Day 14 was a rest day. I did not end up doing T25 stretch which is my optional workout on a rest day. But, I did some house cleaning and organizing done so I was active. Overall, I feel good after two weeks of the program. It is definitely repetitive, given that you are just doing the same two workouts every other day, but it is doable.
Here you will find things about fitness and nutrition, mainly (but not exclusively) in relation to the Beachbody programs like P90x and Insanity. And, I will start adding reviews for Books, DVDs and Blu-Rays, and other products. All views and opinions on this blog are my own.
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.
I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.
I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time. As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 13
Day 13 was cardio and abs again. I was better in both, as well as better at the 4 min yoga portion at the beginning. I still have to slow down in a couple spots during the workout and have to modify the cross hops, but overall, my endurance is getting better.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Blu-Ray/Movie Review: Man of Steel
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 12
Day 12 was sculpt 1-2. Not much to report out this one except that I can tell that I am getting stronger at push-ups (very slowly). Push-ups, along with pull-ups are probably the resistance exercise I hate the most, especially doing "regular" (i.e., not on your knees) push-ups. But, they are coming along, and hopefully, by the time I get to p90x, I will easily be able to do 20-30 at a time.
Friday, July 23, 2021
DVD/Workout Review: Yoga For Martial Arts
Workout Update: Power-90 Day11
Day 11 was another cardio and ab day. I was a bit tired going through the workout but managed not to take any unscheduled breaks. I am getting better at abs, but I am still very unsteady doing the yoga portion of the workout. Thankfully, it is short, so it is pretty easy to get through, unlike p90x yoga. I'm definitely making progress in the workout and I think will get to the point where I can get through the entire thing without stopping or modifying by the 45-day mark. Tonight is the sculpt workout again, so I will post another update tomorrow morning.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
DVD Review: Chicago Fire Season 5
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 10
Day 10 was the sculpt workout. There was not much new to report. I was able to increase the weight on a couple of the exercises and held steady on the rest of them. I may start using some very light weights in the lunges and squats exercises at some point just to get some extra resistance on those, since, in Power 90 all the lower body exercises are done without weight (at least in the 1-2 and 3-4 workouts). I'll be back with another update tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 day 9
Day 9 was the cardio and abs workout again. I was again able to make it through the entire cardio portion without stopping, but I did have to slow down and still have to modify the cross-hops. I also got farther along in the ab-ripper 100 workout. I think I had to stop after 5 or 6 reps on three of the exercises but otherwise was able to struggle through the others. Abs have never been my strong suit, especially when I have a lot of fat around my middle like I do now. But, I am definitely progressing. Tonight will be the sculpt workout again, so I will be back tomorrow morning with another update.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 8
Day 8 was the start of week 2 of Power-90, which meant sculpt 1-2 again. As I said in prior posts, the workout is not too intense, which is good for getting back in shape. It is also pretty short, a little over a half-hour with the warm-up and cool-down. I am to the point where I could reach 15 reps without too much effort on some of the exercises so I will be increasing the weight on those. And, I am getting better range of motion on my push-ups, but I am still only doing about 12-14 "full" push-ups. So, I definitely have to improve there. I think I will be on a pretty good pace to switch to the 3-4 workouts after 45 days, which at this point is still the plan.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 7
Day 7 is a rest day in the Power-90 schedule. On my calendared schedule I have Sundays either being a rest day or doing a stretching workout like T25 stretch or p90x stretch. This week I decided to take a rest day and just recharge. I really did not have any soreness after the first week of workouts. I think that is partially due to the fact that I am doing low-weight, high-reps for the sculpt workout, and using a recovery drink after the workouts. Plus, the Power-90 workouts are not that intense, by design. So, I feel good going into week 2 of the program.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Book Review: Body-Rx
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 6
Today was day 6 of Power-90, which meant the cardio 1-2 workout and ab-ripper 100. I can definitely tell that my endurance is increasing still as I did not have to slow down or modify as much as on day 1, and did not have to do that much during the cardio portion of the workout. The yoga was still a bit hard as my flexibility has gone down a lot the last couple of years, and I still have a lot of extra weight on my gut which, along with my lack of flexibility, makes yoga a bit of a pain. As for ab-ripper 100, I still have to stop toward the end of the workout, but I did get farther than I did on Thursday. So, I think after week 1 I am making progress. It is nice to be lifting weights again, even if they are fairly light. But, the hope is that my muscular endurance will be good enough by the end of the 90 days of Power-90 and the 8 weeks of the masters series workouts, that I can lift heavy in p90x without a problem.
Workout Review: Living Arts/Gaiam - Pilates Mat Based Workouts for Beginners
Workout Update: Power-90 Day 5
Day 5 of Power-90 was the sculpt workout again. Even by the end of the week I am getting stronger and am almost to the point of bumping up the weight on a couple of the exercises. Overall, I like the workout. It is kept relatively short and, while it is challenging, especially if you are out of shape, it is not overwhelming like jumping into the more advanced workouts can be.
Nutrition-wise, the carb cycling is going well. Even though I hate doing it, I dropped a couple more pounds this week. At this point, I have enough fat on me that I am more willing to pay attention to the scale weight than I will be as I get closer to my goal body-fat percentage. Thankfully, Friday and Saturday are my higher-carb days so I am not stuck eating a salad for lunch and eggs for dinner. I know I could branch out, but I find it easier to keep things simple on the low-carb days and can more easily keep track of my macros.
Basically, the way I carb cycle is for two weeks I do low carb Monday-Thursday, higher carb lower fat on Friday and Saturday, then a free day (not necessarily cheat day, but if I am going to eat junk food this is the day that I will do it) on Sunday. Then I switch it up the next two weeks so I do low carb Monday and Tuesday, then Friday and Saturday. Higher Carb Tuesday and Wednesday, then the free day on Sunday. I do keep myself flexible with the free day so if I have some kind of get-together or something like that on a day other than Sunday, I can just switch the free day in, and not worry about if it is a low-carb day, higher-carb day, or whatever. I hate carb cycling, but I have dropped about 12 pounds in the past couple of months, doing it, and doing it gets me the most consistent results, so I endure it.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Blu-Ray/Movie Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Workout Update: Power 90 Day 4
Yesterday was my second go-around with Sweat 1-2 and ab-ripper 100. The experience was pretty similar to the first time I did the workout on Tuesday, but I was a little bit more tired because I had not slept well the night before. So, I had to slow down a bit more during the cardio portion. Ab-ripper 100 was still kind of a bear to get through, but I just hope to progress well. I think my new plan for the program will be to do the 1-2 workouts for 45 days and the 2-3 workouts for 45 days before doing 8 weeks of the Masters Series workouts. That is, of course, if I feel ready to "graduate" from the 1-2 workouts by the 45-day mark. I think that will be the case, and am definitely making that my goal. Thankfully, today and tomorrow are higher carb days on my carb cycle, so I should have a bit more energy for the next couple of workouts. Thanks for reading, and hopefully more people will check the blog out on a regular basis again. I will be updating daily with the workout updates now, and will try to post 1 or 2 product reviews per day.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
DVD/Movie Review: Charlie's Angels (Special Edition)
Workout update: Power-90 Day 3
Yesterday was day three of Power-90, the sculpt 1-2 workout. For at least the 1-2 portion of the program, I will do lower-weights, higher reps, and increasing weight only when I can do 15 reps without difficulty. This is because I want to get my muscular endurance up, and I want to avoid a recurrence of tendonitis in my elbow which happened the last time I was lifting heavy. The one thing I am not doing is modified versions of the push-ups. I am doing regular push-ups (using the power stands that came in the p90x 2 bundle back when that program was released) and going as deep as I can. In the sculpt 1-2 workouts, in the first circuit you do standard width push-ups, in the second circuit you do wide fly push-ups, and in the third circuit you do 7 wide, 7 narrow/triceps, and 7 standard width push-ups. I cannot go very deep with them yet, and max out at about 13 reps in the first two circuits. For the resistance exercises, I am using weight between 10 lbs (for shoulder flys) and 20 lbs (for things like Lawnmowers and heavy pants).
I like the workouts, but it is definitely easy for these to get repetitive. I found the original p90x program repetitive and that one had a lot more variety than this program does. And, I am sure Tony's jokes will get very old by the time the 90 days is over. But, I think this is a lot better option for me right now than trying to jump right into p90x again.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Product Review: Batman 4K Collection
Movie/DVD Review: The Cell (2000 version)
Workout Update: Power 90 Day 2; Sweat 1-2 and ab-ripper 100
Yesterday I did the first cardio workout in Power 90, sweat 1-2, followed by the ab-ripper 100 workout. Sweat 1-2 starts out with a few minutes of stretching, a lot of which will be familiar to anyone who has done p90x. Then there is about 4 minutes worth of yoga. Basically working through a couple of modified asanas (plank, push up, upward dog, down dog, crescent, and warrior 1/2). Then you get into the cardio portion. It starts out with a knee lift series (three moves each for 30 seconds, then repeat). Then, there is a jumping jack, run in place, and run lunges (the same run lunges from the p90x warm-up sequences) combo, again each for 30 seconds, and then repeating without any rest. Then there is what Tony calls "x work" which uses a taped "X" on the floor (but it is really a cross-shape that creates 4 boxes to step/hop in). There is a series of hop steps in all four boxes, then you run in place for about 3 seconds in each box moving counter-clockwise, then you do hops diagonally from one of the front boxes into the rear box located diagonally from it, and repeat).
Once you get through that portion you get a short water break, then go on to do a martial arts sequence. First, you do kicks, front kicks, knee kicks (which are just a modified knee thrust), and then what Tony calls side kicks but which are really front kicks in a back stance. Basically, they do not do any pivoting so no "real" roundhouse kicks or side kicks as you would do in Taekwondo or Karate. Then there is a punching sequence in which you do jab-cross and then hook-uppercut then do kind of a body blow (short punches that would be to a midsection).
That ends the cardio portion of the workout. Then there is a short cool-down and stretch. Then you go into ab-ripper 100, which is a series of 10 ab moves (again some of which appear in a slightly different form in ab-ripper x in p90x).
I found myself able to keep up in the cardio portion of the workout pretty well. I never had to take any unscheduled breaks, but I did have to slow down a couple of times and modify some of the jumping moves for a few reps. The harder part was the ab-ripper workout. Toward the end of the ab workout I could not finish all 10 reps on some of the exercises. But, I think I can make enough progress that I can move on to the 3-4 workouts after 30 or 45 days (at the latest).
Overall, this is a very good, but scaled-down workout. The cardio portion combines the warm-up from p90x with a little bit of the Kenpo-x program mixed in. It is mostly low-impact, but does have a bit of jumping. The good thing is that Tony shows modifications that you can do if you need to. It is perfect for anyone who is starting out or, like myself, who has gotten out of shape and wants to get back in shape before tackling one of the more intense programs like p90x, Insanity, Body Beast, or the like. And, if you are wanting to go on and do p90x it introduces you to a lot of the moves you will see there. The one drawback I will point out is that, the two "helpers" that Tony has with him in this video sometimes have horrendous form, especially during the kicks and punching portions. They were very likely models who were cast because they were in good shape and looked good, but unlike later programs that used a test group and had many of those people in the workout videos so there were people who knew what they were doing, that is definitely not always the case in Power 90. But, if you watch what Tony is doing, you should be good.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
DVD Review Chicago PD Season 3
Monday, July 12, 2021
Fitness Update: End of Insanity Max 30 (modified) and Start of Power 90
Today marked the start of my going back to (one of) the original programs in the Beachbody catalog, Power 90. It was the original workout program that Tony Horton put together for Beachbody back in the late 1990s/early 2000s and is the precursor workout to the wildly popular (even to this day) P90X, As I stated in my last fitness update post since I had been updating the blog regularly back in 2012, I have gained a lot of weight and become very out of shape. I never really stopped working out, but I was not working out as intensely, definitely became more sedentary as I was doing online school and working a full-time office job in which I was sitting in a chair most of the day. Then, of course, the covid pandemic hit, and working from home made it easier to be even more sedentary.
So, over this past summer, I did very modified versions of T25 and Insanity Max 30 in order to get my cardio fitness up to a decent level. Since I had gained about 40 pounds, I could not do the jumping and had to modify even some of the modified moves. But, over the 8 weeks of Insanity Max 30, I went from maxing out at the 7:47 mark of the first workout "cardio challenge" to making it all the way through the last workout "Friday night fight round 2" only taking the scheduled breaks. I started carb cycling (which is the nutrition plan that works best for me) doing 4 low-carb days in which I eat high-protein, high-fat and low carbs, 2 days where I eat more carbs and less fat and a bit less protein, and one day in which I eat whatever I want. Doing that I have lost about 11 pounds the past couple of months.
Today I started Power 90, doing the sculpt 1-2 workout. For those not familiar with Power 90, the "main" program has 6 workouts. Sculpt 1-2 which is a full-body circuit resistance workout, sweat 1-2 which is a cardio workout, ab-ripper 100., then sculpt 3-4, sweat 3-4, and ab-ripper 200 which are really just longer versions of the 1-2 workouts. Anyone who has done P90X will recognize a lot of the same moves both in the sweat and sculpt workouts. In the sculpt workouts you are to do 8-12 reps. Tony does not make it clear (as he does in P90X) that you want to max out at 10 reps if you want to build muscle and max out at 15 reps if you are looking for muscle endurance and to go for a more lean look. He kinds of hints at that, but does not hammer the point home like he does repeatedly in P90X.
Power 90 is definitely not as structured or regimented as P90X, and as such does not have as regimented a workout schedule. Basically, you do the 1-2 workouts until you can get through them without struggling (I would say when you can get through the cardio workout and ab-ripper 100 without taking unscheduled breaks or modifying), then you move on to the 3-4 workouts. So, my plan is to do the 1-2 workouts for thirty days, then evaluate my progress. If I feel the need to stay with the 1-2 workouts I will re-evaluate at the end of each week and switch to the 3-4 workouts and do them for the remainder of the 90 days. Then I will do the "master series" workouts that were meant to bridge Power 90 and P90X for 8 weeks. This plan may change based on my progress, life events, etc., but that is the overall plan. Also, note that these workouts are NOT included with the Beachbody On-Demand (BOD) subscription or sold on the Beachbody website. P90, which is a similar, updated version of Power 90 that was released around the time P90X 3 was released is on BOD, but the original Power 90 workouts are only on DVD. If you want them these days you have to try to find them used on eBay or something like that.
So, at the start of Power 90, my main stats are:
Weight: 224.9
Body Fat Percentage: 35.6% (approximate)
Waist Measurement: 49"
So needless to say, I have a long way to go, but I am determined to get there. I will update my workout progress daily and will update my stats at the end of the 90 days before I start the master's series workouts. As always, thanks for reading.