Here you will find things about fitness and nutrition, mainly (but not exclusively) in relation to the Beachbody programs like P90x and Insanity. And, I will start adding reviews for Books, DVDs and Blu-Rays, and other products. All views and opinions on this blog are my own.
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.
I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.
I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Product Review: rooCASE Multi-Angle Black Leather Folio Case Cover with Elastic Hand Strap for Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 Wi-Fi
Book Review: Everything T***p Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever
DVD/TV Series Review: American Dad!: Volume Seven
The show continues to include a lot of good guest stars, some of whom are easy to recognize and others, no so much. This season, the guest lineup included Jason Alexander, Sarah Chalke, Anthony Michael Hall, Hector Elizondo, Lucy Lawless, Hayden Panettiere, Lou Diamond Phillips, Burt Reynolds, Edward Asner, and Carl Reiner.
For those who get the DVD set, the extras include commentary tracks on selected episodes, deleted scenes, a feature on Patrick Stewart, who voices Stan's boss at the CIA, and a portion of the 2010 comic-con panel. So, a good amount of material if you like watching the extras.
Overall, the show is good. While not every show is great, most of them are clever and there are a lot of funny moments. It is much different from Family Guy, which in the long run is good, but it definitely has a similar brand of humor. So, if you like the prior seasons, this is definitely worth picking up.
Product Review: CAP Barbell Workout Bar, 5-Pound
Product Review: Gaiam Pressure Point Muscle Roller Massage Stick
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 69
Day 69 was the recharge workout. I again had to work most of the day so I was not able to get to the workout until later in the evening so instead of doing x-stretch I just did recharge. Not ideal, but it worked out.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 68
Friday, May 13, 2022
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 67
Day 67 oF CE was the Lean Circuit 3 workout again. It was easier than the first time around, and it is generally an easier workout for me than Lean Circuit 2. While there is a lot of shoulder work, the moves are shoulder raises, not the variations of the flys which are difficult for me. Even so, it was still a very challenging workout and I was pretty gassed by the end of it.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 66
Day 66 of CE was the burn intervals workout. For some reason, I was very tired during the workout today. I really had to find the motivation to start it and had to push through once I did start, but I managed to get through it with some heavier modifications than usual.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Dexter Season Six
For those who get the Blu-Ray set, the series looks and sounds great in HD. The extras, which are only available through BD live (meaning your blu ray player has to be connected to the internet to watch them) include cast interviews, a couple of episodes from the series House of Lies, Californication, and The Borgias. So, very light on Dexter-specific extras which is disappointing.
Overall, the season is good. Better than season five, but not as good as seasons one through three. The season ends on a cliffhanger that definitely changes things for season seven. The writing is definitely not as good under the new showrunners as it was under the direction of Clyde Phillips, but the acting is always great. This season sports a strong supporting and guest cast including Mos Deg, Collin Hanks, Edward James Olmos, and includes Aimee Garcia as a new recurring cast member. I cannot say that people who loved the first 3-4 seasons will definitely like this one, but I think, generally, if you have liked the prior seasons, you will probably like this one. The only real disappointing thing about the Blu-Ray set is the lackluster extras, so if you only get the physical discs when the extras are extensive and good, then you may just want to stream this.
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 65
Day 65 of CE was Lean Circuit 2. This is another very challenging workout, even two weeks into the Lean phase. The upper-body moves are shoulders (the various shoulder flys) and back (doing a bunch of rows) while you are unbalanced doing hamstring curls, leg lifts, etc. I found that I had to use very light weights for most of the upper body moves. It was tough, but rewarding to get through.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Charmed Season 2
For those who get the Blu-Ray set, the show looks okay in the HD format. Sometimes it looks great, and sometimes the HD format really highlights just how bad the special effects still were back then. The CGI was a bit better in season two than it was in season one, but only slightly and you can really tell how fake things were when watching in HD. As far as extras go, there are none. There are no deleted scenes, no gag reel, and no behind-the-scenes material. Just the episodes themselves. And, unlike the season one Blu-Ray set, the episodes are not captioned at all which is a pain for people who are hard of hearing and rely on the captions.
Overall, the show is good, even if a bit cheesy at times. Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs, and Alyssa Milano had great chemistry together, and if any of the tension that has been rumored between members of the cast had started during the filming of season two, it was not evident in any of their performances. The show also included a great set of recognizable guest stars including Dean Norris (who would go on to be a co-star on Breaking Bad), Misha Collins (who would go on to star in Supernatural), Arnold Vosloo (from the Mummy movies), Amy Adams, Billy Drago (the wonderful character actor who played mostly bad guys throughout his career), and French Stewart. If you were a fan of the first season, the second season is definitely worth watching.
Book Review: 11/22/63
While I would not say I am an aficionado of King's works (I have read a couple of his books and seen some of the movie adaptations of his works) I really liked this book. Even though it is pretty long (over 800 pages) it is a fairly easy read with a reasonable amount of characters in it and good character development. So, I was able to get through it fairly quickly (in about a week and a half) despite the size. The book was based on the premise that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing JFK and did not get into the various conspiracy hypotheses, although in the afterward, King did say that while he does not believe in a massive conspiracy, he does concede the possibility that more people than just Oswald were involved, but he chose to approach the story on the belief that there was none and that Oswald was a lone wolf. I cannot say that everyone who is a fan of King's other works will like this book, and cannot say how similar or different it is from his other novels, but I found the book to be a great read with an engaging story and definitely recommend it.
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 64
Day 64 of CE was recharge and abs. Nothing too much to say about either of them. They basically went the same as last week.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Workout Update" Chalean Extreme Day 63
Day 63 of CE was the Lean Circuit 1 workout again. Honestly, it was just as challenging as it was last week and I was still maxing out on the reps at 10 (most of the time) using relatively light weights (about 15 lbs for most exercises). Being off balance when doing the upper body exercises is very tough and really makes 15 lb seem heavier than it is. While I still like the Push Circuit workouts more, this is definitely a good workout.
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: The Killing: Season 1
The Blu-Ray set is a three-disc set. The show looks great in HD, with many good visuals of the Pacific Northwest. The extras include commentary tracks on two episodes, an extended version of the season finale, deleted scenes, a behind-the-scenes featurette, and a gag reel. So, there is a decent amount of material for those who like watching the bonus features.
Overall, the season is very good. There is a lot of character development, and not too much is revealed too soon. There are intertwining storylines, including the investigation, the family reaction to Rosie's death, and the political race for mayor, which may or may not be a factor in Rosie's killing. The series is very well written and acted, and I think the show took a risk (in a good way) by casting unknown character actors in the main roles. Joel Kinnaman has gone on to have what is probably the most notable career since the series ended, appearing in House of Cards and the Suicide Squad movies. However, when the series aired, both he and Mireille Enos were relatively unknown and definitely did not fit the mold of series leads. I know some people think the series was too slow, but I think the writers made the correct decision not to reveal the killer in the first season, as it probably would have been the Death Knell for the series since all the plotlines were tied to the murder mystery. It is definitely not family-friendly, as there is some sexual content and a lot of swearing. But if you are looking for a good combination of mystery and drama, this is definitely worth checking out.
DVD/TV Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk Returns/The Trial of The Incredible Hulk
The first movie, which was made in 1988, about six years after the TV series ended teams up Hulk and Thor (played by Eric Kramer, who has been a character actor on a ton of shows over the years), but the twist is that Thor is called via the Hammer by a guy that David met a decade earlier. In the second movie, David teams up with Daredevil (played by Rex Smith) to take on Wilson Fisk (played by Johnathan Rhys-Davies). Neither of the movies is all that good, the special effects were atrociously bad (although CGI was still in its infancy at the time, and not something that TV movies really had the budget for). Really the only reason to watch them is to see how they continued the story from the series, which they actually did a bad job at.
The movies would have been much better if they would have actually continued the series and involved Jack Colvin a lot more. He did appear in The Incredible Hulk Returns but was used pretty much in the same way he was in the series ( barely), and the character of McGee was never closer to getting the story. Personally, I think a much better way to do the movies would have been to give the show a proper ending with something like having Jack McGee finally find out that David Banner was alive in the first movie, track him down in the second movie, and then end the series in the third movie. Instead, Colvin never reprised the role of Jack McGee after the first movie.
For those who get the DVD set, it is just the two movies. There are no extras aside from a couple of previews that play after the disc loads. Overall, the movies are pretty cheesy (not as cheesy as some of the tv series episodes, but not far from it). They do feel dated now, and you can definitely tell they were made in the late 1980s. Lou Ferrigno still was in great shape at the time, and still looked the part, although he had aged a lot. He looked much older compared to how he looked in the series, even with the green makeup, than Bixby did. If you were a fan of the series, the movies will give you a bit of nostalgia, but that is about it. You are not missing much at all if you skip them.
DVD/TV Series Review: Covert Affairs: Season 2
This season again sees a good cast of recurring stars and guest stars, including Jamie Alexander (from the first couple of Thor movies, Agents of Sheild, and later Blindspot), Oded Fehr (from the Mummy and Resident Evil movies), Ben Lawson, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Gregory Itzin (probably best known for his role on 24), and Santiago Cabrera (probably best known for his role on the BBC series Merlin).
For those who get the DVD set, the extras include deleted scenes, a featurette about the filming locations, a comic-con intro segment with Piper Perabo, and a gag reel. Not a ton of extras, but what is included is fine.
Overall, the series continues to be mostly well-written and well-acted. Some of the plots are formulaic and predictable and sometimes the show throws a good twist in that keeps it from being as predictable. The main cast all do a good job in their role, with Christopher Gorham, Piper Perabo, and Sendhil Ramamurthy all doing a great job as the spy characters and Anne Dudek doing a great job as Annie's out-of-the-loop sister. The show has a good mix of action and drama with a bit of humor thrown in. So, if you are a fan of the spy action genre, and you liked the first season, this is definitely worth watching.
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 62
Day 62 of CE was the recharge workout. I had intended to do x-stretch, but I was stuck working until much later than I intended and was not able to get to the workout until later at night, at which point I decided to go with the much shorter recharge workout. I did not do abs since the Lean workouts are so core-focused I felt okay skipping the ab-burner workout for today.
Blu-Ray/TV Series Review: Game of Thrones Season 1
The show has a very large ensemble cast (that is actually quite pared down from the number of characters in the books). Some of the actors were fairly well known before the series, such as Sean Bean, Ian Glen, and Lena Heady, and others such as Emilia Clarke, Sophie Turner, Kit Harrington, Peter Dinklage, Maise Williams, and Jason Momoa would become stars, because of the series. Some of the actors such as Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Michelle Fairley, Aidan Gillen, and Liam Cunningham were recognizable but not exactly well-known before the series.
The first season basically follows the story of the first novel, with Eddard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell in the Northern region of Westeros being asked by the King to be the "King's Hand" which he agrees to mainly so that he can investigate the death of his mentor. The first season teases a coming war and has a lot of twists and turns packed into the relatively small amount of episodes. It is hard to go into much detail without giving away too much for the few who are reading this who have not seen it yet, but Martin is not shy about killing off characters, so you can be assured that not everyone makes it out alive.
For those who get the Blu-Ray set, the show looks and sounds great in HD. There are a ton of extras including commentary tracks on seven of the ten episodes that feature various members of the cast and crew. There are also in-episode guides that pop up information about the show as you watch, a Complete Guide to Westeros that breaks down the family histories of the various ruling families, character profiles, a thirty-minute making-of documentary, a feature about adapting the book to the screen, a feature on the Night's Watch, a feature on the main title sequence, creating the Dothraki language, and an Anatomy of an Episode feature that you can play when watching the episode "A Golden Crown". So, there is a ton there if you like watching the bonus features.
Overall, the show is wonderful. It is well-written and very well acted. It is definitely an adult show as there is a lot of swearing and a ton of sexual content and nudity that leaves little to the imagination. So, if that would bug you, then you definitely will want to skip this. But, if you are into shows that have a medieval setting with a healthy mix of fantasy elements like magic and dragons, then this is definitely worth watching.
Study Aid Review: The Ultimate Physics 2 Tutor Volume 1: Thermodynamics
The set is divided into three discs, each of which has several lessons/sections.
Disc One Contains:
Section 1: Thermometers and Temperature Scales
Section 2: Expansion and Contraction of Solids and Liquids
Section 3: Kinetic Theory of Gases
Disc 2 Contains:
Section 4: Heat
Section 5: Latent Heat and Phase Change
Section 6: Heat Transfer by Convection, Radiation, and Conduction
Section 7: Work, Heat, and PV Diagrams
And Disc 3 Contains:
Section 8: The First Law of Thermodynamics
Section 9: Heat Engines and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Section 10: Refrigerators
Section 11: Entropy
For me, the section on PV diagrams was very helpful, and it is probably the lesson that helped me the most in my engineering Thermodynamics class. We did not really discuss them much in physics but used them all the time in the engineering class. Like Jason's other sets, he breaks down each topic providing enough theory to make the topic understandable without getting bogged down in the minutia. Then he goes through examples to help solidify the topics. It is just him standing in front of a whiteboard giving a simulated lecture, however, and not everyone's style of learning is conducive to that. But, if yours is, this is a great set that will be helpful beyond just a physics class.
Study Aid Review: How to Solve Physics Problems
A lot of times, the calculus in calc-based physics is used in lectures to derive the formulas, but when you have exams, you do not have to actually use much calculus. So, teachers tend to make the problems harder than what students in an algebra-based physics class will have to deal with, and one way they do that is to break the problems into a bunch of parts and make you solve for five or six different things. And, a lot of times you have to use the solution to one thing to calculate something else. For example, you will be required to solve for time, then use the value that you calculate for time to then calculate the initial velocity, and once you have that, you can solve for something else. Problems that just ask you to (or show you how to) solve for just one thing are helpful to an extent but are not nearly as complex as what you are likely to see on an exam.
Another drawback to the book is that the drawings are really very basic. That was probably a decision to save money, and while you can still figure out what they are showing, they could have been a lot better. So, overall, this will be a good resource, to a point, but if you are taking calc-based physics (or AP physics in high school) it may not be enough.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Workout Update: Chalean Extreme Day 61
Day 61 of CE was the Burn it Off workout. I did it a bit later in the day than I would have liked, but I managed to get it done and get through it. It is honestly not my favorite cardio workout (aside from the fact that it is a bit shorter), but I much prefer P90X's plyometrics workout to this one.
Study Aid Review: The Unit Conversion Tutor - 4 Hour Course
Jason starts out discussing Scientific Notation, then gets into the Metric System and SI Units, which is the foundational system of units that will be used in every single class. Then the lessons go into, Unit Conversions Involving Length, Unit Conversions Involving Area, Unit Conversions Involving Volume, Unit Conversions Involving Speed, and Unit Conversions Involving Mass and Weight. All of those will be essential to solving physics problems and the last topic is also used extensively in chemistry. The final lesson is on Unit Conversions Involving Density, which is mostly used in chemistry, but will come up in physics and classes like engineering thermodynamics as well.
The reason I say that this is one of the most important topics is that if you know how to do it well, you will reduce the number of mistakes that you make on homework problems, quizzes, and exams, and it will always lead you to the correct answer because your answer always has to be in the correct units by the end of the problem. If you do the unit conversions first, you will save yourself a lot of time when working out problems and it will be a lot easier to figure out if you have made a mistake and find the mistake. So, this is a topic that is essential to learn well and be able to do quickly. Nothing that Jason shows here is extremely complex, but it is very helpful. I definitely recommend getting this if you want to learn any branch of science or engineering.
Study Aid Review: Homework Helpers: Physics, Revised Edition
The introductory chapter discusses topics like unit conversion, symbols, sign conventions, and the basics of algebra and trigonometry that you will need to know. The rest of the chapters are broken into lessons that introduce the theory behind each topic, give examples, and then provide a short problem set at the end. Then, at the end of each chapter, there is a chapter test that has problem types from each lesson, and an answer key to the problems in the chapter. The answer key does not work out the problems, just allows you to check your work. So, it does not spoonfeed you everything and makes you learn the material. The examples in the chapters are fully worked out, and the problems in the problem sets are representative of the example problems.
One thing I love about the approach is that the book stresses solving the problems symbolically first, and then plugging the values in at the end. Far too many people tend to plug the numbers in as they go, which provides many more opportunities for making math mistakes. Now, most physics teachers do not kill you for math mistakes, but some do. If you solve the problems symbolically first, you show your teacher that you actually understand the problem and how to solve it, and if you screw up on the math at the very end, you will get the vast majority of the points. It also provides a good template for how to set up your answer by labeling what is given and what you are trying to find, which shows that you can interpret what the question is asking for correctly.
If there is one drawback to this guide is that it does not have a lot of multi-step problems. Meaning problems where you have to calculate one parameter (like time) using one formula and then take that result and plug it into a different formula to solve for a different parameter (like distance or velocity). Those kinds of problems are almost exclusively what you will get on calculus-based physics exams because they are more complex than problems that amount to just "plug and chug" where you are given all the information you need to solve the problem upfront. But, because this is geared for the "easier" problem types, just know that if you are going to be taking calc-based physics the examples and the problems you get in this guide are going to be similar to your easiest homework problems, and will not be anywhere near as complex as the hardest homework problems or any exam problems you will have. But, even if you are going to be taking calc-based physics, this can be used to learn the theory (especially if you cannot easily follow the textbook or your teacher is not a good lecturer) and provide you with basic examples from which to build from. So, I highly recommend this regardless of what level of physics you are taking.