Breaking Bad was the iconic crime drama that aired for five seasons from 2008 to 2013, spun off one series, and was revived for a TV movie in 2019. Vince Gilligan created it, also serving as the showrunner and directing several episodes. The main characters in every season (detailed below) were played by Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, and Dean Norris. In later seasons, Giancarlo Esposito, Jonathan Banks, and Bon Odenkirk would all have starring roles. The Supporting cast includes RJ Mitte, Betsy Brandt, Laura Frasier, and Jesse Plemmons. The show also had a great recurring and guest cast, including Steven Quezada, Matt Jones, Bill Burr, Danny Trejo, DJ Qualls, and Robert Forester.
For those who may not be familiar with the show, it is about a high-school chemistry teacher named Walter White (played wonderfully by Bryan Cranston) who finds out he has terminal cancer and decides to start manufacturing meth with a former student named Jesse Pinkman (played by Aaron Paul) so he can make enough money to set up his family for life. Throughout the course of the series, Walter transforms from a guy who is in over his head to a horrible character with almost no redeeming qualities who uses everyone around him. Anna Gunn stars as Walter's wife, Skyler. Dean Norris stars as Walter's brother-in-law Hank, who is also a DEA agent who ends up looking for the mysterious new meth dealer. Betsy Brandt plays Walter's sister-in-law, Marie, and RJ Mitte plays Walter Jr. In seasons 3 and 4, Giancarlo Esposito plays Gustavo "Gus" Fring (one of the best bad guys in TV history), a local drug kingpin with a cover as a business owner. In seasons 2-5 Bob Odenkirk played the "criminal lawyer", Saul Goodman, and Jonathan Banks played Mike Ehrmantraut, an enforcer for Gus and private investigator for Saul. The last three also appear on the great spin-off series Better Call Saul.
There are many different Blu-Ray complete series Blu-Ray sets, and the set has been repackaged over the years, including one that includes the TV movie, El Camino. All of the sets include the same bonus features for the main series. The set that I have is the 16-disc complete series set that has shelf-friendly packaging (released in 2014). Where the set really shines is with the extras. There are hours of extras for each season, including behind-the-scenes featurettes, commentary tracks on select episodes, episodes of "Inside Breaking Bad" the post-show wrap-up that aired after many of the episodes, music videos, gag reels, photo albums, deleted and extended scenes, character profiles, a hilarious alternate ending to the series, and more. So, if you love the show and you love watching the bonus material, there is a ton here for you.
The series is widely regarded as one of the best shows of its era. It was wonderfully written and very well acted by everyone in the main cast and the guest cast. Cranston did a great job of transitioning Walter from a wimp to a monster over the course of the series. Aaron Paul did a wonderful job playing Jesse as a guy who got in too deep with Walter and portraying Jesse's love-hate feelings toward Walter, whom he saw as a father figure, yet knew he only cared about himself and money. The series really boils down to the power of greed and how it corrupts. Even though it has been off the air for nearly a decade, the show holds up very well and is definitely worth the investment. It had a lot fewer shows than many shows that aired for five seasons (just 62 total episodes), but it told a great story, and if you are a fan of crime dramas, it is a must-watch.