Banshee was a crime-drama/action series that aired on Cinemax from 2013 to 2016. The 10-episode first season aired during the winter and spring of 2013. The series starred Anthony Starr, Ivana Milicevic, Lili Simmons, Hoon Lee, Ullrich Thomsen, Ben Cross, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Matt Servitto, and Frankie Faison.
Starr plays Lucas Hood (not his real name), a recently released ex-con who has spent 15 years in prison and who, through a crazy twist of fate, becomes the sheriff of Banshee, a small town in PA abutting an Amish community. There, he finds that his ex-girlfriend, played by Ivana Milicevic, is married with a couple of children and hiding out from a NY crime boss named "Rabbit" ( played by Ben Cross). Lucas discovers that the town is basically run by an ex-Amish gangster named Kai Proctor (played by Ulrich Thomsen), and the two immediately become enemies. Lucas struggles to stay on the right side of the law while pretending to enforce the law. Frankie Faison plays Sugar Bates, a retired former boxer and ex-con turned bar owner. Hoon Lee plays Job, a computer hacker, and Hood's criminal accomplice; Matt Servitto plays Brock Lotus, the longest-serving member of the Banshee Sheriff's department who was passed over for Sheriff. Trieste Kelly Dunn plays Siobhan Kelly, another deputy sheriff and Lili Simmons plays Rebecca Bowman, who lives a double life as a devout Amish by day and a rebellious and sexually promiscuous party girl by night. She also happens to be Proctor's niece.
The Blu-Ray set is a four-disc set with episodes and a decent amount of extras. The show's A/V quality is very good, and it looks and sounds great in the HD format. It is probably not a must-see in HD because there is not much in the way of special effects or things of that nature, but I think the colors pop very nicely and some of the landscape shots look great in HD. For extras, there are commentary tracks on six of the ten episodes, a making-of documentary called Banshee Origins that is split into 15 segments, a featurette on the opening title sequences and all the easter eggs and clues that are in each opening credit sequence, deleted scenes, and a trailer for season two.
Overall, the show is great. It is well-written and very well-acted. Be warned, however, that there is a lot of violence, sexual content, and nudity (mostly by Milicevic and Simmons, but pro wrestling fans may also recognize C.J. Perry, who was Lana in WWE topless in a sex scene with Starr). So, it is definitely an adult show that is not family-friendly. So, if that would turn you off to a show, you are best to skip this. If, however, you are looking for a drama that is compelling and not like anything else out there, this is definitely something you should check out.