Chances are, anyone reading this by now has seen the movie at least once. For the handful who may not have, it is definitely an adult comedy. It has a lot of swearing and some sexually suggestive material (but no nudity). It is extremely funny with jokes that you may miss the first time around. Even with a large ensemble cast all of the actors get at least some good material, and pretty much every character gets at least one memorable line.
The movie has been released multiple times on DVD and Blu-Ray. If you end up with the 25th-anniversary set, it carries over all of the making-of and behind-the-scenes material from the DVD release and includes the commentary track with the director Ivan Reitman, Harold Ramis, and one of the producers. The big addition to this set is a "Slimer" mode, which is a picture-in-picture viewing of the movie that has a ton of material including interviews with cast members and pop-up facts about the movie. There is also a preview of the video game that was released at the same time, and a feature on restoration of the Ecto-1 car. All in all, a bunch of good material for those who like going through the bonus material.
It is one of the best comedies not only of the 1980s but of all time. Even though it looks like a movie that was made in the 1980s, the story holds up even though it is now almost 40 years old. If you have not yet bought it on disc, you may want to get the 4K version, but if you are a fan of physical media it is worth picking up.