Mischief is a coming-of-age teen comedy from 1985 directed by Mel Damski and starring Kelly Preston, Chris Nash, Doug McKeon, Jamie Gertz, Catherine Mary Stuart, and Terry O'Quinn. It is one of the many teen comedies from the 1980s, such as Fast Times, Porky's, Private School, etc., and had similar themes to those movies. It is set in 1950s small-town Ohio. Doug McKeon plays Jonathan, the local nerdy kid, and virgin trying to get with the hot girl, Marilyn, played by Kelly Preston. Chris Nash plays Gene, the rebelling teen who moves to the town, clashes with almost every authority figure, and befriends Jonathan.
The DVD has long been out of print, so you will have to pay more to get it unless you really luck out. There are no extras, just the movie itself, which starts playing as the disc loads. It would be nice if it were re-released with a commentary track or something like that, but given that it was not the most popular movie of the genre, that is unlikely. While I would not say the movie is as good as Fast Times, or the original Porky's, it is probably as good as any of the Porky's sequels. Most likely, it will be a nostalgic blast from the past for people who grew up in the 1980s and remember seeing it on cable. It is a decent movie, but it is not a great movie by any means. It is a pretty formulaic coming-of-age story, but it does have a pretty good 1950s soundtrack. And, of course, the movie also has the very famous Kelly Preston full-frontal nude scene. It is probably a movie that could not be made today (at least not in the same way), given some of the themes. Although the awkward teen courting and sex is certainly something that is timeless regardless of the era. So, it is not a must-see, but it is worth watching, especially if you watched it when you were young.