The 22-episode third season aired during the 2012-2013 TV season. It picks up after a short time jump from the events that ended season two, with Percy being killed and Amanda dispatched (and now on the run). Nikita (Maggie Q) is now back in the fold at Division, running it along with Michael (Shane West) and a CIA analyst named Ryan Fletcher (Noah Bean). They are trying to hunt down Amanda (Melinda Clarke) who is now fully the series' "big bad" and Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) has mended fences with Nikita and is again a part of the team. The show continues to blend mission-of-the-week self-contained stories with the larger arcs that run throughout the season. The big story arc being the cat-and-mouse game between Amanda and Nikita/Division that plays out throughout the entire season. The season ends on a minor cliffhanger, although a fairly closed-ended one because the showrunners were not sure whether the series would get a fourth season.
The Blu-Ray set is a four-disc set. As was the case with the first two seasons, the A/V quality is stellar, but the bonus content was very scaled back from the prior physical media releases. There are only 11 minutes of deleted scenes and a five-minute gag reel—much less than the season one and two releases received. Overall, the season was very good, even though the ratings did not really reflect the quality. This season definitely took the show in another direction, which was good, and necessary to keep it from becoming stale. All of the actors did a wonderful job with their characters, and the new cast members fit in well with the existing cast. So, if you liked the first couple of seasons this is definitely worth sticking with. If you are a fan of action/dramas and are looking for a show you have not seen, you definitely need to see seasons one and two to really track what is going on in season three since most of the characters are established and the serial storylines are an extension of the prior seasons.