
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Product Review: Bodyprox Ankle Support Brace


I use these when I am doing high-intensity plyometric and/or martial arts workouts. I have had issues with my ankles rolling for years, and these do a great job of keeping them stable. I love the fact that they have wrap-around straps. Those are much better for stability than the type of supports that slip over your foot. They are a bit bulkier than the slip-on supports which means, depending on your shoes, you may have a harder time getting your shoes on and tying them. It would also be nice if they were offered as a discounted two-pack, so those who want more than one could purchase a single pack. That aside, I definitely recommend these if you have issues with your ankles.

Product Review: OXO Good Grips Rice & Small Grains Washing Colander


I make quinoa quite a bit, and it has always been a pain to clean prior to cooking (you are supposed to rinse it before you cook it). This makes it very easy. The grains do not fall through at all, and the holes on the upper sides make it easy to get excess water out that does not drain through the bottom, without dumping a bunch of quinoa down the sink drain. I definitely recommend this.

Product Review: AGPTEK® SATA/PATA/IDE Drive to USB 2.0 Adapter Converter Cable for Hard Drive Disk


I have a couple of old drives that I was hoping to use this on. It works great on an older SATA drive that it works just fine on, powers and connects easily, and allows for file transfer to my newer computer. The other drive I was hoping that it would be able to power long enough for me to transfer files from seems, unfortunately, to just be dead. While all the connections fit (it is a parallel connection), the drive would not power.

The kit comes with a power adapter, and different power cables to attach to your drive, depending on the connection. Then there is a piece that attaches the drive to your computer (via USB) which allows for a variety of different attachments. As long as your drive can be powered, this is a good, inexpensive option to transfer files from an old internal or non-USB external drive. If the drive is totally dead, however, then this will not work to revive it.

App Review: YouTube TV


I made the switch to YouTube TV from DirecTVNow (now AT&T NOW) in 2019 after getting fed up with DirecTV Now's streaming issues, limited DVR space and functionality, and their last price hike. On the whole, I liked YouTube TV better than DirecTV Now but switched to Sling TV after YouTube TV removed content that I watched and raised its prices beyond what I felt it was worth. It originally had a pretty good channel lineup (the only channel I watched regularly, that was not on the service was Comedy Central), included all my local channels, including the local Fox Sports channels (which were add-ons for AT&TNOW) and I had a lot less buffering issues with this. Plus you get 6 streams so you do not have to worry about logging out of it on one TV if you want to switch rooms. However, it did remove some of the Fox Sports content and some of the local content that I watched, which is why I switched after they raised their prices.

The other thing that was a plus for me (and something I wish Sling would do) is that it allows you to set up a custom channel lineup, and to set the channel order in the guide so you can put the channels you watch more often at the beginning of the guide and the things you do not watch as much at the end (or even hide them from the channel list entirely). The only drawback to that feature is that you had to do that from the online website, and could not do it in the Firestick app, or the Roku app, but your custom lineups do carry over to those apps. That is still one advantage over Sling.

The big minus to me is the DVR interface. You do get to "record" unlimited shows, but you do not get a traditional recording list. Basically, you add a show to your library and it will record that show as it airs and put the icon/graphic for the show at the top of your library saying that a new episode is available. But it does not categorize the recordings by date (meaning you cannot get a list of the shows that were recorded on a given date) or keep the list of shows recorded in alphabetical order. And, the most irritating point is that if you exit out of watching a recording you have to start all over again and find where you left off. In that way, it is kind of like stopping a blu-ray disc that loads to the main menu when you turn it back on. You can pause a show as you are watching it, and pick back up where you leave off, but if you exit out of the recording and watch a new show, take a break, etc., then you have to fast forward through the recording to find where you left off when you start it up again. Also, some shows do not actually record but get "released" which means that you still have to sit through the commercials as opposed to being able to fast-forward through them. I assume this has to do with copyright/licensing issues, but it is a minor annoyance. Hopefully, those things will be something that will get changed down the line.

Overall, you get a good channel line-up and when it was $50 it was a good deal. The app itself is free to download and you get a free 7-day trial, but after that, you had to pay at least $50, more if you choose to add other services like Showtime. And, the service had some good original series as well. But, I did not think it was worth the price hike above $50, especially when I was losing content. This is especially true when the interface was not as user-friendly as it could have been and the DVR was not user-friendly at all.

Product Review: Simplehuman Code P Trash Bags


I got these when I was looking for a new set of trash bags after the member's mark brand that I bought in bulk at Sam's Club reduced the size of their bags (and raised the price) making them almost too small for my kitchen trashcan. These are great, both in size, and durability. They come in a box that has three packages of bags within it. The packages are about the same size as the packages of many flushable wipes so they will not take up a ton of space in your closet or under the sink. 

If you get them through Amazon they are available as a subscribe-and-save item so you can set up a delivery schedule that suits your needs. They are a bit pricey compared to even the name-brand tall kitchen bags (although they are not much more expensive than those) but hold more and are sturdier than many similar bags (especially generic bags). So, if you are looking for good tall kitchen trash bags I definitely recommend these.

Product Review: Blue Sky 2020 Monthly Wall Calendar


This is a good spiral-bound wall calendar with oversized blocks that allow you to easily write down appointments, workouts, or whatever you need to keep track of on a daily basis (as long as you are not looking to write a novel on the calendar). 

It is not really good for a desk calendar, although you could use it as one. But it is reasonably priced, and good if you are not interested in, or do not feel the need for, a calendar that has a bunch of pictures.

Product Review: Gya Labs Pure Vanilla Essential Oil


I love the scent of Vanilla essential oil but it is (at least in my area) hard to find in regular stores at a reasonable price. I mostly use it in my body wash to give it a vanilla "accent" scent. I just use enough (about 5 drops) to give it a bit of a vanilla scent without it being overpowering. So for my purposes, it works well.

Product Review: New Replacement Remote Control for Toshiba Blu-ray DVD Player


I got this when I thought the remote for my player died, and it was the exact same remote for the Toshiba BDK players, but it did not work on mine.  The original remote stopped working, despite the player itself being able to turn on and load discs. This one was not able to turn on or control the player either, so there is a chance that there was an issue with the player itself. The player was never dropped and I made sure the IR sensor was not obstructed, and there was no response to anything from the remote. So I ended up returning the remote and recycling the player.

Product Review: VicTsing 2.4G Wireless Mouse Wireless Optical Laptop Mouse


It is a very good, inexpensive, wireless mouse. It takes one AA battery, which is not included. A nice touch is that the wireless sensor that plugs into the computer also plugs into the base of the mouse, so if you use the mouse on multiple computers, you can transport the two together easily without losing the sensor. There are buttons on the side to allow you to page backward and forward in browser pages in one click, which is a nice touch. I definitely recommend it if you want a wireless mouse, and do not want to spend a ton of money for one or do not have a need for a special ergonomic mouse.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Product Review: Zeskit Cinema Plus 4K 3ft High Speed with Ethernet 22.28Gbps HDMI 2.0b Cable


This is a great inexpensive high-speed HDMI cable. If you do not have a 4k UHD player you do not really need this kind, but if you do, then it will give you a great picture and sound without breaking the bank. Just keep in mind this is a 3-foot cable, so you will need to keep your player relatively close to the TV, projector, or receiver you are plugging this into. But, if you are looking for a high-speed cable, this is a good, inexpensive option.

Supplement Review: Adrenal Support & Cortisol Manager


This is a cortisol control supplement that is supposed to help control stress and promote relaxation. If it works for you, it is good to be able to get it through subscribe and save on Amazon. I did not notice any difference while using it though, regardless of whether I took it in the morning, early evening, or right before bed.

App Review: Tubi


Tubi is a free streaming service that is a rival to services like Netflix and Hulu. This means you will have to sit through commercials that will randomly pop up during a movie (they do seem to be keyed to natural ad breaks for most of the TV shows, however), and the content is more on the B or C list level. The good thing is that movies are not censored, so you will not have to watch the TV versions of movies. There are some older A-list movies that get sprinkled in, and there are some TV series that they have (such as the reboot of V that aired a handful of years ago now) that I have not seen on other services. 

It is easy to navigate the various categories, and the content does cycle through (there is a category for leaving soon) if you want to watch things that will not be on the service much longer. It is a good option for cord-cutters, especially if you do not want to subscribe to all the paid services out there.

Product Review: Jergens Natural Glow 3-Day Self Tanner for Medium to Deep Skin Tone


This is a tanning lotion by Jegens. It does not have an overpowering scent, and provides a gradual darkening, without giving a "fake bake"/orange look. It dries pretty quickly so you are not left feeling slimy after you put it on, and it is pretty good at moisturizing. It is not a huge bottle, just 10 fl Oz, so you may go through it pretty quickly depending on how much you use.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 55

Day 55 was the last day of Phase 2 in 645, which meant doing the cardio workout again. The routine is the same, seven moves back to back, and all are moves that have been done during the program (or slight variations on them). This time they only did three rounds and then a longer cooldown stretch at the end. My cardio is still not great, but it is getting better so the program was challenging. The seal jacks and the plank walkouts definitely wore me out in this workout.

App Review: CBS News


This app allows you to watch either archived/on-demand news clips and stories or watch a live feed of CBS News. During the times when some news program is regularly airing on CBS, such as during the evening news or Sunday morning, you can watch it live. On the off-peak times, the "live" feed are top stories that get played on a loop. So, if you just had it playing in the background, the stories are going to be recycled. It does cut in for breaking news or newsworthy press conferences though. So how much of a recycled feel you will get can vary depending on the particular day's news. As others have said, the Fire Stick version can be glitchy. Content-wise, however, it is good, and it does not require a subscription to CBS All Access (now Paramount+) to use it.

Supplement Review: Nutrivein Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules


Some people swear by Apple Cider Vinegar to help with anything from weight loss to digestive health. I did not really see any kind of benefit from using it. The capsules are easy to swallow but do have a bit of a vinegar aftertaste if you do not keep drinking water or whatever you use to swallow it after you get them down. If you are one of those people who can swallow pills without water, I would not recommend it for these.

Food Review: Frito Lay Fun-Times Mix


This is a good variety of frito-lay vending machine snacks, for much cheaper than you will pay to buy them from a vending machine (if you were to do so every day). You get a couple of varieties of  Doritos, Cheetos, sun chips, sour cream and onion chips, pretzels, and white cheddar popcorn. And, it is available on subscribe and save on Amazon, so you can automatically reorder at whatever interval works for you. This is a good way to snack without overdoing it (assuming you do not eat multiple bags at a time).

Product Review: ACT Restoring Mouthwash


It is a smaller bottle of ACT restoring mouthwash. It is good for traveling or taking to an office to use after lunch. It is not overpowering, nor does it burn like some mouthwashes do, because it does not have any alcohol. It is nice to have available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon, because, at least for me, it is easy to run out of because I am not always thinking about picking it up when I go to the store.

Product Review: OneBlade Refills


This is a three-pack of refill blades for the Norelco OneBlade. I have very sensitive skin and have tried nearly every razor and blade type imaginable (at least it seems that way) trying to find one that works without giving me ingrown hairs and razor burn. Of everything I have tried, these are by far the best. I love that you can use them wet with shaving cream, or dry. While I still get some razor bumps after shaving, I get far less with these blades than with others I have used. You need the OneBlade unit to use these, so keep that in mind. But I definitely recommend these.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Product Review: Amazon Basic Disinfecting Wipes


These are Amazon brand cleaning wipes that are pretty much identical to the name-brand wipes (and more heavy-duty than other off-brand wipes) that you can get at a grocery store or one of the club stores for a comparable cost (or less in some cases). These are the kinds of items that I personally tend to forget to pick up while I am out shopping, so having these available on subscribe and save is very handy. They are definitely worth the pickup.

Product Review: Graphique Marilyn Monroe Wall Calendar - 16-Month 2020 Calendar


This 2020 calendar has a great mix of Marilyn Monroe's well-known, iconic shots, such as her dress blowing up over the street grate from the Seven Year Itch promotional shots (although a side view as opposed to the straight-on shot that is the most famous one) with other lesser-known pictures. There are some pictures that even if you get a calendar featuring Marilyn every year, as I do, may still be new to you. 

The calendar has a mix of black and white and color photographs. They are mostly modeling/posed pictures but a few are more candid, behind-the-scenes pictures (to the extent that any of her pictures were not staged). It has all the major US, and some international holidays listed. Definitely worth picking up.

Product Review: Clearasil Acne Control 5in1 Daily Facial Cleansing Pads


You get a decent amount of pads (90) for the price, and thankfully they do not sting when you use them as the pads did years ago. They are also available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon which is nice to have so you can have it set to deliver on a consistent basis.

Product Review: Jergens Ultra Healing Lotion


This is a large bottle of lotion, so you get a lot for your money. I tend to use it a couple of times per day at my office. It is not actively scented and any natural scent it does have dissipates after a few minutes (if that). It is available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon which I have set to send every six months. If you are one that has issues with dry skin, I definitely recommend it.

Product Review: WELIKERA 12V 100W Cordless Handheld Vacuum


This is good for picking up things like when a bunch of cereal falls on the floor, or a plant tips over and you want to get the dirt up. However, it does not have the suction power to be effective on things like stairs and high-traffic areas where dirt may be ground into the carpet or pet hair which may be embedded in the carpet. Basically, it is good to pick up quick surface spills, but that is it.

Product Review: Clorox Spray 2-Pack and Sponges


This is a good cleaning product, and the extra sponges that you get with it are an added bonus. The only drawback is that you get one spray head that you have to remove from one bottle when it is empty and put on the second bottle. And, you may (like I did) get a spray head that is defective (the one that came with mine requires me to tip the bottle at a weird angle to get anything to come out and drips all over my hand). It would have been much better if both bottles just had the spray head attached like would be the case if you were to buy it in the store. Aside from that, however, it is a very good cleaner which is great to have as a subscribe-and-save item on Amazon so you can have them delivered at whatever interval works for you..