
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 68

For day 68 I did lower body flexibility in XB and total body tempo in 645.

I definitely had more mobility in the XB routine, especially in my right leg. I did use my roller to work some of the knots out of my hamstring, hip flexors, and IT band before I did the routine, which helped a bit, but I think I was able to get a bit deeper even without that.

The 645 routine was a bit different this week. Amoila really focused on knee, back, and ankle mobility. He went into a lot of detail about how it is okay to have your knee go over your toes (if you have done P90X you remember that warning in the leg workout), as long as you keep your heel on the ground, and that it actually helps your back and improves your squats. And, it actually takes pressure off your knees. It was very interesting to listen to, so much so that I skipped a couple of reps here and there to look at what he was demonstrating. It was still a good workout, however.

App Review: Bodi


Team Beachbody has mostly moved away from putting their workouts out on DVD and shifted to streaming workouts through their Beachbody on Demand (BOD) app, which they now call BODi. The BODi app has the vast majority of the Beachbody workout catalog, including the programs that existed prior to P90X (such as Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, and the original Power 90, etc.) the workout program that really launched the company into the big time. It is not clear if you go on to the Team Beachbody website that the older programs are available on the BODi app, but I can confirm that they are. In fact, the only major programs that are not available on the App are the Les Mills programs (e.g., Les Mills Combat) because the licensing agreement between Beachbody and Less Mills had expired. As a result, Beachbody discontinued selling those programs and did not put them on the App. There may be a few other programs I cannot remember that are not on the App, but the vast majority are. And, some of the newer programs are only being released on the BOD App and are not being put out on DVD at all. This is very likely going to be the norm for the Beachbody programs in the very near future, so if you want any of their new programs, you will have to subscribe to the streaming service.

A couple of things to be aware of before getting this. First, even though the App is free, you need a subscription to be able to access the workouts or the workout materials. Beachbody has monthly, quarterly, or annual subscriptions available (the yearly subscription is $99). Second, Beachbody has added live classes as well, but those do not stream through the app unless you add a subscription to Bodi (which is $200 for the annual subscription), at which point you get access to the live classes as well as the two nutrition programs (Portion Fix and 2B mindset). Third, some of the workouts do have specialized equipment and, if you want those, you will have to purchase them separately. So, there are extra costs beyond the App if you want the equipment needed to do some of the workouts or get, for example, the portion fix containers.

Overall, I think the app is good, and it is nice to have all the workouts in one spot and not have to mess with DVDs. That said, you will likely need to spend additional money to do some of the workouts (such as those that require pull-up bars) and, if you want the documentation you will have to read it in PDF format or print out a hardcopy. One thing I would love is if Beachbody would convert the nutrition plans for every workout to the portion-fix container system so the people who do decide to get the containers can use them even with the older programs like P90x and Insanity that were created before Portion Fix. Thankfully, most of the newer workouts do key their nutrition portion to the containers. Also, one big drawback is that if you have the app downloaded on multiple devices, the synch is inconsistent, especially when tracking workouts. It seems to synch with their website pretty well, but not every workout I do on a fire device or on a Rouku gets synched with the BOD app on my iPhone. Which is a bit irritating. But, for the most part, I like the app and recommend it to people who have used the Beachbody workout programs.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Product Review: PackageZoom Moving Boxes Medium 16 x 12 x 8 Inches


These are very small moving boxes. They are good for things like books (that are not oversized), DVDs, etc. Basically, anything that is somewhat compact if you put too many into a large box will be too heavy to lift. But, if you compare them to the size of the medium boxes at a place like Home Depot, or other medium-sized boxes you can get on Amazon, these are much smaller. They are definitely not good for large and/or odd-shaped items because most of those kinds of things will be hard to fit and an inefficient use of space.

Product Review: Gorilla Ultimate Waterproof Wood Glue


I got this mainly to repair a wooden clock that I made back in high school in the early 90s. The glue holds very well after it is dried, and the parts that I had to reinforce do not feel like they had ever come loose. And, I love the new design of the applicator that prevents excess glue from clogging up the nozzle or making it dry out so you only get one or two uses before the entire bottle is shot. It is worth the pickup if you need to make minor wood repairs.

Product Review: TORIS Stainless Steel Woven Wire Mesh Cabinets Air Vent Mesh Security Mesh Window Screen


This is a wire meshing that I used to cover the end of the soft vent piping from my mechanical room to the outside that is in the house. Basically, if bees, wasps, or the like get through the outside portion, it is harder for them to get in the house. The edges are a bit sharp, so you definitely have to be careful around those, but it is a relatively small square of mesh. There are two in a pack. It is perfect for a smaller job like covering something you still want air to be able to flow through but is exposed or semi-exposed to the outdoors and do not want insects or other pests coming through.

Product Review: Cisco-Linksys WPC54G Wireless-G Notebook Adapter


It is a plug-and-play wireless adapter for older notebooks that don’t have built-in wireless cards. It is not something that people will likely need these days given that all notebooks have wireless network cards or adapters, but if you have an older notebook with a port to plug in a card, this is super easy to install, and works well.

Product Review: HexClad 12 Inch Hybrid Nonstick Wok


I purchased the 7-piece Hexclad set that has this, the frying pans, and lids a few months ago. The pans themselves are very sturdy and do not feel lightweight and cheap. The handles stay extremely cool when you are cooking which is great. I know that there are a lot of negative reviews, but I love them so far. 

I would say that I use this piece the most, followed by the 12-inch fry pan. If you follow the instructions and season the pan before the first use, it is very easy to clean after cooking. Some things I have cooked are definitely more non-stick than others (e.g., browning hamburger and then making taco seasoned meat did not stick at all and came clean with just the sprayer from the faucet, while scrambled eggs have always left some residue), but no matter what I have made, everything has been very easy to clean with minimal effort.

 The instructions also say things like eggs will do better if you use cooking spray or butter, which I have definitely found to be the case, but even if I do not use either I can get the egg residue and cheese cleaned off with just a sponge and a minimal amount of scrubbing. So, whether you will be satisfied with this really depends on what your version of non-stick is. If you are expecting everything to slide around on it like a sheet of ice, they will definitely disappoint you. But, if you want a pan that is very easy to clean after you cook and does not have a coating that starts peeling off after a couple of uses (and can be toxic), assuming you follow the directions about seasoning it, cooking on low to medium heat, and waiting for the pan to cool before you wash it, then I think you will be very satisfied.

Product Review: CyvenSmart Lightning Cable iPhone Charger Cable 6 Foot


I got the 6ft cable to use in my basement living room area. The power outlet is to the side of my couch, and the factory cable was not long enough to do anything except plug the phone charger in and have my phone sit on the arm of the couch. With this one, I can actually use my phone while it is plugged in. And, the cable is very durable, especially around the head of the cable which plugs into the phone, which always tends to get worn out and can break when bent. It is absolutely a good purchase.

Supplement Review: ProMera Sports CON-CRET Creatine HCl Capsules 750 mg


This contains creatine monohydrate, which has been a go-to (natural) supplement for anyone doing strength training for years now. You take 1-2 capsules for every 100 pounds of body weight depending on whether it is a training day or an off day (or if you are doing cardio as opposed to intense weight training). Given that regular creatine powder does not mix well with anything unless you add it to a smoothie or protein shake, and combining it with water or juice just leaves a lot of grit, this is a much easier way to take it. And, you do not get a ton of sugar like some supplements that creatines gets mixed with. I definitely recommend it.

Product Review: Lasko 5568 34-Inch Oscillating Ceramic Tower Heater


This is a ceramic heater that is perfect if you have a room that needs extra heat in the winter without having to run the furnace constantly. I have used it in my living room and in my finished basement. It does better in the basement because it is a more enclosed space and has lower ceilings, but it did keep the living room warm enough when I used it there. Plus, I have a gas fireplace in the living room, and that keeps the room warmer than this does. Also, in a more open space, you definitely have to be closer to it because it will not heat the entire room as effectively. Overall, I am satisfied with it and still use it from time to time.

Product Review: Xbox 360 HD DVD Player


Back around 2005 or so when the next version of the DVD was being developed there was a "war" between Blu-ray and HD-DVD for the high-definition DVD market. For those of us who dipped our toes into the HD DVD pool, this was a good, inexpensive, way to get an HD-DVD player (much less expensive than other stand-alone players), assuming of course you had an X-Box 360 to hook it up to. The player itself worked well and had a pretty decent remote control. It was very loud, however, which was the one drawback for me. Of course, Blu-Ray won out, and HD-DVDs stopped being made. I only had a few HD-DVDs that I got rid of and replaced with Blu-Rays, however, for those who had a substantial collection of HD-DVDs, this is a good way to play them if you can pick one up at a good price.

Product Review: Echo Show 5 (1st Generation)


This can perform all the functions of the other echo devices such as playing music, telling you the news headlines or the weather forecast, etc. It can do things like acting as a smart picture frame, by doing a camera roll from any pictures you have in Prime Photos. It can also do things like video calling, displaying video from a smart camera, streaming video from Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and the like. It is like the other devices always listening, but also has the same privacy options (such as deleting the audio recordings) that the other devices have and you can mute the microphone so it only listens when you want it to. So, it all really depends on what your comfort level is with using smart devices that can essentially monitor everything you do.

The screen generally displays the date and time and what the background is depends on how you have it set up. It defaults to scrolling between news headlines, the local weather, tips for using it, or skills that can be enabled, and just a generic screensaver background. As I said above, it can also be customized to display photos almost like a digital picture frame and if you use Amazon Music, it will display what song is currently playing, and if lyrics are available will display the lyrics for the song.

Overall, it is easy to set up (assuming you are comfortable setting up smart devices) and easy to use. The video functionality may be great for some people, a nice bonus for others, and completely useless to others. It really just depends on how you want to use it. I definitely recommend it.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Supplement Review: Legion Recharge Post Workout Supplement


I use this after any high-impact cardio workout or after lifting/circuit training. It definitely helps with post-workout soreness. It mixes well (I use a Blendjet 2 to mix it, and there are no lumps left after the 20-second cycle). I have not tried just putting it in a water bottle or shaker cup and shaking it though, but with something like a small blender, it mixes fine. 

The fruit punch flavor tastes pretty good although it is not as good as the original P90X post-workout drink (which I do not think is being made anymore) that they sold when the program first came out, which tasted like a creamsicle. But, this is a bit less expensive than that was, and gets you more servings than that did. And, it is not loaded with sugar like some post-workout powders are. I definitely recommend it.

Supplement Review: Vitafusion Fiber Well Sugar Free Fiber Supplement


While this is not a substitute for getting fiber through foods, it is a good way to boost your fiber consumption (you get five grams of fiber from two gummies) in order to help you hit a fiber target (or just get a bit more fiber than you normally would). They are sweetened with sugar alcohol and have ten calories per serving. Basically, they taste like gummy bears without having the sugar and calorie content, and way more fiber than gummy bears will ever get you. And, they are way better than most of those fiber powders that you can mix with water or juice.

Streaming App Review: Max


Max (formerly HBO GO) allows you to subscribe to HBO without subscribing through whatever cable or streaming service you use for live channels. It has most of the archived HBO shows like The Sopranos, Sex and the City, Game of Thrones, etc., as well as the vast majority of the DC Comics content (aside from, as of this writing, the CW shows that stream on Netflix and Smallville which streams on Hulu), and shows like Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon that get licensed to stream on the service. Plus, due to COVID-19's impact on people going to theaters, for a time, the newly released Warner Brother movies were available for 30 days on the day that they were released. I believe that is no longer happening, however. And, the new episodes of shows like House of the Dragon are made immediately available at the same time they would air if you were watching HBO through a cable subscription.

The interface is very good and easy to navigate. You can search or browse, and add content to a watch list. And, if you stop a movie or show before it ends, there is a continue watching section that allows you to pick up where you left off. The interface is very similar to that of Disney + and Peacock, so if you have, or have used, one of those, you can easily navigate around in this. And, I do not notice a ton of buffering issues even though my Wi-Fi connection can be spotty at times. The connection to the app seems more consistent than I get with some of my other streaming apps. The only drawback is that it does not have archived versions of all the weekly shows, like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It only has the shows of the most recent season, and as soon as the new season starts the prior season's shows are removed. That kind of sucks if you have not seen the early episodes and would like to go back and watch them without having to try and track them down online. Aside from that, I am definitely happy with it even though it is yet another paid streaming platform.

Product Review: Amazon Basics Upholstered Storage Rectangular Ottoman and Entryway Bench


This is a storage bench that is about the size of one and a half of those mid-sized plastic storage bins that you can get from any store. I use mine in my front entryway to store off-season coats, hats, gloves, etc. It is the perfect size for that. It is also something that you can easily put in a living room to store things like kid's toys, pet toys, or anything that you just want to keep out of the way and use as a footrest in front of a couch. 

The best thing about it is that you do not have to assemble anything. It is put together (including the legs) right out of the box. So, the hardest part will actually be getting it out of the shipping box. It is a great value for the money (as long as it is still in the $75-$95 range). If it is being sold for higher than that, then you may want to look for something else because I do not think it is worth more than $100. I definitely recommend it if you are looking for some kind of "hidden" storage solution.

Product Review: Energizer CR1632 3V Lithium Coin Battery (5-Pack)


These are the coin-sized batteries that are used in at least some of the tile trackers. You get 5 for a reasonable price and, at least so far, I have not had issues with them draining too fast. They are definitely worth the pickup if you have some device that requires them.

Product Review: CAP Barbell Coated Dumbbell Weight


This is a 12-pound hex dumbbell. These are gym-quality dumbbells, with a rubber coating on the ends. It appears that sometimes the page on Amazon offers just one dumbbell (making it necessary to purchase two at a time to get a set), and other times they are sold in pairs. So, pay particular attention when you are ordering if it just adds one to your cart or a pair, and order accordingly. I ordered the 12-lb dumbells (they were being sold as a pair when I purchased them) and they arrived in time and did not appear to be used at all, and were exactly as I expected them.

Product Review: MATCC Crampons Ice Snow Traction Cleats


I live in the upper Midwest, which is known for its horrible winters (from time to time anyway). My townhouse association does a crappy job at clearing off the ice that forms after the snow in the driveway is plowed, which can make it treacherous (to say the least) to bring the dog out, or walk down to the mailboxes in the winter. I have used these for a couple of years now and they do a great job of providing traction. I have found that they fit over a pair of sneakers a lot better than they do over a pair of boots, even relatively small boots. Putting them on sneakers is actually fine since it is really only when there is no snow on the ground to provide traction that makes it really hard to walk. Meaning, when there is a layer of ice, you are not walking through deep snow so wearing sneakers is doable.  The one pair of boots that I have that these do fit on has little to no grip when it is very icy out and it does work well on those. So, they can fit over a shoe or a pair of hiking boots pretty easily without the straps that come with them. If you have a pair of large boots (like Sorel boots) then you will need to get this a size or two larger than what your actual shoe size would indicate you need. I definitely recommend them if you live in a place that gets a lot of snow and/or ice in the winter, especially if you go hiking in the winter.

Product Review: Ring Indoor Cam (1st Gen)


This is a set of two indoor Ring Cameras. I got them mainly to be able to keep an eye on and communicate with, a disabled parent, aimed at the staircases so I can be alerted of motion on the stairs and monitor for falls. They are very easy to set up (basically you download the ring app, select the option to add a new device, scan the QR code on the back of the camera, and follow the instructions). If you are familiar with setting up devices like Amazon Echo, smart speakers, or the like, you can easily set these up. The App has a free tier and a paid monthly subscription tier. The big difference between the paid tier and the free version is that movement activity will not be recorded on the free tier, so you cannot see what happened earlier. You can only get a live view.

Once you set them up, you can customize zones in the camera's view to detect motion, and you can turn the motion detection schedule on and off, for example, if you only want to detect motion from a camera overnight, or when you are out of the house, at work, or something like that, you can. That will keep you from getting notifications when you do not need them. You can also snooze notifications for a period of time. You can also, under the privacy settings, set up zones in the camera's field of view that will not be recorded. So, yes are some privacy options, although it does not appear that you can totally turn off the camera for a duration without unplugging it. You can also set the motion detection to alert only when a person is moving, so it does not chime every time a pet moves around (during the free trial and then if you pay for the subscription after that).

The video is very good. Even at night with all the lights off, you can see very well. Much better than old grainy security cameras where everything looks like pixelated blobs. The only con is that they do lose connection to the wireless signal from time to time. Sometimes it is very easy to get them reconnected just using the app, and sometimes you have to unplug the cameras and plug them back in to get them to reconnect. Overall, however, I am very happy with the purchase and definitely recommend these.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 67

 Day 67 was the lower back routine in XB and the upper body strength routine in 645.

The Lower back routine went pretty much the same as it did the last time. There is nothing new to report about that one.

The 645 workout was another tough one. It incorporated some new moves as well as moves we have done before in earlier workouts. The pace is again more intense and I was definitely gassed by the time it was over. The focus, as it has always been in the upper body workouts, is on the shoulders and back, but the EMOM block is a biceps-focused exercise. Basically 21s but knocked down to 15s, doing 5 full biceps curls, 5 upper curls, and 5 lower curls. 

Product Review: Saucony Men's Multi-Pack Mesh Ventilating Comfort Fit Performance No-Show Socks


These are decent athletic socks. The one drawback is that they are so low profile that the ankle height makes it easy for them to bunch and slip off your feet when taking off your shoes (especially if you have slip-on shoes). But when you have just the socks on, they are just fine. They are a good value and comfortable. If the ankle height was a little larger, they would be perfect.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Product Review: Amazon Basics Original Fresh Liquid Hand Soap


I bought these back when hand soap was hard to find in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This gets you a lot of soap for a good price. The drawback to it is that it definitely has a bulk "industrial" feel and scent. It is not moisturizing at all and does not smell anywhere near as good as some of the scented hand soaps. But, you get about three times the amount as in a lot of those pump soaps, and you can get it as a subscribe and save item on Amazon.

Product Review:2-Pack Air Filter Replacement Humidifier Wick Filters


This is a pack of two pretty small humidifier filters. So, depending on the size of the filters your humidifier needs, you may have to use both of them with the long side pointed up/vertically. They are the same thickness, however, as the other square filters out there, so assuming that one or both fit your humidifier they do work.

Product Review: HUANUO Dual Monitor Mount Stand


I got this to have my two 32" monitors up off my desktop, and allow for them to be side by side, since my job requires me to have multiple programs like Word, Adobe Acrobat, and at least one internet browser screen open at one time, along with Outlook. I have a limited amount of space for my office setup right now so I cannot get the monitors exactly side by side (one is a bit lower than the other), but if you have a wide enough space they are able to be put side by side, with or without a laptop between them.

Overall, the stand is easy to assemble. It can be mounted just by screwing the base to the tabletop in almost a C-Clamp like manner, or you can drill into the table. This will depend on how thick your table is. All of the adjustments are made with one of the included Allen wrenches, which you definitely do not want to lose track of. It can be assembled in about half an hour, give or take, and the instructions are fairly well-written, but I did have to refer to the pictures a few times to figure out how to attach things.

It is definitely sturdy once you get it put together. I did have to adjust the arms once the monitors were on to keep them in place (when I initially put the monitors on, the arm kind of drifted down), but once everything is tightened, they stay in place just fine. I absolutely recommend this if you are looking for an inexpensive way to get dual monitors set up.