The movie is set sometime after the events of the fifth movie with the team having received amnesty for their various crimes by helping out Hobbs (The Rock) in Rio. When Hobbs and his partner Riley Hicks (played by Gina Carano) investigate the destruction of a Russian military convoy by a crew led by former British SAS Major and special ops soldier Owen Shaw (played by Luke Evans), Hobbs recruits Dom to track them down using evidence that Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) is alive. What follows is lots of explosions, fighting, car chases, and what you would expect. Of course, there are plot twists, and the movie continues to be set before the events of Tokyo Drift so that Han can keep being included (with jokes about getting to Tokyo at some point).
For those who get the Blu-Ray, the movie looks and sounds great in HD. The movie uses a blend of CGI and practical effects and they basically look seamless. The extras include c commentary track on the movie with director Justin Lin, several making-of and behind-the-scenes featurettes, and deleted scenes. They all total to just under two hours' worth of extras. You also get the extended edition and theatrical version of the movie. Nothing is really changed in the extended edition, and the additions are "blink and you will miss them" quick. So, very minimal.
Overall, the movie is a fun action film that is meant to be a turn off your brain and enjoy it kind of thing. The movies in the franchise have become a tongue-in-cheek action-fest and really do not try to be anything more than that. Obviously, some people love the movies others hate them, and this is probably not going to change your mind about them regardless of which category you fall into.