes some minor
edits that Spielberg would have liked to do had he not been under a time crunch
to finish the movie. Then there is a director's cut, which is basically a
different version of the enhanced version taking out a scene that the studio
wanted to add when they agreed to make the enhanced version that Spielberg did
not think should be included. Each of the cuts are around the same length and
tells the same story. Neither the enhanced cut or the director's cut alters the
story in any significant way. The UHD disc also allows you to play the other
editions in a "View From Above" mode that provides details about the differences
between the theatrical version of the movie and the version you are currently
Then, there are two regular Blu-Ray discs. One that has the
movies and one that has the extras. There are well over two hours’ worth of
extras, some of which were made sometime around 2016-2017 for the 40th
anniversary of the movie, and others that were the original behind-the-scenes
material shot around the time the movie was released. There are also deleted
scenes, storyboard comparisons, a stills gallery, and the theatrical trailer.
So, if you like going through extras, the physical discs are a good pickup. The
A/V quality of the UHD disc is good, but I would not say I was blown away by
the restoration. It does look a lot better than the standard definition footage
shown in the extras, but the UHD format does, especially in the theatrical
edition, highlight the limitations of 1977 special effects.
Saturday, October 23, 2021
DVD Review: Bull Season 5
Power-90 Master's Series Day 12
Day 12 was the sculpt 5-6 workout again. I did it a bit later in the evening than usual, but managed to get it done, and did hit 11 reps on one of the resistance exercises. But all of the rest will keep the same weight when I do the workout again on Tuesday. I am looking forward to starting on P90X again where the resistance workouts are focused on one or two muscle groups. I think the total body workouts are okay, but they never tend to really give any one particular muscle group a really good workout.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Blu-Ray review: Young Sheldon Season 4
Workout Update: Power 90 Master's Series Day 11
Day 11 of the Master's Series according to the calendar I am following was a rest day. So, instead of doing nothing, I did the modified version of the T25 stretch workout. That is a good, short, non-impact set of moves, that is challenging, but not hard. And there are no really advanced moves in the workout. I like to swap out a couple of the moves to replace them with more hamstring-focused moves, but that is just my preference, not something that anyone would have to do.
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 10
Day 10 was my second attempt at the cardio interval workout. That is the one where you do two rounds of the same 11 moves. Each move is a minute long, and every 20 seconds you increase the intensity of the move. This is definitely a more advanced workout, but you can modify it to suit your ability level. For example, on the plank-walk, plank-run, chaturanga-run combination, in the first round I just do the first two rounds and then walk or run the last 20 seconds, but never do the chaturanga-run. While Tony advises maybe skipping the second round the first few times you do the workout, I do the second round, but take breaks and for some of the moves just stick with the level-one version. After the workout, I did ab-ripper 200, and that went pretty much as it has. So, overall, a good workout.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
DVD Review: Chicago Med Season 6
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 9
Day 9 was the sculpt 5-6 workout. I was able to hit 11 reps on a couple of the exercises so I will be increasing those the next workout. I do like the fact that it is a full-body workout, but there are a couple of exercises in it that I am not a big fan of. I think it could have better leg exercises, but the chest, back, and arm exercises are good. My goal during these workouts and when I do p90x is that I will try to stay in the 8-10 range for all the resistance exercises.
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 8
Day 8 was the sweat 5-6 workout again. Overall, I like the setup of the workout and the fact that it has some different moves in it. It would have been nice if they would have added the ab-ripper moves at the end, or done like an ab-ripper 300 workout, but I have all of the moves in that workout memorized, so I do not have to watch it to actually do the workout. I was again able to do all 200 reps but did need to pause a couple of times.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 7
Day 7 was another rest/stretch day. I did the vast majority of the x-stretch workout from p90x. I really like that workout because it has a brief yoga warm-up, then goes into other things. I like that it has a total body focus from the head and neck, forearms, back, and legs. Even though it is just under an hour, it flows pretty well and does not feel like it is too long, the way that yoga-x can feel.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
DVD Review: Chicago PD Season 8
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 6
Day 6 of the Master's series workout is Plyo-Legs. If you have done P90x it will not surprise you that this workout is basically a combination of the Plyometrics workout and the Legs and Back workout. You will see some of the exact same moves and variations on some of the moves in those workouts. It is definitely challenging, although not quite as high-impact as the p90x plyo workout since it does not have jump knee tucks and the guitar jumps (whatever those were called). Most of the moves last a minute and Tony does show or have one of the two people doing the workout with him show modified versions of the moves. So, even though there is not a dedicated modifier (they kind of switch up who is modifying) and no modifier track you can watch that mostly focuses on the modifier, you can easily see the modified versions of the various moves. After that I did ab-ripper 200, and was able to get through all 200 reps (although I still have to pause during some of the moves).
Monday, October 18, 2021
DVD Review: Chicago Fire Season 9
Workout Update: Power-90 Master's Series Day 5
Day 5 was the sculpt 5-6 workout again. The workouts last week and over the weekend have been kind of all over the place because I have been dealing with a family medical issue and having a family member hospitalized. But, I have still managed to get my workouts in, even if they were not as good as I would have liked (which is a category that this workout definitely fell into). I am going to be maxing out at 10 reps so I will bump the weights up when I get to 11 reps, so the goal will be to lift heavier. Overall, the workout was fine, but I was a bit distracted and rushed during it, so I was not going all out by any means. Hopefully, things in my personal life will calm down this week and lead to better workouts.