
Welcome to my ever-evolving blog. It started out as a blog on Beachbody workouts and products, mainly when I was a Beachbody coach. I no longer coach, not because I don't believe in Beachbody's programs (I subscribe to Beachbody on Demand and use their workouts every day), I am just not a salesperson and hated that aspect of it. I am more than willing to answer questions about my experiences with their products and the various workouts, and I feel freer to do so without the appearance of giving a biased review of something.

I have also started adding reviews for various things I have purchased like movies, books, CDs, and other products. This was brought about by a fight with Amazon in which all of my reviews were removed over a completely bullshit allegation that I posted a review that violated their terms of service. After going back and forth with the morons in the community-reviews department (even after they admitted that my posts did not violate their guidelines) they restored my account (which took them six months to do), but I have been posting my reviews on my blog to have them preserved in case something like that happens again. And here, I will post uncensored reviews so I will swear from time to time and post reviews that may be longer than Amazon's character limit. Everything I post here on any topic or product is my personal opinion, and I take no compensation for any product reviews I post. I am a member of Amazon's vine program and because I get those products for free, I keep those reviews on Amazon only, but everything I have purchased with my own money, whether from Amazon or some other store/website/outlet, I will post here.  

I also plan to do some longer blog posts on various topics, such as how to learn physics, how to get through calculus, and longer reviews of workout programs as I do them. Basically, whatever strikes me as interesting at the time.  As you can see if you navigate around the blog, I had many years in between postings. During that time I was going back to school to get an engineering degree, and learning material that I avoided my first time through college was a different experience and one that gave me a lot of insight into how to do well in those classes, which I will try to impart here for those who are looking to get a science or engineering degree. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Book Review: How to Make Patent Drawings


This is a companion to the great book Patent It Yourself. I have the 7th edition, which was published in 2015. This edition put the focus on drafting the drawings on paper, which is hardly ever done now, and had a focus on drawings for actual mechanical devices. The one thing it was lacking was a good discussion of how to do drawings for computer-related inventions (which a lot of times are block diagrams and/or flowcharts) in which a lot of times you are patenting a method or an algorithm and may or may not also be patenting a physical system or device. The book does, however, give a good breakdown of the various Patent Office rules regarding drawings, which can be a pain to deal with. Given that any patent application that requires drawings (which is almost all of them) is not considered complete until the drawings are turned in, they must be done correctly.

There is a decent discussion (although it hopefully has been updated in the new edition) on using computer programs to create the drawings. There is a basic discussion for using CAD programs and the authors do provide the names of some programs to use. Hopefully, an updated edition will have a chapter about creating drawings using Visio (which is a program that many professionals use) and what software is better for different types of drawings than others. For example, some software programs are better for mechanical drawings and some programs are better for block diagrams. 

The more you can do the drawings yourself, the more money you will save. Drawings tend to take a lot of time even for patent attorneys, and there are some drawings that even attorneys who like to do their own drawings have to send out to professional drafters. As I said in my review for Patent it Yourself, I would not begrudge anyone who wants to save money when trying to obtain a patent. It is a very long and expensive process even if you do it yourself. Likewise, I would not criticize anyone who makes the decision after reading Patent it Yourself that he or she does not want anything to do with tackling the patent process on their own. If you are going to try it yourself, I definitely think reading through this and the book Patent it Yourself is a good idea. Going through that material will, at the very least, give you an idea of what to expect and allow you to make an informed decision. And, if you do decide to hire a professional, the more you know about the process and can provide helpful input, the easier (and less expensive) the process is likely to be. And, the better drawings you can provide the professionals up front, the easier and less expensive the process tends to be.

Product Review: SEOH 1000ml Graduated Glass Erlynmeyer Flask


This is a pretty basic graduated Erlenmeyer flask. The only thing to note is that the opening is pretty wide so if you plan on getting one to use the old baking soda-vinegar balloon trick for a chemistry or thermodynamics class, this will not work for that. For anything else you may need one for, however, this will be fine assuming you need one with this much capacity.

Product Review: Apple Pencil (1st Generation)


I have this along with an iPad Pro. Aside from the fact that you have to charge it, unlike passive styluses, it is perfect. Even so, the charging is quick and can be done by plugging it into the lightning port on the iPad itself, or you can connect it to a charger through an adapter that comes with the pencil. It also comes with an extra tip. It is fairly easy to set up, although the instructions are printed in tiny print that is hard to read. Basically, you just make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your iPad, plug the pencil into the lightning port, and tell it to pair when the dialog box pops up.

If you are a student taking notes for class on an iPad or iPad Pro, it is indispensable. There is little to no lag/latency (at least not that is noticeable like there was on the first generation pen tablets), it is easy to control, and if you get one of the screen protectors that mimic the feel of paper (I use the Sapper paper-like screen protector) you can barely tell any difference from writing on paper. It does take a little getting used to because it does not feel exactly like a pen-and-paper writing experience, but once you get the feel of it, it is very close.

Product Review: Apple iPad Pro 12.9" (2017 Model)


I got this to basically use two apps, Notability and Dropbox. I recently finished an electrical engineering degree and have my class notes in a bunch of different notebooks and three-ring binders. I use Notability to transfer my paper notes to an electronic format and back them up to Dropbox. I also use Dropbox for work so I can access any work files on the iPad when I am on the bus going to and from work.

The setup is extremely easy, especially if you already have an iPhone. You can just connect to it via your phone and it will automatically connect to your Wi-Fi, have your Apple ID settings (you still have to enter your ID and password, but can skip most of the setup screens) entered, and know any other apps you have downloaded.

For what I use the iPad for 64 GB is plenty big, but obviously, the more expensive models can get you a lot more. I got the 12.9" model expressly for taking notes since you can mimic an 8.5 x 11" piece of paper. For anyone who is just going to use it for school or work, it is a perfect size. If you plan on using it as a more traditional tablet (surfing the internet, reading e-books, etc.) you may want to get one of the smaller models since this is larger and heavier and gets to be kind of a pain to hold and maneuver.

Product Review: Filtrete Advanced Under Sink Quick Change Water Filtration System


I installed this in the process of installing a new faucet, so the whole process was a bit more complex than it probably normally would be. My only complaint with the process is that the written instructions contradicted the arrows on the filter housing showing the input and output sides (go with what is on the actual housing). Once you get that figured out, it is a pretty easy process. 

There is a slight dip in water pressure when running cold water, but it is still much better than the faucet mount filter where when you switch it to filter the water it dribbles out and takes forever to fill up a pan, large water bottle, or pitcher. It is also a lot better than filling up a pitcher that has a filter in it and you have to wait for the water to drip through the filter and have to fill the upper chamber at least twice, to fill the pitcher up. And, the water does taste good after being filtered. I definitely recommend this.

Product Review: Valisy Brushed Nickel Stainless Steel Single Handle Pull Down Sprayer Spring Kitchen Sink Faucet


I have a townhouse that was built in the early to mid-1970s and built with very cheap materials. I have been looking to replace the faucet with an inexpensive but nice pull-down faucet, and this one has been great. It was very easy to install. The instructions were written in somewhat broken English but were easy enough to follow. I also installed an under-sink water filter while I was putting this in which added a little bit of complexity to it, but honestly, the hardest part was getting the old faucet off. I would definitely recommend this if you are looking for a replacement faucet but do not necessarily want (or need) to get a high-end faucet.

Book Review: Patent Ease: How to Write Your Own Patent Application


This book is mostly useless. It does have a couple of good tips (like how to differentiate your invention from what already exists), but it is not anywhere near detailed enough to sit down and write your own quality patent. While the author does give some wording tips for the specifications and roughly describes how to do things like diagram the invention, the author only scratches the surface. And some of the advice in the book (like the "post office patent" idea which the author admittedly says is a long shot that the courts may not accept (they will not)) is not even worth considering. There is no in-depth discussion about how to write claims. The claims are the most important part of the patent and something patent bar study prep courses spend multiple sessions (2-3 hours) discussing. Nor does he go into enough detail about what can and cannot be patented, or how to do a sufficient prior-art search. Prior art searches are not something that you have to do before writing a patent, but it is a good idea to know what it is and how to do one so you can decide whether you want to look for prior art before you spend the time to write your own patent. 

It seems that this was originally an ebook which was then printed in hardcopy because he references a lot of blank forms (some of which are reprinted in the book) and his sample patent (parts of which are reprinted), but there is no information about how those purchasing the book can get access to them. On a more picky point, the font that they used when printing the book is horrible. The type is so small, that if you have poor eyesight at all, it will be difficult to read.

While I do think the book is mostly useless, I would not call it completely useless. The main issue with the book is that it is not nearly as detailed as what you would need to successfully write your own patent application. Certainly, patent agents and attorneys are very expensive and I would not begrudge anyone who does not want to spend the kind of money that it would take to have a professional write the application. That said, the process of applying for a patent is very detailed and mistakes (even minor ones) can lead to the application getting rejected outright or, even if the patent is granted, still make it very difficult, if not impossible, to enforce your rights. There is a lot that goes into the process and it has to be done right. 

If this book is paired with the much more detailed and substantive DIY book, Patent it Yourself, some of the information in this book, when used in conjunction with Patent it Yourself can be helpful. But, this book alone is not going to give you everything you need to know to write a quality patent (or anywhere near it). Nor does it give you enough information to make an informed decision about whether you actually want to attempt to write a patent application on your own or whether you want to seek out professional help, whether through a law firm or one of the pro-bono services inventors can use. 

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 51

Day 51 was somewhat of a return to the normal workout routine. In the morning I did the lower body flexibility routine in XB and for 645 I did the total body power de-load workout.  

The XB routine was exactly the same as the last time I did it. The 645 workout was hard, even doing fewer reps and having the longer warm-up. The last block was four sets of depth drops, which was hard mainly because the cast was joking with each other the entire time, and doing them when trying not to laugh is tricky because it is easy to have your concentration broken.

Workout Update: 645 and XB Stretch Hybrid - Day 50

 Day 50 was the start of week 8 in 645, which is the de-load week which meant lower-body strength, and in XB I did the lower back routine.

Today was actually kind of a crappy workout day because I had to take a family member to the hospital for same-day surgery. I did the quick XB routine in the morning like usual, but I was not able to get to the 645 workouts until late at night, almost the time I would be in bed reading and winding down. But, I did get it done albeit modifying a lot more and definitely not going with a normal intensity..

Friday, September 1, 2023

Product Review: Sumnacon 16 Inch Bath Grab Bar


I installed mine into drywall just outside the tub/shower. At the time, I had a shower with the sliding glass doors which made it a bit of a pain to step out of the tub without something to hold on to. This is relatively easy to install, with the caveat that you may not have instructions in the box, but one of the pictures in the item description on Amazon shows you exactly what to do. You will need a wrench or nut driver, a drill, a hammer (if you are using the drywall anchors), and a Phillips head screwdriver. I used the drill to get all but one of the screws in, so, all in all, it took me about 20 minutes to install. I can pull on it with all my body weight (I'm about 215 lbs) and it does not move or come loose at all. I had considered getting one with the suction ends, but all the reviews I saw, even for the more highly rated and more expensive ones, mentioned them losing suction at some point. This definitely feels very safe, the issue with the lack of in-the-box instructions aside, I definitely recommend it.

Product Review: Zober Under Bed Storage - Pack of 2 Under Bed Storage Containers


These are perfect for storing out-of-season clothes under a standard bed. They are long enough to fit under a full-size bed without being noticeable. If you have a queen or king even more so. They are pretty durable, although I would not say they are so durable that over-packing them would be wise. They are definitely, a good choice if you are light on closet space.

Product Review: Samsung Xpress C430W Wireless Color Laser Printer


I got this after my color inkjet printer died. It has an easy setup. You can either connect it directly to your Wi-Fi using the WPS button on your router, or you can use the installation CD. There is also an app available that you can use to monitor the toner level. It comes with smaller toner cartridges to start with, and the replacements are pricey (about $30 to $60 depending on the color). The good thing is that they are all separate so you can replace a cartridge when it runs out of toner without having to buy them all at once, and they last a long time. Since I purchased this in 2018 I have only had to replace the cartridges one time (at different times) with light to moderate use. It is usually more cost-effective, however, to buy the toner cartridges in a pack than it is to get them one by one. The app allows you to connect to your Amazon account and automatically order replacement cartridges when they get low. 

My only complaint is that this drops off Wi-Fi a lot. More than any other wireless printer I have ever had. And, it can be a gigantic pain in the ass to get it reconnected. Sometimes it is as easy as just unplugging it and plugging it back in. Other times, you have to redo the entire initial setup to get it reconnected. If not for the life of the toner and the fact that it has good print quality I would have found something else, but given that the Wi-Fi issue is more irritating than anything else, I live with it.. 

Product Review: Business Source Products - Bookend Supports


I got these to use on floating shelves next to my fireplace that I have books and other nick-nacks on. They are pretty standard bookends. They easily up a row of hardcover and softcover books just fine.

Product Review: Black Mountain Products Single Stackable Resistance Band


I have a set of stackable resistance bands with the lowest level of resistance being 10 lbs. I got this so I could stack the bands in 5lb increments. After a couple of years of using this, I have no complaints. It is very sturdy and high quality. Obviously, wear and tear is the measure of how good any band is, so I will update this review if need be down the line. But so far, it works as expected.

Product Review: Black Mountain Heavy Duty Resistance Band Handles


I got these to use with a set of stackable resistance bands that have clip handles. The set of resistance bands only came with a pair of handles which sometimes were a pain to change during workouts if I wanted to use a different band or combination of bands. I have only used these for quite a few workouts, and they have held up fine for a couple of years now.

Product Review: zitriom Premium Office Chair Caster Wheel Universal Standard Size


I have an office chair that lost one wheel during a move. These fit perfectly into a standard rolling chair base. It would be nice if you could order just one at a time, but at least I have extras should I ever need another one.

Product Review: Blue Sky 2019 Monthly Wall Calendar


I purchased this calendar because it has larger "blocks" for the days of the week so I can keep track of workouts. It is very good for that kind of thing, or for those who need to keep track of doctor appointments or just generally need a calendar that gets filled up, but does not want to keep track of everything on their phone or in a daily planner they carry around.

Product Review: Marilyn Monroe Wall Calendar (2019)


This is a 16-month calendar with a mix of black and white and color photos of Marilyn. They are a combination of pictures that are from some of the well-known photo shoots of her, and others that are lesser-known, some of which I have never seen before (and I get a calender featuring her every year). Each month also includes an inspirational phrase printed on the picture. I am not sure that any of them are actual quotes that Marilyn ever said, but I think they are something that some people may like and others may find a bit silly. Overall though, it is a good choice for a 2019 Marilyn calendar for those of you who, like me, get one every year.

Product/Food Review: Maggi Seasoning Cubes


Maggi seasoning is good for a variety of foods, including soups and Asian dishes. I bought these because the liquid Maggi seasoning is becoming harder to find in stores in my area. It provides the same flavoring as the liquid, but the drawback to the cubes is that it is harder to control the amount so it is easier to over-season or under-season whatever you are putting it in. After a few times of using them, you will get used to how many cubes you will need to use. If you order these on Amazon, I would hold out for when it is offered with Prime shipping, otherwise, you may have to wait quite a while to get them delivered.

Monday, August 28, 2023

App Review: Curiosity Stream


Curiosity Stream is an app that has educational documentaries. While this is a free download you do have to have a subscription to watch anything. It has hours of documentaries available (I am partial to the Astronomy/spaced-based ones) and it would be nearly impossible to get through them all. If you are generally a fan of documentaries and want more than what is available on other streaming services, this is a great addition.

Product Review: Amazon Basics 6 foot HDMI Cable


I bought this to hook up a UHD blu-ray to an LG 4K TV. It is a great, inexpensive cable (especially when compared to the cost of ones in box stores) that provides great sound and picture. I have not had issues with either the cable or the picture from the 4k player to the TV since using this to play several 4k discs over the past couple of years. 6 feet is the perfect length for the setup I have, and I think will be fine for most people. I definitely recommend it for those looking for a high-speed HDMI cable.

Product Review: DisplayPort to VGA Adapter, Benfei DP DisplayPort to VGA 6 Feet Cable Male to Male Gold-Plated Cord


I got this because I have an older VGA monitor that has a serial port connection on the other end. This has a VGA on one end and a display port connector (not USB) on the other. So if your computer does not have a display port connection, you will need to get a display port to USB adaptor. They have them on Amazon, but none at a reasonable price, so you may want to shop around. 

Once I got the second adaptor this worked great to allow for another monitor for my laptop. This would be perfect if had a USB connection on the other as an alternative to the display port connection so you did not have to get another connector to use it if your computer does not already have a display port connection. That knocks it down a star for me, but otherwise, it works well.

Product Review: LG Electronics 86UK6570 86-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV (2018 Model)


I have had the 86" version of this TV for a few years and have not had any problems with it or any big complaints. I love the fact that it has 4 HDMI ports so I can hook up all the devices I have (PlayStation 4, 4K UHD blu-ray player, a region-free regular blu ray player, and a Roku) to it without having to use a splitter. I also have an HD antenna hooked up to it, and another nice point is that you can tell it your zip code, and it will give you a guide to all the over-the-air channels. It does come with a sling TV app, along with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Peacock, MAX, and the like. I have a Roku soundbar so most of the time, when I watch shows through any of those apps, I use the Roku versions.

It will definitely take a couple people to set up. It comes in a 130lb box that is about 8 feet long and 4+ feet tall, so one person will not be able to maneuver it much at all. The one I got came with just the regular LG remote, not the "magic" remote that has more functionality. The picture and sound quality have been great with UHD discs, regular blu-rays, and even over-the-air channels. I used to have it sitting on two Ikea shelves I laid on their side and put side by side (so about 10 feet long give or take with the two together). The stand is just wide enough to fit on that setup. I have had a stand custom-built for it, but you can wall mount it or keep it on the floor (depending on your seating situation). It was pricey when I bout it, but it was definitely worth the price.

Product Review: CorLiving Bakersfield TV Stand


I got this to put a 55" TV on. It does seem pretty sturdy once you get it together, but the instructions are not the greatest (due in part to the fact that the pieces are not labeled very well) and it was not easy to tell what all of the pieces were just by looking at them and matching them up to the instructions.

I ended up getting it together with some pieces backward, so the inner pieces that act as separators in the lower part would not go in. Instead of taking it apart and putting it back together I just left it as is. It has been stable and the TV fits on it (although just barely, so if you have anything bigger than 55", depending on the stand that acts as the base of the TV, this will probably be too small). With those provisos it is decent.

Product Review: UHOO Lanyard


I have this to carry a bus card and a door pass for the building I work in. There are two pockets, although only one side is see-through, which may or may not be an issue for you depending on what you put in it. It is very sturdy and has a strap that can go around your neck and is strong enough that it will not fall off. I definitely recommend it.