
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Product Review: Wagner Spraytech Right PaintStick Roller Applicator


This is a paint roller that allows you to put paint in the handle which then runs to the roller brush, reducing the need for constantly reloading paint on the brush. I found that watching the YouTube video on how to use this helped a lot. It works best if you have paint in a one-gallon can. The valve that you have to connect between the paint can and the stick does not really connect to a five-gallon bucket. It makes painting a far less messy process, with fewer drips than using a regular roller, as the paint is "stored" in the handle as you use it, and once you get it going, paints a lot more evenly. I definitely recommend this.

Product Review: Echo Dot (3rd Gen)


I have a second-generation echo dot, as well as a second-generation "regular" echo unit. My mom moved into my house due to health issues, and I wanted another dot so we could use the "drop-in" intercom feature in the basement where my office space is, should the need arise. Because of the prime-day two-for-one deal, I was able to get an extra dot for no cost. 

It seems like the sound quality in the newer generation of Echo Dots is much better than in the older versions. It is still not as good as the regular Echo or a Sonos speaker, but not as tinny as the sound in the second-generation dots. And, the set-up was a LOT easier. You still have to use the Alexa app to set it up, but it is much more of a "plug-and-play" process, with far fewer hoops (at least using the iPhone version of the Alexa app) to jump through to get it working. Basically, once it is plugged in, the Alexa app will recognize it, ask what WiFi connection it should use and that it is.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Product Review: WOVTE Bear Claw Black Telescopic Back Scratcher


This is a very compact back scratcher. I got it for my mom who is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments. One of the side effects she is dealing with is hives that cause her to itch all over. This is small enough when compressed down to its smallest size to carry in a bag, backpack, satchel, purse, etc., but extends enough to reach your entire back. It is sturdy, but not so sturdy that you want to have something heavy sit on top of it for very long or drop something on it. Overall, however, it is definitely worth the pickup.

Product Review: Hanes Men's 5-Pack X-Temp Comfort Cool Assorted Boxer Briefs


This is a five-pack of boxer briefs. They fit well, and the size chart is accurate. They do not bunch or ride up and are overall very comfortable. They are definitely a good value and worth the price.

Product Review: FILA Neoprene Covered Dumbbell


The Neoprene Coated dumbells are the only way, at least that I have found, to get the very light weights, like 3-lb weights and even 8-lb weights at a reasonable price. I personally use the lighter weights for some shoulder exercises that I either cannot do with a heavier weight or would be almost dangerous to try with heavier weight (like those that can put a lot of strain on your rotator cuffs). They are also good for people who want to weight train, but not put on a lot of muscle, or are just starting out and have not built up to using a heavier weight for some exercises. 

They are a bit shorter than the non-coated weights, so if your hands are really big they may not be easy to grip, and if you have a dumbbell rack they may not fit perfectly on it. But, if they do fit in your hand, they are easy to hold and do not slip, even if your hands get sweaty. You should note that they are sold individually, not as a pair. So, if you want two of them, and chances are most people will, you will have to pay attention to the online listings and buy two at the same time.

Product Review: Leviton 80701-W 1-Gang Toggle Device Switch Wallplate


I recently repainted my walls and wanted white switchplates to better match the wall color. These will fit a standard switch and includes the screws needed to install it, so you do not have to save the old screws which will probably be a different color if you are replacing an almond-colored switchplate, for example. These are sturdy, look good, and are a good value. I definitely recommend picking them up.

Product Review: Hanes Men's Tagless Cotton Crew Undershirt


This is a pretty standard cotton t-shirt. It is good to use as an undershirt or as something to just lounge around in at home. They are nice to have as a subscribe and save item on Amazon, so you can get as many as you need on a schedule that fits. That is especially helpful if you are one who tends to wear out t-shirts relatively easily.

Product Review: Langov Elbow Brace For Men And Women (Pair) – Elbow Compression Sleeve For Tendonitis, Weightlifting, Golfers & Tennis Elbow Brace


I picked these up when I was battling tennis elbow for a few weeks, using an ACE bandage around my elbow when working out. I found this in a search for something that was a better solution, and it definitely helped a lot. I ordered the XL using their size chart. Although I was skeptical if that would fit correctly, I found that, at least for me, it did. I did see other reviewers on Amazon mentioned that the size chart is off, but it seems like that varies person-by-person. 

They give just the right amount of compression so that I do not feel pain when working out, yet, do not inhibit my range of motion or blood flow. It is also nice that you get a pair of them in a pack, in case you need two of them. I definitely recommend this for anyone who needs to keep their elbow wrapped and does not want to deal with an ACE bandage.

Product Review: Saucony Men's Multi-pack Mesh Ventilating Comfort Fit Performance No-Show Socks


These are comfortable "no show" socks, meaning they are mostly hidden when wearing shoes, even regular-height tennis/athletic shoes. My only issue with them is that they verge on being too small, and can sometimes slip off your foot when you are taking your shoes off (if you slip them on and off). Aside from that, they are comfortable once you get used to them and are worth picking up.

Product Review: Neoprene Coated Exercise & Fitness Dumbbell


The Neoprene Coated dumbells are the only way, at least that I have found, to get the very light-weights, like 3-lb weights and even 8-lb weights which I personally use for some shoulder exercises that I either cannot do with a heavier weight or would be almost dangerous to try with heavier weight (like those that can put a lot of strain on your rotator cuffs). They are also good for people who want to weight train, but not put on a lot of muscle, or are just starting out and have not built up to using a heavier weight for some exercises. The 3-lb dumbells are a bit small, so if your hands are really big they may not be easy to grip, but if they do fit in your hand, they are easy to hold and do not slip, even if your hands get sweaty. Otherwise, you can get a pair for a decent price. You should note, however, that they are often sold individually, not as a pair. So, if you want two of them, and chances are most people will) you have to buy two at the same time and pay attention to the listing pages if you are buying them online.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 66

 Day 66 was the flexibility day. In XB I did the lower body stretch and then mobility and stability in 645.

The 645 workout has quite a few new stretches that have not been done so far in the program, plus a mix of stretches that have been done before, but done with a variation. Most of the routine is done sitting down or lying on your back. There is one standing exercise, the "Royal Dancer" from P90x yoga, although Amoila does not call it that. As has been the case in nearly every mobility and stability routine, some of the muscles being stretched were very tight, and others not so much.

Product Review: EdenProducts Double Sided Sticky Carpet Tape for Area Rugs, Carpets & Mats


I have vinyl plank flooring in my front entry and stairway and on the living room/kitchen level of my townhouse. I used this to secure carpet runners on the stairs and to secure a corner of an area rug that I have in my living room that had curled up. This does a great job both with keeping the carpet runners in place and keeping the corner of the area rug down. I know one reviewer said that this did not keep the carpets in place and damaged what looks like a hardwood floor. But, on LVP flooring it works great to keep things in place and I was easily able to pull it up and reposition it without any damage to the flooring. So, if you have LVP flooring or anything similar, and need to secure rugs to it, I definitely recommend this.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Product Review: Elrene Home Fashions Elegant Woven Leaves Jacquard Damask Tablecloth, 60" x 84"


I have a wooden kitchen/dining table that is a 6-foot long oval shape when the leaf is put in. The surface of the table has seen better days, so I got this to cover it up until I can get it resurfaced. The 60" x 84" oval tablecloth fits perfectly with just the right amount of overhang along the sides. 

Product Review: Cable Matters 2-Pack Braided Low Profile Flat Power Cord 6 ft


These are not one of those extension cords you can plug multiple things into. I am using these to plug in a power recliner that is kind of in the middle of my living room. The good thing about these is that they are low profile enough that they can sit under a rug. While they will not be absolutely flat, will allow a rug to lie mostly flat. I definitely recommend them.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Product Review: TF PUBLISHING 2021 LIFE Marilyn Monroe Wall Calendar


I am one who gets a new Marilyn Monroe calendar each year. This has a good selection of mostly black-and-white pictures. Some of the pictures are very famous shots that any fan of Marilyn has likely seen many times and others are not as iconic or well-known, including more candid shots as opposed to modeling or publicity shots. I am not sure if all of the pictures are ones that appeared in Life Magazine over the years, but it is a good selection.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 65

Day 65 was the lower back routine in XB and the total body power routine in 645.

The XB routine was pretty much the same as it was the last time. I did not notice any improvement, but I also did not regress.

The 645 routine was another tough one. Like the other Phase 3 workouts, it used new moves along with more intense versions of moves that we did in other workouts (like adding weights to moves like the "dead bugs"). This workout really emphasized core strength and also incorporated some explosive plyometric moves. 

Product Review: Hoover Pet Carpet Cleaning Solution, Deep Cleaning Carpet Shampoo


This is the cleaner meant to be used in the Hoover SmartWash carpet cleaner. It is the solution that goes into a container that attaches to the back of the carpet cleaner and mixes with the warm water that you put in the clean water tank. It mixes automatically so you do not have to measure anything, just fill the solution container and use the machine. You can probably use it in a different carpet cleaner as well, but I specifically bought the Hoover machine and use it as the recommended product for that one. It definitely keeps the carpet smelling clean and fresh. I had newly installed carpet in a couple of areas in my townhouse and have only used this on that. So, I have no idea how well it works on deep, set-in, stains on an older carpet. But, if you have a new carpet and clean it once a month or even once every few months using this, it will definitely keep your carpet in good shape and smelling nice.

Product Review: Eastman Washing Machine Connector, Y Mixer Hose


I had a hot and cold water spigot put in my garage, mainly for giving the dog a bath, and occasionally washing my car by hand. It is a lot less expensive to do two separate spigots than a single spigot, but then you need a way to have water from both spigots to go through a hose, which is where this comes in. As long as the spigots are relatively close to each other (within a couple of feet), this will work. It is basically two small lengths of hose connected at a Y, that has a connection for a longer garden hose. It is not fancy but it gets the job done.

Product Review: Crescent Creative Products Perfect Pro Picture Frame Wall Hanging Tool with Level


This is a picture-hanging tool that is mainly for hanging larger pictures or even posters where you may have hooks on each side of the frame. This allows you to hang your picture level by getting the width needed, setting the arms of the hanging tool in place, taking it to the wall, and marking where the nail holes go. The tool has a built-in level so you do not have to guess where the nail holes need to line up with each other. It is definitely worth the purchase.

Product Review: Hoover Oxy Spot Chaser Refill for Smartwash Pet


This is a cleaning solution that goes into, and sprays from, the handle of the Hoover Smartwash carpet cleaner. It does a great job breaking up pet stains before passing over the area with the base. You would not use it on the whole area, just on spot stains to pre-treat them and make them easier to get up. You could, if you do not want the actual carpet cleaner, put it in a spray bottle and use whatever other carpet cleaning method you desire. It definitely gets the job done.

Product Review: Hoover SmartWash Automatic Carpet Cleaner with Spot Chaser Stain Remover Wand


I had to use this a lot sooner than expected to clean up a pet mess. So, I essentially had to put it together (very easy), figure out how to use it (also easy), and clean the carpet at the same time. It did a great job cleaning up the leftover mess/stains on the floor after the dog got left alone for too long. The spot chaser in the handle did a great job pre-treating the stains, and then "vacuuming" over the area got everything up, dried the carpet pretty well, and left the carpet smelling great. The one quirk to it is that you need to make sure the tank that collects the dirty water is on correctly. If it is not the water will go into the carpet but will not be sucked back up. I definitely recommend this both for monthly or every few months of carpet cleaning to keep your carpets fresh, and any pet emergencies that may come up.

Product Review: Joseph Joseph Kitchen Drawer Organizer DrawerStore Set


This is a set of two silverware trays that fit easily in a drawer and are much better at keeping silverware organized than the trays that require you to stack pieces on top of each other. They also take up a lot less space than those, trays so you can get items that would not fit in a regular tray in the drawer as well. I definitely recommend these.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Product Review: Purdy 140786104 White Dove High Density Woven Covers 3/8" Nap Mini Roller


This is a very durable small roller brush, which is very good for doing smaller spaces and edges (although not cutting). You will want to edge with something smaller, like a brush, then use this to do a larger space around the edge. You can easily do a whole small room without the roller starting to shed or lose effectiveness.

Product Review: Trimaco SuperTuff 10 oz thick Heavyweight Canvas Drop Cloth


This is a canvas dropcloth to use when painting to protect your floors. It is not a huge canvas, but definitely does what it is supposed to. It will definitely protect your floors from paint drips. But, if you are doing a large room, you may want to get a larger one so you do not have to move it along with you as you go around the room.

Product Review: Chamberlain B2405 Quiet Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener


I upgraded to this belt drive from a very old (at least 20-year-old) chain drive, and the difference is amazing. While it is not whisper-quiet, compared to my old opener, it is almost whisper-quiet. My bedroom is directly over my garage and when the door would open before it sounded like a freight train going through the room and this barely makes any noise. Here are the pros and cons:


1. The noise level. As I said it is much quieter than chain drives, especially older chain drives.

2. It has a motion sensor on it, so when you open the door to the garage going into your house, the lights will turn on and stay on for a couple of minutes, so you do not need to fumble with a light switch if you are just bringing something to or from the car and/or the garage.

3. The ability to use an app to see if the door is open or closed is great. I know I get that feeling in the middle of the night of wondering if the door is closed, or after I have driven off, wondering if the door closed if I did not watch it the entire time. Now I can just check the app and do not have to run downstairs in the middle of the night or turn around and go back to the house.


1. There are no written instructions. There are virtual instructions that you have to access through an app that you download, and you have to dig a bit in the documents that do come with the unit to figure that out. The virtual instructions are handy at times, but it would be nice to use them in conjunction with printed instructions.

2. Once you have it wired you have to calibrate it through the app in order to get the door to go up or down, and at first it may seem like you wired something wrong or the unit is defective. Basically, the app walks you through what buttons on the side of the unit you have to push to calibrate where the door should stop both in the open and closed positions and make sure the safety sensors are working correctly. 

3. The learn button, which you need to push to program the keypad, is not labeled. It is the yellow button on the side of the unit, but that is not clear in the instructions.  

Overall, it is a very good, reasonably-priced Wi-Fi-enabled opener. It does not have all of the bells and whistles that the more expensive openers have, like built-in webcams, but if you are not interested in those extra features this is a good one. It definitely takes a couple of able-bodied people to get it installed, and it may require you to move existing brackets around (if you are replacing an old unit). It took two people about 3 hours to get it installed. I absolutely recommend this if you are in the market for a new garage door opener.